September 2022 - Your wellness sector isnโ€™t in focus, but Jupiter, your health planet, continues its journey through Aries and a high-powered zone. Your health might be related to any stress and strain you feel at work. There could be a temptation to aim high and perhaps take on more than you can reasonably manage.

Youโ€™ll need to be honest with yourself and perhaps lower your expectations so can you avoid putting quite so much pressure on yourself.

Regular exercise can also help you maintain a positive and focused frame of mind. If you make this a daily habit, youโ€™ll find that your energy level naturally increases.

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More Horoscopes for Cancer

Cancer Compatibility and Traits

Cancer Sign Compatibility

Cancer Star Dates and Traits


As a water sign, Cancers feel deeply, though will often keep these sentiments hidden under their shell.

They are intuitively nurturing and love to take care of the people around them. They have a reputation for being moody and aren't always the best at unpacking their feelings with others. They often opt to sort out their issues alone.Learn More

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