Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. Some Sun Signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!





8/10 Another sign

It’s love at first sight when Taurus meets Cancer. Both are a great match because they have similar energy levels, dispositions, and desires in life. They both have an eye for design, protective natures, and a high sex-drive that keeps them interested for a long time. 

Taurus and Cancer have a lot in common: both are homebodies, deeply loyal, and very sentimental. If a Taurus and Cancer went to the movies on their first date, they would each save the ticket stub as a keepsake (and possibly put it in a scrapbook). Taurus and Cancer both crave stability and security in life. They want to build a happy home, settle down, and have a family. They both just want to be loved. 

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This pairing also balances each other out nicely. Cancer can get a little moody, but Taurus’ easygoing nature can lighten them up. Cancer’s imagination can spark joy in Taurus, who often thinks too much in practicalities. Taurus wants to be seen as a good provider, while Cancer wants to take care of Taurus and shower them with love and affection. All in all, this pairing is the definition of domestic bliss. 

Another great thing about a Taurus and Cancer pairing is that they both have high sex drives and are deeply affectionate. They could go all night if they want. Taurus is a very physical and sensual lover and will gladly spoil Cancer in the bedroom. Cancer, who loves giving more than receiving, will give Taurus the attention and care they desire. Taurus is dominant, which pleases the submissive Cancer. Creative Cancer can also gently push Taurus to explore different positions and kinks in the bedroom without scaring them. Both if you were to ask what this couple enjoys most about lovemaking, they’ll give the same answer: cuddling.

One issue this couple may struggle with is Taurus’ bluntness and Cancer’s sensitivity. Taurus doesn’t like to mix words and usually just says what they feel with little self-editing or regard to personal feelings. Cancer has a lot of feelings and emotions. If Taurus says something offensive—even without meaning to—they can deeply hurt Cancer’s feelings and can cause a fight. Taurus isn’t the most emotional sign and will still be surprised, or even annoyed by, Cancer’s big emotional reaction. Cancer could be crying about spilt milk, and Taurus will go, “What are you crying for? It’s just milk!” But it’s not about the milk. Taurus only looks at the surface issues, while Cancer sees and feels the issues underneath. 

Another issue is that Taurus has a very stubborn personality. When this sign decides something, it’s written in stone. So, if Cancer disagrees or is unhappy with Taurus’ decisions, they may not say anything to avoid conflict (arguing with Taurus is like arguing with a wall). But the hurt feelings and resentment will stick.  

While this love affair is written in the stars, it’s important that the pair actively communicate to keep the relationship healthy. Taurus should always watch how they speak to Cancer and not to get frustrated when Cancer loses it over something minor. (Hint: it’s usually about something bigger.) Cancer should actively tell Taurus how they feel if something upsets them—the Bull isn’t a mind reader. If they do this, they have a great chance at a happily ever after.

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