Taurus Sign Dates & Traits

Taurus Zodiac Sign

Taurus Facts

Bull  |  Apr 20 - May 20

Dependable, musical, practical

Dependable, musical, practical

Element: Earth

Polarity: Negative

Quality: Fixed

Ruling Planet: Venus

Ruling House: Second

Spirit Color: Pink

Lucky Gem: Emerald

Flower: Rose, Poppy, & Foxglove

Top Love Matches: Cancer & Virgo

Taurus, the second sign in the zodiac, belongs to those born between the dates of April 20th and May 20th. Learn all about the Taurus sign below.

Taurus Zodiac Sign Traits

Smart, ambitious, and trustworthy, Taurus is the anchor of the Zodiac. Amazing friends, colleagues, and partners, Taureans value honesty above all else and are proud that their personal relationships tend to be drama free. Bulls get the reputation of being stubborn, but they're not always stuck in their ways. This searching sign is willing to see another point of view, but they won't flip-flop on an opinion just to make someone else happy. They will shift their thinking only if they truly have a change of heart.

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With a rep as one of the hardest-working signs in the Zodiac, a Bull is never afraid to roll up those sleeves and get to work, and won't blink an eye at pulling an all-nighter to get the job done. But it's not all work for a Taurus sign. Anchored by the earth, this passionate sign is all about sensuality, and is always seeking out pleasure. Whether they're indulging in luxurious massages, spending hours in bed with their lover, or going on a long run, Taureans love feeling present in their body and frequently need to get in touch with their physical self.

When it comes to love, Taureans are all about honesty, which is why a first date with a Bull may resemble a job interview. They're not being rude—they're built for partnerships and are simply trying to see if you're a good fit at the start. And once you begin dating a Taurus, forget about white lies. A Taurus would much rather hear that an outfit is unflattering than endure hollow compliments. Taurus will hold a grudge against someone who lies, even if it's a lie just to make them feel happy. In bed, Taurus is a giving lover—as long as their partner steps it up and makes sure to give as well as receive pleasure! Detail-oriented Taurus may seem nitpicky (even in the bedroom, a mid-romp critique may not be unusual), but that's not because they want to offend. They simply demand the best, and they expect the people in their life to deliver.

While Taurus signs have an intense internal drive, they sometimes have trouble respecting authority, especially if asked to do something they think is pointless or should be done differently. Learning to be flexible and go with the flow can be an advantage to Taurus. And while Taureans have a rich internal life, they value external attributes and may overlook someone who doesn't have the perfect outfit, car, or resume. Learning the benefits of getting to know someone before writing them off can be a lifelong lesson to a Taurean, especially in love, where they might be too hasty to write off a perfect match.

Taurus in Love

Ruled by Venus, a Taurus in love is sensual to the max and very connected to their physical bodies. A Taurus must feel physical attraction from the start if a romance is going to take off. But those who want to seduce Taurus first have to get past the formidable external barriers this sign places in front of them...

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Taurus Friendship Style

"Friends forever" is a cliché probably dreamed up by a Taurus. When it comes to friendship, once you're in with a Bull, you're in for life. Bulls aren't just loyal, they're also fun, with a witty streak that always keeps you laughing. They don't take friendship lightly, and remember birthdays, anniversaries, and other key events, often with a card or gifts...

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Taurus Career, Money & Success Traits

Taurus greatest career strength: Persistence. A Taurus will look at a project, break it down into steps, and get things done, even if it means burning the midnight oil. Taurus never utters the words "too busy" and quickly becomes a cherished member of any work team...

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Taurus' Motto

"Nothing worth having comes easy."

Taureans are amazing! Their name says it all:
T for trailblazing
A for ambitious
U for unwavering
R for reliable
U for understanding
S for stable

Read today's horoscope

Taurus' Greatest Gifts

Persistent and hardworking, once a Taurus sets a goal, it will get done—despite any obstacles that may come up. While becoming friends with a Taurus can be tough since they're so particular about who they want in their social circle, once you're in, you're in for life. Taurus doesn't get pulled down by gossip or petty drama. They'll always see the best in their loved ones and buoy them up when they're feeling down

Taurus' Greatest Challenges

Yes, they're hardworking, but they're also lazy. How is that even possible? Because Bulls are so driven by their own internal compass, they sometimes have trouble pivoting to fulfill someone else's demands, which can lead to tough times at work or school. Learning to consider others' viewpoints is a lifelong lesson for all Taureans.

Taurus' Secret Weapon

Willpower. Think of its symbol, the bull (or even a bulldozer), and you've got an idea of how Taurus gets things done. They push, roll over, and dominate whatever challenges they're facing until those challenges are history. They're also a model for perseverance—when a Bull decides to do something, they get it done.

The 5 Top Reasons to Love Being a Taurus

  1. Taurus' symbol, the Bull, not only exemplifies strength, it's also an immediate visual representation that shows the sign's bravery, passion, and determination.
  2. Taurus is one of the best lovers of the Zodiac. With careful attention to detail, Bulls always satisfy others—and know exactly how to satisfy themselves, too.
  3. Bulls are powerfully resilient. Nothing can bring this sign down, and adversity only makes them stronger.
  4. Taurus' ruling planet, Venus, rules love and money, and Taureans are gifted in finding both.
  5. Bulls are adept at making their vision become reality. They are amazing artists, engineers, and designers, able to work through problems to bring about their vision.

Famous Taurus