Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. Some Sun Signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!





9/10 Another sign

When you know, you know. And that’s the once-in-a-lifetime, knock-your-socks-off, knee-buckling, life-changing, nothing-will-ever-be-the-same-again feeling that Cancer and Scorpio get from each other from the moment they first lock eyes across the room. These are two people who fundamentally, intrinsically, and instinctively just “get” each other—and that’s all these two intense signs desire. 

For them, there are no words needed to describe how they feel for each other—which is a good thing, because verbal communication is not always the most comfortable for two water signs. These two zodiac signs are both much more comfortable in the realm of keenly and intensely felt feelings. As two romantics to the core of their being, they don’t even believe that words can describe the depth and strength of their emotional bond. 

Love CompatibilityLove CompatibilityZodiac love compatibility is complex...
Find out whether you and your partner are a perfect match!

In the zodiacal wheel, Cancer and Scorpio’s solar energies connect in a trine—the most pleasing, fortuitous, and harmonious aspect one can hope to see in a romantic pairing. It means that there is an effortless blending of their two distinct modes of operating. 

Scorpio’s fixed nature gives Cancer the security and stability that the Crab has sought after their entire life. While it may take them some time to commit or accept other people into their circle, once a Scorpio opens their heart to someone, their loyalty will last a lifetime. Luckily for Cancer, they are granted access to Scorpio’s inner world much more quickly than any other sign. 

For Cancer, their cardinal energy appears strong and powerful to Scorpio. These two qualities are the ones most admired by Scorpio, being ruled by Mars (god war) and Pluto (god of the Underworld). Combining these planetary energies with the lunar qualities of the moon is the perfect marriage of passionate, action-oriented, sexual desire—with loyal and loving feelings combined. Indeed, their nights together promise to be intense and transformative for the pair of them, inspiring them to deepen their commitment to one another. 

Additionally, as both desire true intimacy with their partner, Scorpio sees Cancer as someone whose courage is off the charts. Being vulnerable is no easy task.  Scorpio honors that bravery with fierce loyalty. 

Where this otherwise celestially supercouple may run into issues is in the fact that Cancer and Scorpio both have a tendency to lean towards jealousy and possessiveness. Both are sensitive to betrayals, whether real or imagined, and can experience deep wounds to their heart and psyche if they feel their beloved has fallen for another person.

As long as both parties work on their inner confidence, this is a pairing that is designed to go the distance. If both people can save their hard exteriors for the outside world and let each other in on their soft side, this couple’s future is written in the stars.

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