September 2024 - On September 1, Uranus stations retrograde in your financial realm, encouraging you to innovate your approach to acquiring resources over the next five months. On the same day, Pluto retrograde enters Capricorn to help you release unhealthy power dynamics related to your career.

On the second, the Virgo new moon energizes your mind, body, and soul. This is a beautiful time to set your intentions for the future and consider how you can share your incredible gifts with others. An opportunity regarding work could arrive. Mars enters intuitive Cancer on September 4, awakening your emotional world. This can heighten sensitivity, so be sure to process your feelings before responding.

September Premium HoroscopeSeptember Premium HoroscopeWe are not going to lie, the month ahead comes with its fair share of intense aspects! September is a month that will keep you on your toes.

Mercury enters Virgo on the ninth, which helps you communicate your expertise with precision. The Pisces eclipse on September 17 beckons you into the corridors of your imagination, inspiring a new creative cycle. The eclipse takes place in your realm of relaxation and endings, so your need for rest will also be highlighted.

The energy changes when the sun enters Libra on the twenty-second, activating your relationship sector. Use this opportunity to strengthen your closest bonds, form alliances, and bring your romantic visions to life. Venus enters Scorpio the same day to awaken your realm of intimacy and money. You could find yourself drawn to mysterious people or situations. Venus in motivated Scorpio elevates your drive, making you an unstoppable force, especially regarding manifestation. This is an excellent time to negotiate. Mercury enters Libra on September 26, adding a dash of charm to communication with your loved ones.

Good luck this month, Aries!

Standout days: 12, 18, 27
Challenging days: 3, 15, 29

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