Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. Some Sun Signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!





7/10 Another sign

At first glance, this couple shouldn’t work. They seem so different! Aries is bold, independent, and combative. Pisces is gentle, compassionate, and impractical. However, it is because of their differences that make them a perfect match. These two bring out the best in each other and steer them away from their worst instincts. Pisces can cool down some of Aries’ wildness, while Aries can bring shy Pisces out of their shell. Aries rules the brain while Pisces rules the imagination, so these cerebral sights have plenty to talk about. 

Fire and water rarely mix but the personality differences complement each other well. Aries is a self-assured and vivacious individual who likes to take the lead. That works well for gentle Pisces who doesn’t mind being second-in-command. Pisces' kind nature and mysterious aura brings out the sensitive romantic that Aries is. Both understand the need for intellectual stimulation, so this relationship will be a great meeting of the minds thanks to Aries’ innovative ideas and Pisces' imagination. They will never be bored with each other. 

Love CompatibilityLove CompatibilityZodiac love compatibility is complex...
Find out whether you and your partner are a perfect match!

This couple also takes care of each other in different ways. Aries is more than happy to make all the big decisions in the relationship and fight Pisces' battles because Aries loves conflict and Pisces runs from it. Pisces nurtures Aries by taking care of them and their home while showering the Ram with compliments to feed their ego. Aries has the drive to start projects and Pieces has the patience to finish them. They’re a dream team! 

The couple’s temperamental differences compliment each other well in the bedroom when heat meets sensuality. Aries will be utterly smitten by Pisces' seductive nature and mysterious allure. It’ll draw Aries in like a moth to a flame. Pisces is smitten with Aries’ bold confidence. Aries likes to be the dominant one in bed which pleases the submissive Pisces perfectly. While Pisces can be a little shy in bed, Aries’ enthusiasm can bring out their inner freak. 

What trips up this couple when they get into a disagreement is that Aries has no problem with fighting. It clears the air. However, Pisces hates conflict and will run away from any disagreement, no matter how small. Aries can get pretty passionate in a fight (even about something small) which causes Pisces to burst into tears. “Why are you crying?” Aries would ask. “You’re yelling at me! You want to break up with me!” Pisces would wail. But Aries doesn’t want to break up, they are just having an argument. Eventually what will happen is that, to avoid conflict, Pisces will just go with everything Aries wants. Unfortunately, this will breed resentment. Then, Aries will get very annoyed with Pisces because the Ram feels they can’t say anything without causing water works. Communication is key. 

To keep this relationship happy and healthy, this pair needs to learn how to communicate with one another. Aries has to watch their sharp tongue and volume of their voice when arguing because Pisces is sensitive and will take it to heart. This sign can be insecure and does not take Aries’ criticism well. If Pisces can learn that disagreements are healthy in a relationship (and not to run from them), it’ll be smooth sailing.

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