Your Scorpio Season Horoscope: Time to Transform

The days are darker and shorter, filled with crisper breezes, and there’s a certain ~spookiness~ in the air. We’re pulling those cozy sweaters and blankets out of storage, sparking up the first glorious fires of the season, snuggling up with loved ones while enjoying apple cider or pumpkin spiced sips, and baking up a storm. It must be mid-October to mid-November—also known as the time of year the sun moves through transformative, deeply emotional, magnetic water sign Scorpio.
Read Me: Your October 2019 Horoscope: Things Get Spooky
When Are Scorpio Season Dates?
From October 23 to November 22, the sun moves through the fixed water sign Scorpio, ruler of the eighth house and the realm of sex, death, rebirth, transformation, and shared resources.
What Are Scorpio Characteristics and How Do They Affect Scorpio Season?
The water sign is co-ruled by Mars, which deals with sex, action, desire, and energy, and Pluto, which oversees transformation, power, the dark, psychological underbelly of life. So it’s no wonder Scorpio season plays host to Halloween, which tows the line between exciting and dark, thrilling and unnerving, sexy and spooky.
Read Me: Why Are Scorpios So Intense? An Astrologer Answers All Your Burning Scorpio Questions
It also underscores Dia de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, which couldn’t be more fitting, given Scorpio’s comfort with the afterlife. Think of how Leo, ruled by the sun (which brings life on earth) and ruler of the fifth house of romance, creativity, and children, tends to be all about embracing joy as we go through this current life. By comparison, Scorpio, co-ruled by Pluto, the God of the Underworld and the eighth house that involves death, is especially comfortable with what lies “below the surface” or after life. Through the season’s holidays and even the changing and falling leaves, Scorpio season is characterized by these themes.
Given that Scorpios are powerful, emotional, artistic, and magnetic forces who are comfortable with the darker side of life, it’s no wonder that Scorpio season is a mysterious, romantic time that lends itself to transition, change, and growth. Scorpio season sets a tone that’s fit for honing your personal power and deepening your closest bonds.
Here’s what each sign should focus on this eason to make the most of this versatile, social, and transitional season. (Be sure to read your rising sign, too!)
Your 2019 Scorpio Season Horoscope
Courtesy of @dorianlegret
Aries (March 21–April 19)
While you wouldn’t want to portray yourself to be anything less than fully independent, it’s okay to lean into your desire to connect on a deeper emotional, psychological, and physical level with a lover or someone special while the sun moves through your eighth house of sexual intimacy. Be honest with what you need in terms of steamy, transformative bonding with a partner, as well as what you need to feel emotionally fulfilled. As an Aries, sharing your feelings isn’t your strong suit, but doing so now can feel extra empowering.
Read your full Aries monthly horoscope.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
You’ll be all about carving out one-on-one time with your significant other or a dear friend Taurus, while the sun moves through your seventh house of partnership. This is the ideal time to work toward a shared goal, whether that’s emotional or business-related. Just watch out for the fact that your tendency to get stuck on a set game plan might be amplified now. Making room for flexibility and open-mindness, especially when it comes to hearing your “other half” out, can set up an even more satisfying upshot.
Read your full Taurus monthly horoscope.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Your focus could turn to self-improvement and wanting to make the most of your daily schedule while the sun moves through your sixth house of daily routine and wellness. Given how much you like to research and explore (very Gemini traits) all your options at once, your tendency could be to get excited about a multitude of workout, clean eating, and organizational options. But you’ll do best to narrow your focus and do a deep dive on a couple of approaches that really speak to you spiritually. Working with a mentor can be productive, healing strategy.
Read your full Gemini monthly horoscope.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
While the sun moves through your fifth house of romance and fun Cancer, you’ll want to make a conscious decision to put work on hold intermittently so you can get playful! Flirtation, heartfelt interactions with loved ones, and expressing yourself creatively comes more naturally now, so take advantage by enjoying impromptu date nights or lighthearted activities you loved as a kid (like a haunted hayride or pumpkin carving). The more you can let go of the need to have definitive plans and see where the moment takes you, the more magical experiences you’re bound to have.
Read your full Cancer monthly horoscope.
Leo (July 23-August 22)
Although you’re usually up for a night out on the town and eager to bring excitement to every party you’re invited to—and there surely will be opportunities for that this season, spotlight-loving, Leo!—you might be surprised by how eager you are to stay close to home, enjoying the company of loved ones while the sun moves through your fourth house of home life. There’s no shame in focusing and prioritizing time on the people and activities that make you feel secure and cared for. Building on those aspects of your life is what this moment was made for.
Read your full Leo monthly horoscope.
Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Thanks to the sun’s trip through Virgo’s third house of communication, you’ll be a busy bee who’s tending to emails, invites, group text marathons, and all the other daily to-dos this Scorpio season. You gravitate to information-gathering, so this buzzy, chatty time fits with your wiring, but it might also leave you craving deeper, more meaningful interactions. Seek those out, as they’ll offer a respite from mental activity that can feel almost too stimulating now.
Read your full Virgo monthly horoscope.
Libra (September 23-October 22)
You might be more conscious of cash flow and spending while the sun moves through your second house of income. But it’s not just a matter of bookkeeping. You’ll be reflecting on whether or not the work you’ve been taking on and putting your energy toward is legitimately fulfilling—and if it’s paying what you know you’re worth. If it feels like it’s falling short, this is a wonderful time to own and step into your personal power. Make your case—first, to yourself Libra, and then, to higher-ups who can deliver what you deserve.
Read your full Libra monthly horoscope.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
While the sun moves through your sign, you’ll enjoy a burst of confidence that can make identifying and tackling big picture personal goals easier than usual. Whether you’ve been wanting to makeover your career path, your love life, or how you’ve been working on your fitness, you have the green light—and plenty of astrologically-endorsed “a-ha!” periods—to come up with concrete action plans and get the wheels in motion. Make sure you’re checking in with your intuition along the way, as it’s sure to be even sharper and more trustworthy than usual.
Read your full Scorpio monthly horoscope.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)
As a Sagittarius, you’re generally itching to have an adventure, explore uncharted terrain, or keep a crowd laughing while out and about, but during the sun’s trip through your twelfth house of spirituality, you’ll want more solo time and find yourself looking for opportunities to pump up your self-care. While this can be a lovely time for going deeper in therapy or advancing your meditation or yoga practice, you might also want to talk through some of what you’re learning with a trusted loved one or mentor. It’s a special time for psychological growth, but that doesn’t necessarily have to happen entirely on your own.
Read your full Sagittarius monthly horoscope.
Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
It’s true that you can accomplish whatever you set your mind to, Capricorn, but you might even get there faster or with better results when you enlist a little help from your friends! This is the lesson you’ll be zeroed in on while the sun moves through your eleventh house of friendship. Whether you’re joining forces with your colleagues on a team project at work or brainstorming business plans with your college BFFs at a reunion meet-up, feeling connected to a group can offer creative and social benefits now.
Read your full Capricorn monthly horoscope.
Aquarius (January 20-February 18)
During Scorpio season, and the sun’s trip through your tenth house of career Aquarius, you could be called on to step up to the plate and make a grand-scale presentation on the job. You might also have more frequent interactions with higher-ups or power players, and now’s the time to pitch that brilliant proposal or state your long-term goals. It’s not your M.O. to command the spotlight as a solo act, but finding a little more comfort in that now—at least around your work—can lead to professional wins.
Read your full Aquarius monthly horoscope.
Pisces (February 19-March 20)
You can look forward to expanding your skill set and breaking out of your tried-and-true routine while the sun moves through your ninth house of adventure. Though you might initially be content to stick with what you know Pisces, this is a fruitful time to tap into your innate mutability and be open to what the universe is offering up in terms of learning opportunities. Signing up for a class or planning long-distance travel could prove especially intellectually stimulating now. Plus, it could allow you to make a play for advancement on the job in the near future.
Read your full Pisces monthly horoscope.
Lead photo courtesy of @dorianlegret