December 2019 Love & Sex Horoscopes

Welcome to the holiday season—which may feel like the most whimsical time of the year. From the first sparkly snowfalls to the twinkly lights strung all over town, December lives up to its reputation as fertile ground for the year’s grand finale. The twelfth month of the year owes its magic to the sun’s two distinct trips: Sagittarius season (jovial, philosophical, and loving) and Capricorn season (pragmatic, old school, and goal-oriented).
This year, December will be brimming with opportunities to speak your truth and zero in on your truest desires. The party-packed month should help you foster a sense of centeredness as well as shed light on your fantasies. It’s the best time to express yourself and set up a plan moving forward to build on those mystical dreams.
Here’s how you can use the mystical, dream-building power of December’s planetary lineup to pinpoint and pursue your heart’s greatest desires.
Astrological ‘Love’ Dates in December 2019
December 1: Jupiter enters Capricorn
Jupiter, the planet of luck, expansion, and philosophy, makes a major move from mutable fire sign Sagittarius into cardinal earth sign Capricorn, where it remains until December 19, 2020. This transit fuels slow, steady growth that will likely urge you to put your nose to the grindstone and get down to business.
December 9: Mercury in Sagittarius
Mercury, the communication, transportation, and technology planet has spent quite some time in Scorpio. The planet went retrograde from October 31 to November 20, and then moving forward in the fixed water sign once again. But now the information-gathering planet takes a trip through mutable, adventure-loving fire sign Sagittarius, which changes the channel for communication from secretive to unfiltered.
December 11: Venus pairs up with Saturn in Capricorn
As Venus (love) challenges Saturn (rules and regulation) in Capricorn, this aspect will put relationships to the test but also step up the seriousness and interest in commitment.
December 12: Full moon in Gemini
Squaring off against dreamy Neptune, this full moon in Gemini will test our ability to pinpoint what’s real from what’s not. The key to clarity: connecting with others.
December 13: Venus pairs up with Pluto in Capricorn + Mars in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces
Two days after cozying up to Saturn, Venus (love) conjuncts Pluto (change), amplifying our need for downright game-changing adoration and soulmate-like companionship. The same day, action-oriented Mars in sexy Scorpio forms a positive, harmonizing angle to Neptune, bumping up the potential for sensuality, fantasy, and escapism between the sheets.
December 20: Venus enters Aquarius
The love planet moves out of taskmaster Capricorn and through platonic relationship-oriented Aquarius until January 13, bolstering our BFF (or friends-with-benefits) connections, pulling our hearts toward humanitarian causes, and reminding us that perhaps the happiest, healthiest foundation of even our most intimate bonds might very well be friendship.
December 21: Sun moves into Capricorn
The confidence-offering sun shifts from “life of the party” Sagittarius into goal-driven Capricorn, where it remains until January 20. It’s no coincidence that this transit hosts the season of traditions and New Year’s resolutions.
December 26: Solar eclipse in Capricorn
The last new moon and eclipse of the year comes to shake things up right on the heels of Christmas. Because Capricorn is associated with old-school, sensible action, the shifts that result from this game-changing moment might be a slower burn.
December 28: Mercury enters Capricorn
The planetary party through Capricorn is only getting started as communicator Mercury ventures into the conservative earth sign, turning the dial on self-expression from Sag’s signature direct and flashy style to Cap’s serious and pragmatic tone.
Here’s what each sign can expect in love and between the sheets this November. (If you know your rising sign, you’d do well to check out that sign’s forecast, too.)
Your Love Life in December 2019, Based on Your Sign
Courtesy of @holisticastrology
Aries (March 21 – April 19)
While communicator Mercury is in your ninth house of adventure from December 9 to 28, you’ll gravitate toward any opportunity to learn, grow, and explore—especially alongside someone special. Broadening your horizons by traveling or taking a class together can inspire you and bae to philosophize, and discuss deep, intellectually-stimulating matters. And while romantic Venus moves through your eleventh house of friendship from December 20 to January 13, say “yes” to group date invites and holiday parties with platonic connections. If you’re attached, spending time out among friends with your S.O. makes you feel like even more of a team. Or if you’re a single Aries, you could meet someone with whom you have natural rapport.
Read your full Aries love horoscope for 2019.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
You’ll be inspired to be more direct when sharing your emotions while communicator Mercury is in your eighth house of sexual intimacy from December 9 to 28. Speaking your truth makes you even more magnetic than usual, Taurus. You might also have the unusual urge to break free from your standard routine and experience something completely out of the ordinary around December 26, when the new moon eclipse is in your ninth house of adventure. You might want to take a more adventurous approach when connecting with your S.O. or a potential partner and this could be an empowering step now.
Read your full Taurus love horoscope for 2019.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
While lucky Jupiter moves through your intimate eighth house on December 2, you’ll crave and attract deeper connections. Casual hookups and undefined relationships might feel far from satisfying, as your attention focuses on a special someone with whom you see a bright future. And from December 9 to 28, when communicator Mercury moves through your seventh house of partnership, you’ll be especially motivated to dive into an important research project with your sweetheart or spend one-on-one time immersed in vibrant, witty conversation with a potential S.O. Getting those intellectual wheels turning and then sharing your most brilliant ideas can feel like the ultimate aphrodisiac.
Read your full Gemini love horoscope for 2019.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
While romantic Venus moves through your eighth house of sexual intimacy from December 20 to January 13, you’ll want to take your current connection or a new relationship to the next level. Opening your heart and sharing your most vulnerable thoughts and dreams is part of this Cancer, but so is finding common ground around the way you socialize. And around December 26, when the new moon eclipse is in your seventh house of partnership, you might be grappling with ways to strengthen your most intimate bond and feel like it’s more reciprocal. You might be understanding more about yourself in the process, too, so make sure your moves are boosting self-care and harmony.
Read your full Cancer love horoscope for 2019.
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
It’s time to set up some fireworks, Leo! Your self-expression will be amplified while information-gathering Mercury moves through your fifth house of romance from December 9 to 28. You might be inspired to try an out-of-the-box way of sharing your sweetest emotions, like writing a love poem or planning an elaborate, whimsical date. And then relationship-oriented Venus moves through your seventh house of partnership from December 20 to January 13, and you might feel less like hitting up those big holiday parties, opting instead for cuddling up with your boo. If your heart is telling you to focus your energies on one-on-one time, go for it.
Read your full Leo love horoscope for 2019.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Thanks to expansive Jupiter moving through your fifth house of romance starting on December 2, you’ll enjoy more opportunities to get in touch with your inner playful kid, having fun and doing what makes you happy. And of course, enjoying sexy, rom-com level moments with your partner or a potential match. You might also feel fed up with keeping your head down to do your work, and, in turn, put your passions on the backburner around December 26 when the new moon eclipse is also in your fifth house of romance. You’ll be stirred to break free and prioritize the activities and pursuits that make your heart happy, whether that’s a creative project or a spontaneous vacation with bae. As long as you’re trusting and following your intuition Virgo, you won’t regret the switch-up.
Read your full Virgo love horoscope for 2019.
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Your calendar is bound to be packed (more than normal), while social Venus moves through your fifth house of romance from December 20 to January 13. If you’re an attached Libra, the vibrant, festive energy can set the stage for sexy sparks with your partner. If you’re single, enjoying the company of your friends and colleagues could lead to meeting someone new and exciting. Either way, letting go of any preconceived notions of how these moments should play out can make for an organically magical, romantic time. Around December 26, when the new moon eclipse is in your fourth house of home life, you might be considering changes that could boost a feeling of emotional security. A move—maybe in with your partner or to a new city—might be in store.
Read your full Libra love horoscope for 2019.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
You’re really into learning this month as Jupiter moves through your third house of communication from December 2 up until nearly the end of 2020. The more you can add mental stimulation to the mix in your love life, the more fulfilling it will be. Spending time with loved ones and reconnecting with your roots will feel like your priority while romantic Venus moves through your fourth house starting December 20. If you’re attached, bringing your partner back to your childhood home or sharing holiday traditions with them can feel like a sweet step in your relationship. If you’re single, feeling more centered around where you came from and what makes you tick can attract someone amazing who is similarly grounded in themselves.
Read your full Scorpio love horoscope for 2019.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
From December 9 to 28, you’ll be even more likely to share your emotions in a direct, unfiltered way while Mercury takes its annual trip through your sign. Take advantage by being extra clear about your must-haves with your current partner or a new match. From there, you can explore the best—not to mention most romantic—ways to ensure your needs are met. Right after, on December 20, another planetary move urges you to speak your truth: Venus will begin to move through your third house of communication, turning up the volume on your intellectual curiosity and the need to express yourself. Opportunities to write, learn, or travel short distances with someone special can amplify your chemistry.
Read your full Sagittarius love horoscope for 2019.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
You might be surprised by how much you’re craving otherworldly, deep, game-changing love on December 13 when romantic Venus in your sign pairs up with transformative Pluto in your sign. Doing your best to be vulnerable and expressing this to that special someone can feel empowering. And around December 26 when the new moon eclipse is in your sign, you might feel like you deserve a pat on the back for all your hard work—and you absolutely do. Giving yourself credit and taking care of your personal needs will have you feeling more centered, confident, and happy—all key ingredients to being emotionally available to your partner or a potential match.
Read your full Capricorn love horoscope for 2019.
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Work has likely been your focus lately—so much so that you’ve had to hit pause on pleasure-seeking activities. But around December 13 when the full moon is in your fifth house of romance, you’ll be amped to loosen your grip on all those responsibilities in order to kick back with your sweetheart or go on a first date with someone intriguing. Allow yourself to be creative, spontaneous, and even playful in this moment—you deserve it! And around December 26, when the new moon eclipse falls in your twelfth house of spirituality, you could be compelled to face deep-seated desires that might be holding you back from fully engaging with your partner or finding someone who feels like a soulmate. This psychologically-charged self-work is daunting, no doubt… but it’s also truly powerful.
Read your full Aquarius love horoscope for 2019.
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Around December 13, when the full moon is in your fourth house of home life, taking a time-out for self-care and finding more work-life balance will feel essential for your emotional and physical health. Lean on your sweetheart or a potential match for support Pisces, as their warm words can feel extra reassuring now. Then, while romantic Venus moves through your eleventh house of friendship from December 20 to January 13, spending time with your VIPs and more distant connections warms your heart, as you’ll feel more and more like an integral part of a larger community. You’ll enjoy sharing these socially-gratifying moments with your partner. Or if you’re unattached, you might find you hit it off with someone you meet through friends.
Read your full Pisces love horoscope for 2019.
Lead photo courtesy of @ameyasrealm