Taurus Singles Horoscope
Are you ready to face reality? Seek the truth in 2019.
Loving Venus spends time in quirky Aquarius for about three weeks in March, which can be a very interesting time for your love life. You're a steady sign that doesn't like to veer too far from normal, but you're much more experimental and innovative during this transit. You're curious about trying new things and it's fun to have a willing partner. In addition to Aquarius, look for other air signs like Gemini and Libra to have some fun with.
Neptune in Pisces goes retrograde at the end of June through the end of November, which could really throw some reality into your love life. If you've been going along happily believing one thing, your world could get shaken up considerably when you learn the truth. Your intuition is spot-on right now, allowing you to get a sense of what's true despite someone's attempt at fooling you. Don't fall for anyone's lines, Taurus, especially when the truth is right there in front of you.
The end of October brings a new moon in Scorpio, which makes you extremely curious about someone new. You love a good mystery now and are drawn to people who don't (or won't) give you their life story in the first five minutes of meeting them. Are they trying to hide something? How do they feel about you? Is there a chance you could have a future together? These are just some of the questions running through your brain. Further investigation is required!