Jul 22, 2024 - Jul 28, 2024 - Start the week by practicing self-care when the sun enters Leo and your home zone on Monday. The next few weeks could be a little hectic, so try to spend as much time as you can with your loved ones. Be generous with your time by hosting family dinners and small parties.

Despite the upcoming retrograde, you’ll still have plenty of opportunities for some fun when Mercury enters Virgo and your creativity zone on Thursday. This is a great time to busy yourself with creative projects, flirt with people, and entertain yourself with concerts and movies. Have fun!

However, the week could end on a rocky note when Chiron goes into retrograde in your subconscious zone on Friday. You might spend the rest of the year building back your strength in private thanks to some buried heartbreak making its way to the surface. Find a way forward, Taurus.

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More Horoscopes for Taurus

Taurus Compatibility and Traits

Taurus Sign Compatibility

Taurus Star Dates and Traits


No one will expose you to the finer things in life quite like a Taurus.

This fixed earth sign has impeccable taste and loves to indulge. They tend to be financially responsible, but still know how to treat themselves and the ones they love. Though they do have a stubborn streak, this member of the zodiac is incredibly loyal and reliable.Learn More

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