Apr 20, 2024 - The position of the planets could make you so set upon a course of action concerning a current relationship, that you forget to question whether there could be an alternative, and perhaps more suitable way to go about things. You may have "decided," but not discussed anything with your partner (current or prospective). Before you go any further, sit down and have some sort of conversation about what to do next.

What happens when compatibility meets connection? Real love. See for yourself with eharmony.

What happens when compatibility meets connection? Real love. See for yourself with eharmony.

More Horoscopes for Libra

Libra Compatibility and Traits

Libra Sign Compatibility

Libra Star Dates and Traits


Known for their diplomacy and harmonious energy, Libra is one of the most laid-back members of the zodiac.

They are extremely relationship-oriented but can sometimes prioritize their partner's needs over their own. This Venus ruled sign has a keen eye for aesthetics with impeccable personal style and well decorated homes.Learn More

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