Your August Love & Sex Horoscope: Blinded by Love

By Maressa Brown

On August 2, 2019

In Astrology, Horoscope, Love

Your August Love & Sex Horoscope: Blinded by Love

The month of August is about soaking up the hottest (and last) days of the summer! It’s not uncommon to see us sneaking in magical date nights under the stars or last-minute vacays to the beach, all before back-to-school season. Given that the eighth month of the year offers up both joy-seeking and more studious energy, it makes sense that the month spans two weeks of sexy Leo season and two weeks of analytical Virgo season.

But while Virgo’s prudent attitude may see you trying to be as logical as possible, you can bet the planets aren’t going to make love that easy. This year, August will be filled with exciting, intellectually-stimulating moments and planetary movement that indicates forward motion—followed by months brimming with retrograde action—which can help you to set the stage for your future.

Read This Now: Your Numeroscope for August 2019

Astrological ‘Love Dates’ to Watch For in August 2019

heart watercolor

Courtesy of @holistic_astrology

August 2: Venus in Leo

The month kicks off with a bang on August 2, when Venus (planet of romance) in fire sign Leo squares off against Uranus (planet of rebellion) in earth sign Taurus, encouraging us to strike out on our own, be true to our desires, and prioritize excitement over stability.

August 7 & 8: Sun/Venus Trine Jupiter

Big, bold emotions, grand displays of affection, optimism, enthusiasm and confidence in love are all in the cards come August 7 and 8 when the sun and Venus, both in Leo, form harmonizing trines to Jupiter (planet of luck) in adventure-seeking Sagittarius.

August 11: Jupiter Turns Direct… and More

Then, on August 11, Jupiter ends its four-month retrograde, bumping up our experience of fortune and luck around external matters. It’s finally time to go after the bold aspirations you’ve been musing about since April. That same day, Uranus goes retrograde in Taurus for five months, requiring more introspection around areas of life that feel restrictive and that may be calling for change. And as if that wasn’t enough astrological action for one day, Mercury (planet of communication) will also move into Leo for the second time this year, infusing communications with a showy, perhaps even boastful energy until August 29.

August 15: Full Moon in Aquarius

On August 15, the full moon in forward-thinking air sign Aquarius pushes us to tie up loose emotional ends so that we can move into the next chapter of our lives. Change is approaching here.

August 18 & 21: Mars and Venus in Virgo

From August 18 until October 3, Mars (planet of passion) moves through perfectionist, research-oriented Virgo, encouraging thoughtful, informed action. Venus follows on August 21, imbuing relationships and romance with an attention to detail, heartfelt sensitivity, and pragmatism until September 14.

August 24: Venus/Mars in Virgo

While that may not may sound thrilling, think again: Venus and Mars meet up in Virgo on August 24, boosting our sex drives and interest in learning everything we can to satisfy our desires.

August 30: New Moon in Virgo

And on August 30, the Virgo new moon forms an exciting trine to Uranus that can offer an opportunity for setting powerful, specific intentions and enjoying a sweet surprise.

Here’s what each sign can expect in love and between the sheets this August. (If you know your rising sign, you’d do well to check out that sign’s forecast, too.)

Read This Now: Why Is My Rising Sign So Different From My Sun Sign?

Your Love Life in August 2019, Based on Your Sign

Aries (March 21–April 19)

After August 11, Jupiter (planet of luck) moves forward in your ninth house of adventure, making it easier for you to act on those big picture dreams you’ve been musing about for the past four months. Whether you’ve been itching to travel with your S.O. or head out on a solo trip in hopes of meeting someone special Aries, you’ll have the world at your fingertips to plan your dream scenario and make it happen! Then, from that day until August 29, communicator Mercury in your fifth house of romance will have you feeling more flirtatious and demonstrative when it comes to your emotions. Putting your most heartfelt—not to mention sexiest—thoughts into words can set up major fireworks with the object of your affection now.

Read your full Aries love horoscope for 2019.

Read This Now: The Tinder Pick Up Line You’re Using, Based on Your Sign

Taurus (April 20May 20)

On August 2, relationship-oriented Venus in your fourth house of home life squares off against Uranus in your sign, fueling your appetite for excitement. You might be able to get your fix as easily as throwing a party with loved ones. Thinking outside the box (and your comfort zones) with your lover might help as well, such  as exploring one another’s fetishes. Then from August 21 to September 21, Venus travels through your fifth house of romance, making you feel more attractive, magnetic, and literally glowy from the inside out. You can easily use this energy to express—and fulfill—your most romantic desires.

Read your full Taurus love horoscope for 2019.

Gemini (May 21June 20)

Around August 15, when the full moon lights up your ninth house of adventure, you’ll be craving an eye-opening experience. Hitting the road with your partner or, if you’re a single Gemini, branching out in a different way (think taking an educational course you’ve always been curious about) can fulfill your needs and make magical sparks fly. While communicator Mercury moves through your fourth house of home life from August 29 to September 14, having deep, emotional conversations with loved ones can bolster your bonds while offering valuable insight into patterns in your romantic life. You’ll do well to reflect on how your past is helping shape your present and future.

Read your full Gemini love horoscope for 2019.

Cancer (June 21July 22)

You’ll be reflecting on the patterns and relationships that offer you a feeling of security and fulfillment around August 15 when the full moon is in your eighth house of sexual intimacy. At the same time Cancer, you’ll be strategizing the best way to balance your personal needs with those of your lover’s. Meeting in the middle can infuse your bond with sexy, healing new life. While romantic Venus moves through your third house of communication from August 21 to September 14, connecting with your partner or a potential lover on an intellectual level can be even more of a turn-on than usual. Consider planning one-on-one time that fosters that connection—like attending a political event or checking out a new art exhibit.

Read your full Cancer love horoscope for 2019.

Leo (July 23August 22)

While communicator Mercury is in Leo for the second time this year, from August 11 to 29, self-expression comes more easily, making it the perfect time to share what’s in your heart with your lover or someone who has the potential to be your significant other. You’ll probably also be inspired to go above and beyond the usual flirty, sexy texts; you may be into writing poetry, a lengthy love letter, or showering your sweetheart with luxe gifts. You’ll have the ability to be both direct and lighthearted at once, which can feel empowering. On August 14, the sun and Venus meet up in your sign, boosting your warmth and charisma. Take advantage by getting out there and spending time with loved ones, friends, or your romantic interest in a public way (think attending a big event, enjoying a group date, or throwing a party). If you’re single, the vibe is ideal for meeting someone wonderful and enjoying a truly romantic connection.

Read your full Leo love horoscope for 2019.

Virgo (August 23September 22)

You’ll be feeling naturally and effortlessly attractive this month as relationship-oriented Venus moves through your sign from August 21 to September 14. While you tend to be a planner, you can take heart and trust that the universe has your back and could very well deliver the sweet, joyful moments you’re daydreaming about—from being showered with adoring texts to being swept off your feet on date nights. Going with the flow will be key. On August 24, Venus meets up with action-oriented Mars in your sign, powering up your desire for physical connection and sexual satisfaction. Being vocal and straightforward about your needs can set up major fireworks.

Read your full Virgo love horoscope for 2019.

Libra (September 23October 22)

If you’ve been like you’ve been putting fun and romance on the back burner for too long, you may be itching to shake things up around August 15 when the full moon is in your fifth house of romance. A burst of confidence around self-expression makes it easier to spell out exactly what you want from your S.O. or a potential match. From there Libra, letting things play out organically can make for an especially happy, whimsical time. Then, while your ruling planet Venus moves through your twelfth house of spirituality from August 21 to September 14, you’ll be drawn to more private, secretive, even sneaky displays of affection. It’s also possible that you’ll feel this as a hibernation period of sorts, choosing to reflect on your feelings before sharing them with your love. Either way, identifying and owning this energetic shift has you feeling more centered and calm.

Read your full Libra love horoscope for 2019.

Read This Now: Why Do Full Moons Bring SO Many Feels?

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

It’s possible you’ll feel burnt out and in need of a break from the daily grind of your work life around August 15—when the full moon is in your fourth house of home life. Taking a step back to focus on your mental and physical needs, Scorpio; laying low can do wonders for your wellness overall. At the same time, leaning on your sweetheart or a potential partner for emotional support can strengthen your relationship. While romantic Venus is in your eleventh house of friendship from August 21 to September 14, your platonic connections might be your main focus. But if you’re attached, spending time with BFFs and your S.O. can prove super-emotionally gratifying. If you’re not attached, you might find that by putting yourself out there, you’ll meet someone you have an easy, intellectual connection with.

Read your full Scorpio love horoscope for 2019.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

You could feel an energizing shift that puts bold plans and ambitious goals well within your grasp once Jupiter ends its four-month retrograde and moves forward in your sign on August 11. Whether you’ve been wanting to plan a sexy weekend getaway with your partner or put yourself out there in a new ways, you’ll have the wind in your sails now. Around August 15, when the full moon is in your third house of communication, you could feel weighed down by life’s to-dos and be overwhelmed by your burning need to break free and have an extraordinary, maybe even quirky, experience with your partner or a recent match. Handle your daily grind as best you can Sagittarius, then give into your need for fun and excitement, as it could make for a majorly memorable time.

Read your full Sagittarius love horoscope for 2019.

Read This Now: The Best Sex Positions for Your Sign

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

While Mercury revisits your eighth house of sexual intimacy from August 11 to 29, your intuition is at an all-time high, and you may find yourself dwelling on a desire that you previously put on the back burner. Opening up to your lover about this deep-rooted need feels like a relief and can set a hot new tone in your relationship. You’ll be feeling even more demonstrative and bold when it comes to sharing what’s in your heart while Venus moves through your ninth house of adventure from August 21 to September 14. Cooking up an exotic meal or heading out on an exciting hike with that special someone will help you get out of your comfort zone—and bring you two even closer.

Read your full Capricorn love horoscope for 2019.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Around August 15, when the full moon is in Aquarius, you could feel like you’re not getting the attention you deserve from your lover or someone you have feelings for. But instead of stewing about it, do your best to be even more assertive. The experience can lead to more understanding and harmony between you and your love. Then, on August 24, romantic Venus and go-getter Mars pair up in your eighth house of sexual intimacy, taking your sex drive to a new level. No matter what scenario or fetish you’ve been fantasizing about, now’s an awesome time to own your needs and share them with your partner or someone who you’ve recently sparked with. The conversation could lead to an experience that’s both physically and emotionally fulfilling.

Read your full Aquarius love horoscope for 2019.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

While romantic Venus moves through your seventh house of partnership from August 21 to September 14, all you’ll want is one-on-one time with your sweetheart, Pisces—or to find someone with whom you can share an intimate, special bond. You’re no stranger to wearing your heart on your sleeve, but doing so now can go far to manifesting the heartfelt endgame you have in mind. On August 26, the moon in your fifth house of romance forms a harmonious trine to dreamy Neptune in your sign, setting the stage for a seriously sexy, fireworks-filled evening. You could feel like you’re swept up in a magically sweet moment with your true soulmate.

Lead photo courtesy of @collagebyburbemm

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