Your Virgo Season Horoscope: Business in the Front, Party in the Back

By Maressa Brown

On August 23, 2019

In Astrology, Virgo

Your Virgo Season Horoscope: Business in the Front, Party in the Back

From mid-August to mid-September, hot, sunny, and blue-sky-filled summer days morph into cooler, breezier ones, and no matter how old you are, that back-to-school feeling permeates the atmosphere—keeping your business at the forefront of your mind, but also trying to soak up the last days of summer.

This transitional season—marked by last-minute getaways with loved ones, end-of-summer BBQs, and apple picking, juxtaposed with copious to-do lists and aspirations to get back down to business—makes perfect sense as host to a season ruled by pragmatic, service-oriented Virgo.

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When Is Virgo Season?

From August 23 to September 23, the sun moves through the mutable earth sign Virgo, ruler of the sixth house and the realm of health, wellness, work, service, and everyday tasks.

What Are Typical Virgo Characteristics and How Do They Affect Virgo Season?

Because the earth sign is ruled by messenger planet Mercury, which oversees communication, transportation, technology, and research, the season of Virgo has a studious, busy, inquisitive, and social vibe. This expressive energy fuels our best efforts to get “back on track” with work, school, and our wellness routines in the late summer, as well as all the fun, friendly festivities that come up this time of year from back-to-school nights to Labor Day trips and parties.

Virgos are known for their attention to detail and being analytical, but they’re also service-oriented, sensitive romantics who want to give back, contribute, and assist as much as possible, especially when they care. As the mutable one of the earth group, they tend to be open to other people’s suggestions and capable of shifting their focus or energy, ideally based on coming across new information that makes a case for doing so.

Although Virgos are loving, helpful, and can be quite personable, they might occasionally suffer from perfectionism, overthinking, and are often quite hard on themselves. If they’re able to adopt a mind-body routine that helps them feel more centered (yoga and deep breathing often do wonders for worrisome Virgos) , they’re more effective. They win hearts by being diligent, specifics-focused employees and supremely thoughtful friends and lovers.

Read This Now: Why Are Virgos So Judgmental? An Astrologer Answers All Your Virgo Questions

Health-conscious and heartfelt, it’s no surprise that Virgo season is the perfect time to enjoy the last sultry, starry, and sweet nights of summer and then lay the groundwork for the game plans you hope will make you effective and successful through the rest of the year. That said, Virgo season can help propel you toward your boldest goals. Here’s what each sign should focus on this eason to make the most of this versatile, social, and transitional season. (Be sure to read your rising sign, too!)

Your 2019 Virgo Season Horoscope

virgo season

Courtesy of @collagebyburbemm

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You’ll be getting clear on your wellness goals and finessing the game plan that fires you up most, while the sun moves through your sixth house of health. Although you’re generally drawn to the boldest, most ambitious plan of attack out there, you’ll do well to consider what workouts and clean eating strategies also feel the most sustainable. If you check in with your intuition Aries, and it feels like you could truly envision yourself doing these routines as part of your regular grind, you’ll be right on track.

Read your Aries 2019 horoscope.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Your desire for lighthearted flirtation with a lover is sure to be magnified while the sun moves through your fifth house of romance. At the same time Taurus, creative self-expression comes more naturally, so you’ll do well to communicate exactly what you’ve been daydreaming about in whatever way feels true to your heart. Then, going with the flow, embracing playfulness, and enjoying spontaneous dates or even travel with your significant other or dear friends can make for magical, memorable, and not to mention more ~pleasurable~ experiences.

Read your Taurus 2019 horoscope.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

While the sun moves through your fourth house of home life during Virgo season, you might find you’re feeling, perhaps somewhat uncharacteristically, like a homebody. Instead of being consumed with a packed social calendar and travel, you’ll be craving quality time with loved ones and prioritizing beautifying, tranquility-boosting projects around your home. You might even find that restful, intimate activities like sleeping in on occasion, indulging in lazy baths, or inviting friends over for a low-key wine night appeal much more than anything frenetic now. Though it’s not natural to your buoyant Gemini energy, embracing this relaxing transit can benefit your well-being and your bonds.

Read your Gemini 2019 horoscope.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

During Virgo season, as the sun moves through your third house of communication, you’ll get a burst of social energy that makes it easy to come out of your shell. For instance, brainstorms with colleagues flow more naturally, your phone will be blowing up with texts, phone calls, and invitations galore from friends. And to top it off, you’ll have the motivation to check off all the to-dos on your list. “Busy” doesn’t begin to cover this transit for you, Cancer! But the more you can put your most imaginative thoughts into words now, the more productive a time this will be.

Read your Cancer 2019 horoscope.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

The sun moves through your second house of income during Virgo season, lighting up your confidence and prospects around your daily work. You’ll want to take a microscope to your personal financial picture Leo, assessing your current position and thinking about ways you can take your cash flow to the next level. You’ll also be motivated to jump on projects you’re passionate about that also feel like they’re worthy of your time and energy. As psyched as you may be, doing your research will be key to ensuring that you get the most out of a particular opportunity.

Read your Leo 2019 horoscope.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

While the sun moves through your sign and first house of self, you can look forward to a burst of confidence that makes it easy to pinpoint and go after ambitious personal goals. Whether there’s a project or dream job you’ve held off on pursuing, or you’re musing about a new path now, you’ll have the vision and drive to dive in and gain momentum. Tune into your gut to make sure whatever you’re working toward truly resonates with you and feels as though it’s in sync with your ~personal brand~, and you can’t go wrong.

Read your Virgo 2019 horoscope.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Although Libras are known as social butterflies and can generally be found hosting parties or traveling with friends, you’ll need a bit more solo time than usual while the sun moves through your twelfth house of spirituality.  Giving yourself the time and space to rest, reflect, and recharge may feel a little unnatural at first, but the moment can serve as an opportunity to dream and plan bigger than ever. That way, when you get back to your usual grind, you’ll be even more motivated and clear on what you want to achieve.

Read your Libra 2019 horoscope.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

The sun’s trip through your eleventh house of networking amplifies your efforts to work with others. Whether you’re checking out a new workout studio with friends, training for a 5K, collaborating on a major group project, or trading notes with former colleagues on opportunities in your industry, you’ll be energized by teamwork. At the same time Scorpio, catching up with friends (think group dates or after-work happy hours) also fuels your spirit and bonds. The bottomline for you this season: Leaning on others helps you thrive!

Read your Scorpio 2019 horoscope.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Virgo season, and the sun’s journey through your tenth house of career will throw the spotlight on your professional efforts. If you’ve been putting your nose to the grindstone and giving your work your all Sagittarius, higher-ups will be eager to applaud you now. You could also be given additional responsibilities or asked to showcase your skills in a more public way (like giving a presentation). While you’ll be thrilled by what this all means for the big picture, you might be quick to glaze over details. Paying special attention to the specifics now can help you knock this opportunity out of the park.

Read your Sagittarius 2019 horoscope.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

While the sun moves through your ninth house of adventure, it would make perfect sense to feel as though you’re in need of a change of scenery or similarly eye-opening experience. You’ll want to do everything you can now to learn and grow and philosophize Capricorn, even when it comes to your typical grind (think trying a new type of yoga or energy medicine class). And if you can plan and/or take a long-distance trip now, you’ll feel especially fulfilled—mentally and emotionally.

Read your Capricorn 2019 horoscope.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

You’ll be yearning for more one-on-one time with your significant other while the sun moves through your eighth house of sexual intimacy. Sharing your deepest fantasies and desires comes more naturally here Aquarius, so take advantage of the green light to open up. The conversations you have around this with your partner could have you feeling empowered and alive, while also strengthening your connection. Another bonus: Understanding one another better on this deep emotional level makes for wild and wonderful fireworks in bed.

Read your Aquarius 2019 horoscope.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

You’ll be motivated to get ahead on joint goals with your significant other, close friend, or a colleague while the sun moves through your seventh house of partnership. Identifying one another’s strengths and supporting each other through weaknesses can not only make for more effective teamwork, but also allow you to bond over the shared experience. Once you hit the finish line Pisces, you’ll be able to fully enjoy one another’s platonic or romantic company, as well.

Read your Pisces 2019 horoscope.

Lead photo courtesy of @collagebyburbemm

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