3 Signs That'll Vibe With August's Wacky Aquarius Full Moon—and 3 That Definitely Won't

By Mary Bergner

On August 14, 2019

In Astrology, Full moon

3 Signs That'll Vibe With August's Wacky Aquarius Full Moon—and 3 That Definitely Won't

The full sturgeon moon in eccentric Aquarius appears on August 15 at 5:29am PT, giving new meaning to “working together.” This humanitarian sign has a tendency to draw on our goals for social outreach, and paired with the sun in dramatic Leo—a sign that loves to highlight any shenanigans and take them to the next level—there’s a lot of power behind this full moon.

Read This Now: An Aquarius Full Moon Ritual to Harness All Its Powerful Energy 

There’s some nervous tension as Mercury (planet of communication) squares Aquarius’s power planet, Uranus (planet of rebellion), on the sixteenth, which will inject its own share of weirdness to the mix. Luckily though, Mars enters responsible Virgo on the seventeenth, adding some voice of reason to the mix as you embrace Aquarius’s energy toward change and social justice.

3 Signs That Will Benefit From the Aquarius Full Moon

With the moon in an air sign, the sun in fire, and Mars in a steady earth sign, most of the zodiac will find their place during this moon. But because of Aquarius’s energetic and changeable attitude, Leo, Aquarius,and Sagittarius will have the easiest time adjusting to this moon’s eccentricities.

3 Signs That Will Have Difficulty With the Aquarius Full Moon 

However, the more shy or rule-abiding signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Capricorn) will have difficulty falling into the collaborative energy of the Aquarius full moon. They may find it hard to keep up with the changes this moon phase will inevitably throw at them.

Whatever you do, this is the best time to gather in groups to work together toward something great! (Why not make some moon water to help fuel your fire?)

Read This Now: Things You Should (and Shouldn’t!) Do During a Full Moon

How the August 2019 Full Moon Will Affect your Sign

full moon person

Courtesy of @mooncrab.jpg


You don’t always think of putting other people first Aries, and you like to work alone. So how can you best use this humanitarian “let’s all work together” sign’s full moon energy? The answer is just to dive in. Try doing things someone else’s way and see what happens.

Read your full Aries monthly horoscope.


As a slow, steady earth sign, Taurus isn’t quick to change, but this full moon gives you the chance to make some progress in this arena. Chances are good that you’re already working toward a goal, so why not get some help?

Read your full Taurus monthly horoscope.


You love the community energy of this full moon, but you might let yourself get caught up in the social aspect of being part of a team, instead of focusing on why you’re there working together. But while your motivations might be selfish at the start, logic will turn you back around, Gemini, to the group mentality’s way of thinking eventually.

Read your full Gemini monthly horoscope.


Your shy nature doesn’t respond completely to the Aquarius full moon’s insistence that you be a team player, but you find ways to help behind-the-scenes. You do identify with the altruistic vibe in the air now, you just need to find a comfortable way to work with it.

Read your full Cancer monthly horoscope.


You’re all about this full moon. You love to be part of a group effort—if you get credit for being an individual contributor, that is. You shouldn’t have any trouble finding your time in the spotlight now—the unique Aquarius energy brings out your hidden talents and helps them shine.

Read your full Leo monthly horoscope.


You appreciate the Aquarius full moon’s logical, intellectual tactics, but you aren’t sure that you’re on board with its eccentricity. You’d do anything to avoid coloring outside the lines while Aquarius encourages it. But that’s okay. Channel Mars in your sign while you’re trying to be the voice of reason; it doesn’t always work, but at least you can say you tried.

Read your full Virgo monthly horoscope.

Read This Now: Why Do Full Moons Bring Such Intense Emotions?


As an idealist, you would love for the world to be a better place, but you just aren’t sure how to go about it. After all Libra, you’re intent on making everyone happy, and obtaining world peace would call for a colossal compromise. Harness this full moon’s humanitarian energy and use it to your peace-seeking advantage.

Read your full Libra monthly horoscope.


Can a deeply emotional water sign like you find a way to use this airy energy? Yes, but it will take some effort. Aquarius’s logical approach baffles you but intrigues you at the same time. Use the unconventional energy of this full moon to open your mind and see things from a different perspective.

Read your full Scorpio monthly horoscope.


Your restless, adventurous spirit loves the inventive, progressive nature of this full moon. You welcome working as part of a team, and you’re on board with some of the stranger ideas that others come up with. You can see beyond today, and so can Aquarius. Get ready to conquer the future together!

Read your full Sagittarius monthly horoscope.


As someone who likes to play by the rules, you aren’t going to initially vibe with this eccentric energy. You like to know where the boundaries are, and Aquarius likes to ignore them. So, what can you do with this mismatched full moon energy? Since you don’t like to give up, you’ll find a way to compromise.

Read your full Capricorn monthly horoscope.


When the moon is full in your own sign, you’re alive with possibility. You’re a compete individual, and you want your uniqueness to be obvious to the world. Can you change things with your weird ways now? Yes, you can—and the more people you get to help you out, the better.

Read your full Aquarius monthly horoscope.


You’re a kind, sympathetic Pisces at heart, so you can see what the full Aquarius moon is trying to do (better the world). What you can’t understand is the way the Water Bearer goes about it (intellectually and unpredictably). While you prefer to do good deeds behind the scenes, Aquarius is a leader on the front lines. Hopefully you can find a way to meet this energy halfway.

Read your full Pisces monthly horoscope.

Lead photo courtesy of @ivybeckervisuals

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