Your Weekly Horoscope for October 22 to 29: A Life You Love Is Just Steps Away

Last week’s Libra new moon unlocked potential possibilities, and all signs have a wider, more optimistic view of their lives and their place in the universe. Because of this, all signs may find themselves daydreaming more than usual, captivated by the “what if” more than the here and now. Don’t get too caught up in what hasn’t happened yet—thinking of concrete ways to change the way you live right now is key. Don’t force things this week. Let them unfold. And be open to coincidences—after all, the universe is an incredibly complex, complicated place and can bring you a life you’d never even have imagined—if you let it.
Aries Weekly Horoscope
A mysterious aspect of your chart is causing all sorts of coincidences, connections, and deja vu experiences. Don’t second guess what’s going on—the more you lean into the unknown, the better. But in order to do so, Rams, you’ve got to address a few issues that have been holding you back. Resentments and missed opportunities have caused you to ruminate, and that rumination is causing you to miss what’s happening in the hear and now. Snap out of it and focus on the future! Your partner—or newish date—can help you through it. Seriously, for one week, forget about saying “I wish I had …” or even “Last year …” The more you focus on the here and now, the better.
Taurus Weekly Horoscope
Bulls are all about hard work, but this week, you are loving the hustle. Work it! While you tend to put guardrails in place so work won’t consume your life, the stars say it’s fine to burn the midnight oil this week—the work you do in the next seven days will have ramifications in the next year and even beyond. And even though you’re beyond busy, you may find love coming into your life, or your current relationship feeling more passionate. Go with it. It’s all about the flow, baby.
Is love in your stars?
Gemini Weekly Horoscope
Work has been driving you insane. We get it. But instead of focusing on what could be different, what can you do differently? A radical shift is in the stars; don’t be afraid to speak out and make a change. You’re also looking ahead to the holiday season, especially as it involves romantic partners and travel. If you’re nervous about offering an invite to a newish date—bite the bullet and ask already. This week is all about going out on a limb and saying exactly what you want. You deserve it, Gemini.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope
Crabs are having a good week, where work, downtime, and socializing finally seem to be in a balance you enjoy. That’s awesome, and reflexive of your own hard work in getting there. This week, it’s all about enjoying the moments, and knowing that you don’t have to feel guilty for anything. You can have an amazing social life without sacrificing work; you can have downtime and an extended group of friends. Single? You would do well to consider going on a few dates, or setting up a dating profile. You’re in a great place and your energy and enthusiasm will radiate from you.
Leo Weekly Horoscope
Seductive Venus in Libra amps up your (already substantial) charm, making you pretty damn unstoppable, Lions! But beware: The stars say you may be overly focused on one aspect of your life, allowing other opportunities to pass you by. If someone or something isn’t returning your passion and enthusiasm, put it on the back burner for now and focus on better opportunities. And you need that charm for your nearest and dearest: An aspect in your home sector says that there’s some tension between family members. Even if the situation doesn’t directly involve you, use some of that charm to help diffuse the issue.
Virgo Weekly Horoscope
You have an opportunity come up that makes you feel like you’ve got to say yes, ASAP! But you don’t, dear Virgo. Take your time, give the answer a few days to gel, and only say yes when you’re absolutely sure. It’s also a good time to be brutal about letting go of things (and even people) who are holding you back. It’ll be tough, but you’ll be glad you did, and the more you get rid of the things that aren’t serving you, the more room you’ll have in your life for new opportunities.
Libra Weekly Horoscope
A focus on your home sector is giving you clues: You need to slow the eff down. Because this past month was your birthday month, you definitely burned the candle on both ends, and now it’s time to relax, regroup, and get into a routine for what you want to do the rest of the year. The more you’re able to establish good habits around rest and relaxation, the more you’ll be able to bring to the world. And pursuing a passion or hobby isn’t silly—the one you’re drawn to may become more important than you would expect in the future.
Scorpio Weekly Horoscope
Mysterious Mercury is asking you to go deep, deep, deep in your relationships. Single? It’s time to find a partner, if that’s what you desire. Make a happiness board (here’s how) of all the traits you want in a partner; really visualize that person. It’s essential to really know what you’re looking for before you begin swiping left or right. Attached? It’s time to have one of Those Conversations. Even if everything is going great, a “state of the union” address will only make things more sympatico, and it’s a great time to bring up some big questions to ensure you’re both on the same page when it comes to what you want in life and love.
Tired of being alone? See what’s in the cards with a free tarot Love Reading.
Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope
Wih your birthday on the horizon, this week and the month ahead are all about winding down, recharging, and focusing on what you really wanty for the next year. But “relax” doesn’t mean “boring.” You can already do some things to lay the groundwork for the year ahead. If you’re single, now’s the time to get out there. Attached? Time to crank up the passion—you’ll be glad you did. And have fun. You’ve been working hard, but Venus in your social sector wants you to learn that relaxation among friends is truly an art. Get out there! Go a little crazy. And know that you’re laying the groundwork for a killer year ahead.
Capricorn Weekly Horoscope
With Saturn in your spiritual sector, you’re being guided to let go of things that have no longer served you and grapple with the question: Who am I and who do I want to be? It’s also a time to make some moves at work. Convivial Venus in Libra is cranking up your charm at work, making it easy to ask for what’s been holding you back. Finally, be open to the prospect of someone new in your life. You usually take awhile to warm up to people, but if you find yourself reflexively saying “no” to an invite, ask yourself why and see if you can change that no into a yes.
Aquarius Weekly Horoscope
You worked hard last week, and the universe is still suggesting that plenty of elbow grease is essential for creating a life you love. You’re uncovering opportunities, but be savvy and cool before saying yes. Remember: You’re in demand. The more you remind yourself of this, the more you’ll be able to make the moves you want, instead of making moves out of fear. Finally, let’s talk sex. Sexual energy will only add to your confidence and charisma, plus, pleasure is key for keeping you in balance. If you haven’t, make sure you have some evenings of pleasure (self pleasure counts!) on the calendar.
Pisces Weekly Horoscope
Woah, Fish! A Scorpio connection leads to fire between the sheets this week, so it’s not surprising your focus hasn’t been on work or home or … really much else. We only get these weeks a few times a year, so enjoy the carnal connection you’re having. If it’s with a newish person, don’t overthink the longterm connection too much—everything will fall into place and be much more clear in a few weeks. Single? You can and should have that passionate connection with your own body. The more you get in touch and love your own body, the more that confidence will radiate.
Read last week’s horoscope here!
Read your October horoscope here!
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