3 Rituals That Immediately Send Good Vibes Your Way

By Gala Darling

On December 7, 2020

In Astrology, Magic, Spirit

3 Rituals That Immediately Send Good Vibes Your Way

One of the most wonderful things about magic is that it can be done anywhere, at any time. You don’t need to be wearing a special cloak, dancing around a bubbling cauldron … even though that image is very evocative! You can harness your power with your back pressed against a bathroom stall, as you rock gently within a subway car, or before you drift off to sleep.

While we all want to manifest big love, plenty of cash, and a life full of adventure, sometimes we just need a little hit of magic: Something to make us feel better on a day-to-day basis. Here are three simple rituals that I practice every week to stay positive, confident, and centered. Try them, and watch magic happen in your life!

Energy Protection Ritual

How to do it: It’s all about creating a vision! There are many variations, but here are two of my favorite ways to do it. The first technique is calling “zipping up,” where you imagine a huge zipper that starts at your pelvis and runs all the way up to the top of your head. All you need to do is visualize closing that zipper, and thereby sealing in all your goodness!

What it does: Protecting your energy is a way of keeping other people’s psychic gunk off you. You know how sometimes you walk into a room and feel like you’re absorbing someone else’s bad vibes? You’re not imagining that! When you protect your energy, it means you get to contain all positivity… and you won’t pick up anyone else’s unhappy mood.

When to do it: It’s best before you leave the house for the day, although you can repeat it throughout the day, whenever you’re feeling drained.

The second technique involves seeing yourself inside a sphere. Some people like to visualize themselves inside a big pink bubble, but I like to see myself in a huge disco ball, through which only positive energy can penetrate (and all negativity, jealousy, and bad vibes get bounced back out!).

Read This Now: On the Next Full Moon, Do This for a Magical Month

Confidence-Boosting Ritual

How to do it: Take a piece of carnelian and charge it under the light of the full moon. As you place it on your windowsill, set the intention that this stone reawakens your power to move confidently in any situation, fires up your vitality, and fills you with positive energy. After you let it charge up for a night, you can use it whenever you want to! Keep it in your pocket during interviews, place it on your desk, and rub it whenever you need a little extra boost!

What it does: Infusing the crystal carnelian with intention will keep you focused and confident, no matter who you come up against. It’s so easy to lose your nerve when you’re in a high-stakes moment, but with the help of this stone, you can move ahead confidently, no matter what.

When to do it: Initially on a full moon. Then, any time you’re heading into a situation where you want to be your best self.

Read This Now: 5 Ordinary Objects for Practical Everyday Magic

Meditation Ritual

How to do it: Go outside! If you can find a grassy area and take your shoes off, so much the better, but this isn’t essential. Find a quiet spot and stand with your feet apart, tip your head back and close your eyes. Imagine a huge cord dropping down from your root chakra and going into the ground, going down so deeply that it hits the core of the earth. I like to envision my cord wrapping around the core a few times so I know it’s really secure. Then, visualize expanding the cord and widening it so that it becomes like a beautiful cosmic garbage chute, and watch as all the anger, sadness, rage, and confused energy flows down it and into the core of the earth. When you feel like you’ve let it go, you can blow up the cord (in your mind, of course!) and then visualize the sun filling your body with golden light. You can take as long as you want to do this—sometimes it’s lovely to take a couple of minutes, but it can also be done in a pinch if you’ve got somewhere to be!

What it does: This super-simple meditation technique is one of the best ways I know to truly chill out. Instead of stewing in your own head or feeling gripped by anxiety, you instead, choose to connect with the earth and allow your negative energy to drain down into it.

When to do it: Any time you’re feeling stressed, overworked, frustrated, angry, or overwhelmed.


Lead photo courtesy of @sophiemoates

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