Weekly Horoscope: September 26 to October 2, 2022

By Mary Bergner

On September 25, 2022

In Astrology, Horoscope, Weekly horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: September 26 to October 2, 2022

This week is all about teamwork and togetherness! Could you survive on an island alone if you had to? Maybe. But why struggle to do things on your own when you’re surrounded by so much helpful energy?

A charming trine between Pluto (the tiny transformational planet) and charming Venus (the goddess of how we relate to others) conjunct chatty Mercury (the planet in charge of conversation) in serious earth signs Capricorn and Virgo on Monday jumpstarts your networking abilities and makes this the perfect time to call in those favors from friends in high places. If you want to become a wealthy celeb or influencer with millions of followers, collabing with the right person is key.

Wednesday’s powerful trine between Saturn (the hardworking planetary boss) and Mars (where motivation comes from) turns most of what you touch into gold, and you know you have your team at work or circle of friends/close family members to thank. Be sure to spread the rewards of all your hard work around, especially since you know you wouldn’t have gotten to where you are now without other people’s guidance and support.

Waves of helpfulness continue to lift you up and keep your head above water as Friday’s moon (repping a sensitive motherly vibe) trine of fortunate Jupiter (the planet of success) sextiles the sun (the confidence promoter) and Venus and shows you that other people are willing to do whatever it takes to keep you afloat. Again — could you do it all by yourself? Yes, probably. But the universe’s message this week is clear: You are not alone, but you also shouldn’t feel like asking for help is a sign of weakness in any way.

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope


As one of the most independent signs, you’re great at taking a concept and running with it on your own without consulting anyone else or asking for help along the way. This week, however, it pays off for you to turn your competitive drive into the willingness to collaborate. Once you’re able to look at your biggest competitors as potential partners, everything will change, Aries.

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


You have your goals mapped out, and you’re patiently waiting for them to materialize. So what can you gain by working with others this week? As a notoriously stubborn sign, Taurus, letting other people in on your plans can help you open your mind and look at things from a whole new perspective. And while we don’t expect this will convince you to change everything, adding the word “maybe” into your vocabulary can’t hurt.   

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope. 


You love to throw a bunch of ideas into the air and see which ones land. This week you’re surrounded by the exact kind of collaborative partners who can help you turn one of them into something useful and/or profitable. Focus on your social media presence by posting new content as much as possible, and then keep your fingers crossed that something goes viral. Keeping yourself out there is the key to acquiring new followers, getting more likes, and forming partnerships with people who can help you elevate your game, Gemini.

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


As one of the introverts of the zodiac, you probably are shaking your head at the thought of being surrounded (trapped?) by all of this week’s outgoing cosmic energy, right? But don’t worry, Cancer, because you’re able to tap into the planetary forces around you now and use them in a way that makes sense for you. If you’re not into talking to strangers and trying to get a zillion likes on social media, that’s perfectly fine. You do you. Networking with close friends or family members about furthering your goals and ideas can be just as productive.

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


This week’s upbeat, outgoing energy lands right in your wheelhouse, Leo! You love to be the center of attention, which includes basking in the spotlight and letting your charm and charisma win people over and advance your objectives, whatever they may be. If you have a product or service you’re trying to promote, you can get the word out about it now with little to no effort. Hype it up to your social media followers and/or friends/family/coworkers and then buckle your seatbelt and hold on tight ‘cuz your star’s about to rise!

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


If you think you’re doing well working and accomplishing your goals alone, just imagine if you had a team of people behind you, taking care of details and tying up loose ends. Because you can have that this week, Virgo, all you have to do is ask. And better yet – you can be the boss, which includes dictating your precise (and high) expectations. It’s like everyone you encounter is there to help you become the very best version of yourself which, to be honest, is like a dream come true.

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes. 


You’re a social sign that definitely vibes to the “I get by with a little help from my friends” Beatles lyrics – and this week, you’re going to need them more than most. Well, maybe not need them but want them by your side for sure. Everything you do is better by having the people you care about close to you now, and your “the more, the merrier” attitude extends to people you don’t know as well. In your mind, strangers are really just friends you haven’t met yet, Libra.   

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


You’re the sign with the most obvious “I’m an island” mentality, and you like it that way. However, as a smart strategist, you can also see the value in getting help when it’s needed — although you’re unlikely to ask for it directly. Lucky for you, Scorpio, the planets align in such a perfect way this week that will you literally have people approaching you about jumping on your legendary bandwagon. If you could use a collaborator or business partner, take all legit offers seriously. 

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


You feed off other people’s energy, so you definitely won’t be hungry this week, Sag! You love interacting with all kinds of people, and you get the chance to do that by keeping an open mind and embracing all that the universe has to offer you now. Adventure is around every corner, and taking the long way home leads to some amazing social encounters that you couldn’t have predicted or imagined in your wildest dreams. 

 Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


As the avid, adept climber of the zodiac, you’re good with chatting up (OK, schmoozing) the right people and just generally doing what you have to do to make sure you get to where you want to go (which is, to be honest, almost always the top). Although a pro like you welcomes the boost that the universe gives you and your networking skills now, you don’t necessarily want what goes on behind the scenes to become public knowledge. Don’t worry, Cap — we won’t say a word. Your little secret (that maybe you didn’t get to where you are all by yourself) is safe with us!

 Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


You’re a legendary networker and regular on the social scene, so this week’s astrological “togetherness” theme is totally on brand. And because your comfort level is high, Aquarius, you can relax and just do what you were seemingly born to do – mix and mingle with a wide variety of fellow humans! Spending time this week with members of the fringe culture allows you to soak up amazing new ideas. Additionally, your time amongst the social elite helps you get your own inventions into the hands of people who can fund them. There’s literally no one you don’t see as an asset to your journey.

 Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


You’re one of the introverts who might not be as comfortable with this week’s very social dynamic, but that doesn’t mean it can’t still work to your advantage. As a dreamer, you’re able to use your imagination and amazing subconscious to tap into things on a psychic level, which can really help you build and foster karmic connections with people this week. Let’s put it this way: Just because someone is a stranger to you now doesn’t mean you weren’t besties or lovers in a past life. Being open to possibilities promotes the interpersonal positivity you need to thrive this week, Pisces!

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

Lead photo courtesy of Pexels.

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