Your Weekly Horoscope: Get Ready for a CRAZY Week in Astrology


On June 16, 2019

In Astrology, Horoscope

Your Weekly Horoscope: Get Ready for a CRAZY Week in Astrology

June 17 – June 23, 2019

This is a huge—big—massive week for the stars, people. Not only are we starting off with a full moon, but later in the week (on the same day, no less) we’ll be greeted with a retrograde (eek!), the summer solstice, and the sun moving into Cancer from playful Gemini.

The first day of the week, Monday, kicks our week off with a full moon in Sagittarius. This could heighten feelings and encourage you to speak your mind (albeit a little too honestly). In order to remain sensitive and open to others, so you don’t hurt someone’s feelings accidentally, use crystals to stay emotionally grounded during this moon.

Read This Now: Why Things Get So Messed Up During Full Moons

On Tuesday, Mercury (planet of communication) combines with Mars (planet of passion), which initially stirs up some intensity. But on Wednesday this aspect will really shine when they both oppose Pluto (planet of transformation), potentially leading to conflicts and clashes. There may be some tense exchanges that have the ability to damage relationships unless care is taken during this time.

On Friday, summer officially begins with the summer solstice. (Don’t forget to celebrate with one of these delicious and floral summer solstice cocktails!) That same day, Neptune turns retrograde in the sign of Pisces and remains so until late November. During these months, if you’ve been in denial about something, you sure won’t be able to escape it for long. That same day (again), the sun kicks off the start of Cancer season. This could put the focus on nurturing and family affairs.

Read This Now: 10 Things to Do During a Full Moon

As respite from the intense weekend, the weekend brings a bit of a slower (and more romantic) pace as Venus (planet of love) connects with Jupiter (planet of luck), making Sunday a perfect day for a special date or wonderful get-together.

Here’s how the full moon, the summer solstice, and the transits into Neptune retrograde and Cancer season will affect your sign this week.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)      

Don’t be surprised if you start to get the travel bug this week, Aries; it’s the full moon’s doing! Go ahead and make some fun getaway plans. The Mercury-Mars aspect with Pluto this week will start to make you feel like it’s time to speak up about something that’s been on your mind. Lastly, the next few weeks in Cancer fall in your domestic zones and should encourage you to practice some more self-care.

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.

Read This Now: 5 Things Every Sign Needs to Survive Cancer Season 2019

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)       

That full moon might urge you to let some dramatic feelings to slip—but don’t worry, clearing the air is for your best interest. More than that, with Mercury and Mars in a powerful communication section of your chart, you’ll have the courage to speak openly and honestly. Use it to your advantage, Taurus.

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)       

The week starts with both the sun and Venus in your sign, so it should be filled with good times, positive energy, and confidence. Regarding relationships, the full moon might make you want to express how you feel. Solid finances have not been in your wheelhouse lately, but stick it out as things should get better down the line.

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)        

The full moon runs through your lifestyle sector this week which could drain you quite a bit—and you’re already emotional enough! Lift some things off your plate so you don’t feel too overwhelmed. Midweek, there may be some tension with someone who’s trying to get you to do what you want. As the sun moves into your sign over the weekend, the next few weeks will be about following through on life goals that move you forward.

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.

Read This Now: Hilarious Cancer Memes That Describe the Emotional Water Sign to a T

Leo (July 23 – August 22)         

Out of all the signs Leo, the full moon will affect you in the most positive way, as it travels through your leisure zones. A fun outing, a romantic date, some time alone, whatever the full moon brings, it’ll be pleasant. There may be some flair of drama added here, but who are we kidding? You kind of love it. Later in the week, get ready for a bit more heavy self-reflection as the sun moves through your spiritual zone.

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)        

Your Virgo bluntness is coming out thanks to the full moon, particularly when it comes to domestic matters. Practice a little sensitivity here. Mid-week, a relationship with a friend could become extremely tense. There may be jealousy involved and it’ll only get more volatile as the week goes on. It’s best to let this one simmer before returning to fix it. Finally, Neptune retrograde has something interesting to say about your current relationship.

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscope.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)       

The full moon’s highlighting your communication which may compromise your natural talent for egalitarian discussions, Libra. Family and home are again brought to the forefront this week, especially regarding their feelings about your future goals. Mid-week, it may feel like someone’s trying to sweet talk you into doing or saying something they want.

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)   

The full moon wanders through Scorpio’s money zone, enticing you to drop some cash on whatever catches your eye at the moment. It may be unwise to spend so frivolously right now… Over the next couple days the Mercury-Mars aspect may catalyze a falling out with a friend or lover.

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)       

When the full moon appears in your sign, it’s the perfect opportunity to capitalize on this moon phase’s appreciation for detoxing negative things in our life. Whatever you need to get rid of—a situation, a person, a habit—now is the time! While you’re doing well on a personal level, money will be a bit of an issue this week. But the weekend brings an opportunity that might help you with that.

Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.

Read This Now: How to Make the Most of Every Moon Phase

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) 

Your relationships this week will be a bit more impassioned than you’re used to, Capricorn—and this could go positively or negatively. If you’ve been putting up with something for too long, by midweek you may reach your limit. Lastly, Neptune retrograde could highlight something you’ve been hiding from yourself for a long time.

Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)    

A celebration could bring a spirited start to the week. Though, as the days pass you may start thinking… and thinking… about your life goals and future plans. Try not to bog yourself down in the details so much; you’re putting too much pressure on yourself, Aquarius. On Friday, Neptune urges you to take a second look at your finances. Are you sure you know where all your money is going?

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)           

On Monday, the full moon asks that you bring yourself out in the open by sharing an idea or project you have with others. But whatever you share with others, you’ll do with that natural Pisces flair because of the Mars-Mercury aspect in your pleasure zone on Tuesday. Your ideas are solid, but they could make someone a bit jealous. Try not to let this get the best of you.

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

Lead photo courtesy of @artfucker

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