Your Weekly Horoscope for All Signs, September 24-30: Are You Ready to Answer the Tough Questions The Universe Has For You?

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As Libra season begins, the planets urge you to take a leap forward—especially if you’ve been stalling. Last month, Practical, ambitious Virgo gave you the tools and knowledge you needed to take important steps. You may not have all the details worked out, you may be second guessing yourself, but trust that the planets and stars are telling you to make further moves now; balanced Libra will help you work out what they are in the days ahead. During the week, a new person, idea, of offer may appear enticing, but the stars encourage you to consider all options. Finally, look forward to the weekend! Your ambition is through the roof, and it may be wise to just this once set aside some time to do some work or invite coworkers to a party—your work life will have a powerful impact on your personal life in the upcoming weeks.
Aries Weekly Horoscope
Balanced Libra asks you to take a hard look at your relationship (or your pursuit of one). Has spending time with your favorite plus-one overtaken other parts of your life? If so, then take a step back and recalibrate. Take the week and find a pocket of time where you can do something solo—reconnecting with yourself can help you remember some essential truths about who you are. The week ahead can be especially confusing, with conflicting information coming at you in all directions. While you may feel like you have to act now, remember: Taking the time to consider a decision is a decision.
Taurus Weekly Horoscope
Feel that stirring energy rising from your chest to your stomach? That, Bulls, is your call to action! You’ve been tentative all summer, putting off plans, but now is the time to move, move, move. Change is scary, but think about it: What do you lose if you don’t take a risk? Right now, what you need is a dose of courage. How to find it: Hang out with friends who have your back and can remind you how awesome you are. Pump up your adrenaline with a trip to the gym. Listen to a Spotify playlist on repeat. Finally, stop thinking and just do it—once you do, you’ll be amazed at what’s on the other side of that fear.
Is love in your stars?
Gemini Weekly Horoscope
Open your eyes, Gemini: The universe is trying to teach you a lesson, and it may not come in the format you would expect. Put your phone down, take your earbuds off, and listen to conversations around you this week. You’re likely feeling in between a few different decisions or choices, and part of the process in searching for clarity is picking up on subconscious clues whispered by the universe. While you’re ready to embrace something fresh and different, prudence in the upcoming days is essential. You’ve got time on your side, and a too-quick decision could come back to haunt you.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope
Admit it, Crabs, you’ve been feeling a little stuck. Right now, your focus is on all the things that aren’t working in your life. First, take a step back and take stock of what is—whether it’s your great group of friends or your commitment to hitting the gym, balanced Libra is reminding you that a shift in perspective is essential in making lasting change. Second, the stars say that something could change in your work environment—but you have to lead the charge for it to happen. To begin, ask yourself what would make your work life more enjoyable. It may be a more simple answer than you think. And regardless of what you think, consider adding a plant to your workspace, if you can. Bringing some of the outdoors inside will do wonders for your mood.
Leo Weekly Horoscope
This week, Lions are likely to meet someone who could have a profound impact on their life going forward. The trick is to actually figure out who that person is, and to do that, Lions are going to have to go deeper than they normally do. While Leo is adept at having surface-level conversations with a variety of strangers, the stars say that you may need some one-on-one time to figure out what lessons this person is trying to teach you. Finally, it’s time to rethink priorities. You’ve been burning the candle at both ends, but doing that forever is unrealistic and will only make you exhausted. Time to figure out what you don’t need to do in order to be happy,
Virgo Weekly Horoscope
Expansive Jupiter and innovative Uranus intersect right in your financial sector. What this means: You’re ready to make money. Whether it’s starting up a business, cranking up your side hustle, or finding yourself getting bonuses at your job, the sky’s the limit. And while you’re feeling confident, don’t get cocky—and don’t spend anything until it’s safely in your bank account. Want to make even more? Suss out what, exactly, you’re working for. The more passionate you are about a goal, the more money you’ll make. Enjoy the abundance!
Libra Weekly Horoscope
Romantic possibilities swirl around you this week. Great news if you’re single; tricky if you’re attached. Your flirt game is on point, but if you’re not looking, someone may misunderstand your intentions. It’s also so important to be honest about what you want and what you’re looking for. While compliments can be addictive, they mean so much more when they’re coming from someone you genuinely like. Finally, be careful what you say. You may be caught up in the moment, which can lead to tricky misunderstandings to untangle down the road.
Scorpio Weekly Horoscope
You finally clear the air on an issue that’s been bothering you for the past few weeks. While the conversation itself may be stressful, the relief you feel will be palpable. Getting past this issue also frees your mind to focus on something new. It’s a great time to consider shaking up your daily routine—perhaps trying a new gym class, or listening to a podcast you haven’t heard before. It may be a minor tweak, but trust that the change can help you maximize your full potential.
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Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope
Oh wow, Archers—love is in the air, and it is good. In the next few days, expensive Jupiter, your personal planet, links with revolutionary Uranus, casting a spotlight on a person you may not have considered as a potential love interest. Attached? You may discover something (good!) about your partner that you never knew before. Bottom line: Libra, the sign of partnership, wants you to tune into your relationship potential. You’re always independent, but it’s okay to ask for help, do things together, and otherwise go through the world as a couple.
Capricorn Weekly Horoscope
The family tension is high, and you’ve just about reached your breaking point. First off, deep breath. The best thing you can do is take some time to destress before you explode. Second, it may be time to have that conversation you’ve been avoiding. You may be worried about hurt feelings or burned bridges, but trust that things will only get worse if you don’t let people know what’s bothering you. Finally, a reminder: You are not your family. Reclaiming your independence and realizing how you differ can give you some space to assert yourself.
Aquarius Weekly Horoscope
As dynamic Jupiter links to inventive Uranus, you’re on fire! Your brain is moving a million miles a minute, and you have so much to do, say, invent, and explore. It’s awesome! Remember: Ideas are more powerful when you share them. Inviting others to share your ideas not only will help you when your enthusiasm flags later this month, it can also help you actually get your idea off the ground. Also, consider becoming friends with your coworkers—you sometimes seem aloof, but right now, the stars say a bit more comingling of your work life and personal life could be a great thing.
Pisces Weekly Horoscope
You are so ready to take a leap! And you should—but remember, sometimes five small steps can be just as fast, effective, and smooth as one jump. In other words, take the risk, but break it up into a few different actions, so you aren’t doing everything all at once, you have everything accounted for, and if an issue does arise, you can quickly change course. What’s the big rush? The slower you go, the more effective you may be. Trust that things will work out—but hurrying things can backfire.
Read last week’s horoscope here!
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