Your September Love Horoscope, by Virgina: Sex and Love Get Intense

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September gives us a blank slate. Mercury goes direct on the fifth, followed by a Pisces full moon on the sixth. This full moon initiates a powerful release that leads into the only day of the year in which the moon makes zero aspects. The emotional roller coaster comes to a stop, and we get to rest. On September 22, the autumnal equinox arrives as the sun moves into Libra. Autumn is a time of death and restoration, leading to an eventual rebirth. Expect to enter the season with a literal and metaphorical bang. Sex and love merge together to create an intense combination. Now’s the time to plan a romantic getaway for the end of the month or early October. Perhaps in a cabin where there’s nothing to do but fall into bed as the leaves fall outside. You can thank me later.
Find out how the planets’ positions at your precise birth day, time, and place influence your personality and life circumstances.
Aries September Love Horoscope
On September 5, as Mercury turns direct, expect communication issues to ease up; you begin to understand how to use your fierce confidence and assertive self to support your relationships rather than steamroll them. On the seventh, take time to yourself to let the lessons sink in and to enjoy your newfound clarity. By the sixteenth, you’ll have truly learned what you need to know, and for the rest of the month, love will play a pivotal role in all you do. If you don’t have a partner, I suspect you’ll find one now. Mars and Venus are coming together to push you toward love. You’ll want to feel it, and you’ll want to give it, so chances are that you will have it.
Love Lesson: Find a way to communicate that respects your boundaries and desires while showing compassion for your partner’s perspective.
Passion Prediction:
Taurus September Love Horoscope
You’ll want to settle in at home and get your affairs in order before fall arrives. But romance is happening outside your doors. Other people are wanting to go on adventures and enjoy these last few days of summer. Don’t worry. Go ahead and use the first half of the month to take care of whatever you need to do to feel settled. There will still be plenty of time for adventure in the second half, and you’re likely to enjoy it more since you took care of yourself first. On September 20, Venus moves into Virgo, and you’re feeling more comfortable in love. This comfort will only increase as you approach the end of the month. So take your time. If you feel like staying in, stay in. The stars will draw you out when the time is right.
Love Lesson: Trust the inner voice telling you where to go, when. It’s connected to the larger picture and has your back.
Passion Prediction:
Gemini September Love Horoscope
This month is all about sex, whether it’s doing it, having it, or thinking about it. Not a bad thing! You’ll be feeling flirtatious and social. You’re ready to take whatever heartbreak or disappointment August dealt and put it behind you. Life’s too short to dwell on relationships that don’t work out, people who don’t want you as much as you want them, and petty bickering and arguments with people you love. Your priorities are in order. Mercury goes direct on the fifth, meets up with Mars, and eventually passes into Libra by the end of the month. This means that by the 30th, commitment will be on your mind again, so let September be fun and playful. Put yourself out there, and if you’re in the mood, enjoy some casual fun (perhaps on the 18th). This month serves to anchor you in your sexy self in order to make room for new love in October.
Love Lesson: After heartbreak and when you’re ready, remind yourself that love can be fun.
Passion Prediction:
Cancer September Love Horoscope
This isn’t a drought. You have access to love and sex and all that good stuff. But you keep looking to it as a source of joy—something to complete you and fill you up, and that’s part of the problem. Sure, there’s immense joy and comfort to be found in love and partnership, but that’s not its purpose. Its purpose is to teach you to love when things are easy and confusing and hard and every other which way. Can you love someone wholeheartedly even when they’re pissing you off or not satisfying your desires? By the time the moon moves to Cancer on September 14, you’ll understand this, and you’ll begin to feel ease again in love. It’ll ebb and flow a bit throughout the rest of the month, but by the end of it, love flows smoothly. Enjoy it!
Love Lesson: There’s no rulebook for love. Trust yourself, and stay true. The rest will follow.
Passion Prediction:
Leo September Love Horoscope
Venus is in your sign through the twentieth, so expect love to be just as fun as you are. But at the same time, all that fun is likely to begin to feel a bit same-old, and sex is predictable. Midway through the month, you realize that things have been monotonous because your partner finds security in the routine. If you want to shake things up, help make them feel more secure in your connection. With the sun in Virgo, you’ll be keenly observant of all minor details. This will help you tune into any partner’s needs, and despite feeling restricted by routine, you’re also feeling a lot of love right now—we’re talking soulmate level kind of love. This may be especially intense as the moon passes through Leo on the sixteenth and seventeenth. This cycle is bringing your love life closer to a long-term lasting partnership.
Love Lesson: When we’re disatisfied sexually, it’s easy to feel frustrated with our partner, but that frustration will only bring more unpleasant emotions into your sexual experience. Let go of any expectations and stay open to each other.
Passion Prediction:
Virgo September Love Horoscope
Mercury heads direct and moves into Virgo on the ninth. For most of the month, it’s traveling alongside Mars. This means you’re in your head even more than usual and overanalyzing things—especially when it comes to sex. You might be feeling anxious about your performance or generally striving to perform perfectly. On September 20, Venus moves into Virgo along with a Virgo new moon. All things love and sex are speaking your language. The attention to details you offer both romantically and sexually helps others feel loved and appreciated. On the September 22, the Sun leaves Virgo and moves into Libra, bringing some balance and ease to your busy mind. But you’ll increasingly need to feel needed. If you have a partner who satisfies this need, the sex will be out of this world.
Love Lesson: Analysis breeds insecurity, but thoughtfulness shows people you love them. Find the balance.
Passion Prediction:
Libra September Love Horoscope
As you enjoy the last few days before your birthday, expect love and sex to give you a major confidence boost. Leo’s playful, adventurous spirit emanates through all romance and helps anchor you to the present. You’re usually planning diligently for what’s to come, but this month, love helps you loosen up and connect to the moment. On or before September 14, you’ll meet someone exciting, or just generally enjoy your partner’s company. Make sure to make time for all of this, or you might miss it. Plan a date for the seventeenth, when the planets align to offer you the opportunity for deeply fulfilling romance. On the September 22, the Sun moves into Libra, and your season begins. At the start, you might feel especially triggered and irritable, but by month’s end, as Mercury joins the sun and Jupiter in Libra, your mind will find some relief.
Love Lesson: The more you connect with someone in the present moment, rather than thinking of what’s to come or what’s already happened, the more fulfilling the romantic connection becomes.
Passion Prediction:
Scorpio September Love Horoscope
In the first half of the month, you’ll be uncovering new levels of sexual pleasure. This discovery leads up to an intensely sexually satisfying period from September 17 through 30. Mercury disconnects from Mars while Venus moves closer, and a Scorpio moon passes over. This combines your emotional, love, and sex life with your penchant for personal growth and transformation. Passions will be running high as sexual pleasure comes easily and regularly. This intensity invigorates you in time for the autumnal equinox on the September 22. And fall is your season, especially if you live somewhere that experiences massive climate shifts this time of year. As trees turn, flowers wither away, and fire logs are stacked to be burned, you become energized by the external manifestation of the transformation you embody.
Love Lesson: You can increase pleasure both by opening yourself to new and different ways of doing things and by embracing what is familiar.
Passion Prediction:
Sagittarius September Love Horoscope
Whether it’s a lasting or fleeting relationship, partner love has a lot to teach you about self love. Saturn in Sagittarius trines Mars and Venus, and your ruling planet of Jupiter sextiles Mars and Venus. As romance teaches you more and more about how to love yourself, you’ll feel increasingly freer to be yourself. Love unlocks the door to who you truly are and invites the world in. Any part of yourself that you’ve been closing off or hiding begins to integrate into the rest of you. Who you allow yourself to be expands, and thank goodness, because we all deserve that. And while love may help get you there, make sure you don’t conflate your lover with this sense of expansion. That’s all you. Between the September 25 and 30, you may experience unexpected rockiness in the love department. Don’t panic. If and when this happens, don’t let yourself forget all that you’ve learned.
Love Lesson: The greatest love of all comes from yourself and nobody else.
Passion Prediction:
Capricorn September Love Horoscope
Your circumstances are trying to teach you how to love yourself and how to grow, but with Pluto squaring Jupiter, expansion isn’t coming easily. You’re struggling to learn the lessons. Someone might look you in the eyes and tell you point blank: I love you just the way you are. Only issue? You’re not hearing it. Your insecurities may create frustration for any partner, as they feel forced to prove their love and affection to you. On September 17, you’re finally ready to receive what they have to give, and there’s no keeping you apart physically. You’ll be riding this lustful wave through the end of the month.
Love Lesson: You can’t rush learning, but you can try. Listen and accept what people have to say without looking for reasons why they’re wrong.
Passion Prediction:
Aquarius September Love Horoscope
The Aquarius moon on September 2 through 4 opposes the love planets of Venus and Mars, creating tension in your love life, but this passes quickly. For the rest of the month, Uranus and the love planets are aligned. This will express itself sexually at first—in the form of increased sexual connection with your partner or a new sexual relationship. Your mantra right now: I’m just in it for the sex. The only issue? Between the eleventh and the fifteeth, that mantra begins to feel less and less true. You’re growing attached and realizing you just might like this person. And who wouldn’t? They make you feel free to be yourself. Your romantic feelings and your partner’s intentions will clarify by September 24. At that point, they’re either in it with you or they’re not. If you’re already partnered, this is a month of increased connection and intimacy, so let it all in.
Love Lesson: Don’t settle for anyone offering anything less than what you’re willing and wanting to give.
Passion Prediction:
Pisces September Love Horoscope
Ouch. September is going to dig up a lot of old wounds. Chiron conflicts with Jupiter and Venus, and Neptune conflicts with Venus, Mars, and the Sun. Hang in there. This is what you can expect: A full moon in Pisces on September 6 will break open an old, icky pain that’s been balled up tightly inside you. Maybe from this life. Maybe from another, but it’s deep, and it won’t dissapear, you have to go through it. For the rest of the month, the ball of pain unravels, leaving you feeling particularly sensitive and vulnerable. Give yourself plenty or rest and time alone. This pain is specifically related to your love life, and it’s especially likely to be sexual in nature (whether it’s sexual insecurity, trauma, or even reproductive issues). You’ll struggle to be intimate right now. You’re not getting over this emotional revelation quickly. It will take time, but slowly and surely, it will get better, and you’ll be even more open to love than before.
Love Lesson: Healing your old wounds is essential for moving forward and trusting. You can heal alongside a loving partner, but often, you need to heal alone.
Passion Prediction:
Virginia is a Brooklyn-based Reiki Master and psychic healer dedicated to expanding people’s understanding of what’s possible. She offers private readings, coaching, healing, and more through her company,
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