Your September Horoscope: It's Time to Get Your Sh*t Together, Love

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Now that we’ve closed August’s eclipse season, September brings us some optimum opportunities to take whatever we learned about ourselves back in August to the next level. Funnily enough, good old Mercury is still stuck in time out until September 5, giving unlimited chances to revisit, redo, reorganize and revitalize our lives. Mars and Venus will connect with Uranus this month—Mars and Uranus on September 2, and Venus and Uranus on September 18. Both days will bring you a happy surprise, something that could push you a little closer to your dreams. On the thirteenth, Venus and Saturn team up to give your love and/or money life a little boost. September 14 will give you a chance to dance with your shadows, as the Sun and Saturn are having a major showdown. Finishing this three-day emotional rollercoaster sandwich, Venus and Jupiter are blowing each other kisses on the fifteenth, helping you recover from whatever went down the day before.
This month’s full moon will fall in Pisces, reaping whatever energies you planted last February. Expect your intuition to be at 110 percent, so dream journaling is a must around September 6! It’s time to get your emotional health on fleek, because if it’s not where it should be, this full moon will make it super clear. For the new moon in Virgo on the twentieth, use whatever went haywire during Mercury in retrograde as a guide on what intentions you need to plant to make sure you don’t have a repeat. The month concludes with the sun and Mercury moving on to Libra, shifting our focus to relationships. You will feel a pick-up in your social life, so take advantage of it. The sun enters Libra on September 22, followed by Mercury on the thirtieth. You might have some hiccups from September 24 to 28; meditate on creating balance between your dreams and current reality. Don’t allow anyone’s bad vibes to influence your own sense of self-worth. Write affirmations on Post-its and stick them everywhere as a reminder that you slay, all day. Trust me!
Aries September Horoscope
September is all about love for you, Rams! Your dating and long term relationship houses are lit AF. If you’re single and mingling, be sure to get out and about on the second and the eighteenth. Uranus could help you meet someone special in the most unexpected way. If you’re hoping to make it official or to take your relationship to the next level, be open to a little chat with your lover on September 13. With the sun and Mercury in your house of health, coworkers, work, and habits, know that any negative drama you’ve been experiencing will come to a close around the fifth. Don’t forget to take the time to analyze all that was out of whack, though, and strategize on how to better prepare next time. Set intentions on how you want to improve your fitness, work/life balance, and relationships with coworkers during the New Moon on September 20. The full moon in Pisces on the sixth will bring you not only an opportunity to tackle any habits that are holding you back, but it could also help you uncover any secrets being kept from you. Handle whatever comes up like the boss you are. Remember that the universe is just showing you how to fly, love.
Taurus September Horoscope
You’ve got it a lot going on this month, Taurus! Although the month kicks off with Mercury bringing you a couple of annoyances in your home sector, you should be wrapping up any last minute home related maintenance around September 5. Mark September 2 and 18 on your calendar, as they are set to be magical days. You should have some good news coming your way relating to your home. September’s full moon in Pisces will make you feel psychic AF. This full moon will happen in your house of friendships, associations, and hopes and dreams. Don’t despair if a friend gives you a tough time, just take a step back and assess the life of the friendship. Sometimes full moons tell us to call it quits, other times they offer the support (or drama) to encourage healing. If you’re looking to make any change in your current living situation, you will find some progress on the thirteenth. September 14 could put a little damper on your dating life, as Granddaddy Saturn is calling your very playful Sun out. Saturn wants you to be responsible with who you are merging resources with, inclusive of finances, sex, and property. If you’ve been living too much on the wild side, don’t be surprised if Saturn calls checkmate. No fears though, love. It’s just another opportunity for you to get more in line with the person you came to this planet to become. The new moon on September 20 will give you a splendid opportunity to plant some seeds of romance. If you’re single or attached, this is a great time to update your dream relationship list. If you don’t ask, the universe cannot give.
Gemini September Horoscope
Are you ready for your exes to stop popping up, Gemini? For the past three weeks, you’ve had your fair share of dating mishaps and missed connections. The great news is Mercury finally goes direct on the fifth, and your love life should go back to its regularly scheduled programing. Don’t let all of that past energy shake you. Just make sure you took note of whatever went down and stay committed to learning from your mistakes. If you commited to a creative pursuit during this time, that’s an amazing way to use the retrograde energy. Keep pushing it past the fifth, and you’re likely to get rewarded. A five-star day for you is September 2, when Mars and Uranus send each other some love. A friend might bring you some lucky or introduce you to someone exciting. September 6 brings a full moon in Pisces, which means your career sector is lit, and it’s a great time to make some changes. Remember, when full moons happen, they bring up ways for you to get real with yourself. Whatever seeds you planted back in February will finally culminate this month. Don’t stress if you butt heads with someone at work, just remember to find your inner zen place and approach with caution. With some work, you can make things work in your favor. If you are thinking about taking a little last minute getaway with a love, around the September 13 should work. The fourteenth could be a little tricky, as you there might be a little tension between your relationship and your home life. Fortunately, whatever goes down should come right back up on September 15, when Venus and Jupiter blow each other kisses. Have you been thinking about moving, finding a new roommate, or making other changes to your home? Well, there is a new moon on the twentieth that’s sure to help you create some stability at home. Write down a list of what your dream living situation may look like, and keep it close. New moons are the best for planting the seeds of our dreams.
Cancer September Horoscope
September kicks off with a strong start for you, Crabs! On September 2, Mars and Uranus are teaming up to bring you a little surprise, which might even be monetary! All that hard work you’ve been doing seems to be paying off, as a check could come your way. On September 5, Mercury will finally go direct in your communications sector, so you can feel like people actually understand what you’re talking about again. Hopefully this will also ease any commute, car or tech issues you’ve been having for the last three weeks. The full moon on the sixth could bring some news about school, travel, publishing or legal matters you’ve had in the works. Mark September 13, 15, and 18 on your calendar as a few more magical days for your bank account, Venus is playing nice in your earned income sector. The fourteenth could bring a little challenge from a coworker, but with some adjustment and appropriate, level-headed communication, whatever comes up could be easily smoothed away. Remember, tension brings opportunity for us to heal and grow—focus on the lesson and not the drama. The month winds down with a new moon in Virgo in your siblings, communications, transportation and short-term travel house. Feel free to plan a quick getaway around this time. If you can’t bear to leave, then make sure to at least make a list of some quick getaways to plan for. The month concludes with the sun and Mercury moving on to your house of home and roots. Expect the focus in your life to shift to wear you lay your hat. Do we smell a home makeover coming?
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Leo September Horoscope
Dear Leo, you are going to be magical this month! September starts off with a bang! Mars and Uranus are sending you quite a bit of energy! The second is an awesome day to ask for what you need and get it. And only a few days later, on the fifth, Mercury will finally wake up and go direct. Say bye, Felicia to missed, lost, or incorrect checks and money issues. If you need to sign any financial paperwork, try to hold out until after the fifth, unless it’s a renegotiation. Mercury retrograde favors re-evaluating and re-negotiating agreements, so get any of that done before the fifth. Speaking of money, the full moon on the sixth will be in your merging of resources house. This indicates you might have some unexpected expenses pop up. Never fear love, Mars, Venus and Mercury will be making their way into your earned income sector later in the month, so if you end up having to shell out a lot of cash, your stash will be replenished by the end of the month. The top three days of the month for you are September 9, 13, and 18. Mark these in your calendar and prepare for the universe to bring you some surprises. The fourteenth could bring some challenges, perhaps a check you were expecting will be delayed. Fortunately, the aspects the day after should help to soothe whatever comes up. September winds down with a new moon in your earned income house. This is the perfect time to set some money and salary intentions. Write down some short and long term financial goals for yourself the night of the new moon to make the most of this energy.
Virgo August Horoscope
Happy Birthday, Virgo! This month is set to be magical for you! September starts off with Mars sending a beautiful beam of energy to Uranus in your eighth house of debt, loans, inheritance, transformation and sex. Prepare for the unexpected on September 2! Perhaps you’ll hear back regarding a loan you applied for, receive a check from a long lost family member, or just win some cash. Mercury will finally move direct on September 5. If you want to do a self makeover, try to wrap it up before then. Mercury brought a little havoc to how you felt others perceived you over the past three weeks, but now you will find this effect easing away. This month’s full moon will happen in your long term relationship and business partnership sector, bringing something to culmination. If issues arise between you and a partner, be sure to cool down before trying to hash it out. Remember that when problems arise in a relationship, you have two options, tackle it together as a team, or harbor anger towards each other. Choose the high road, dear Virgo. Your annual birthday new moon arrives on September 20. Be sure to take a pause to reflect on what’d you like to create for this new year.
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Libra September Horoscope
September starts off with a ray of sunshine right in your long term relationships and business partnerships zone! September 2 could be a great day for any happenings that include your partner and your friends. Good thing it’s a Saturday night! A few days later, Mercury does an about-face and goes direct in your house of the unconscious. Hopefully you’ve spent the last three weeks digging through your psyche and learning more about how to kick your mental blocks bye-bye. Once Mercury goes direct, you will feel like it’s time to come out of your shell and go back to your usual social self. This month’s full moon will could bring a little tension at work. Saturn will be at a disharmonious angle with the full moon, potentially creating a bit of a challenge with an authority figure, but Pluto is supporting you with a harmonious angle. Whatever comes up, just keep your cool, Libra. You will be able to use your tact and diplomacy to tackle whatever goes down. Fortunately, only a few days later, you have three magical days coming your way. September 13, 15, and 18 are ideal days to unwind, relax, and enjoy. The month winds down with a new moon encouraging you to recharge and relax before your birthday month. Use this new moon to reflect on what you want to let go of. It’s important to always take account of any habits that are holding you back and figure out a plan to let them go. The universe has your back!
Scorpio September Horoscope
It’s about darn time those long hours you’ve been putting into work paid off! On the second, Mars will send some love to Uranus activating your work and career houses! A surprise project or meeting could pop up, which might turn into a grand opportunity for you! Just a few days later, Mercury will finally go direct and you can move past those annoying communication mishaps in your social life. Mercury has been wreaking havoc on all things social for you over the last three weeks. September 6 brings a full moon in your house of true love, creativity, and baby making. This full moon is looking a little tense because Saturn wants you to make sure you are committed to your life path—but Pluto is nicely supporting this moon. Perhaps the news you hear might not be exactly what you’d hoped, but it will sure provide you with an opportunity to grow, learn, and reassess. Be sure to pause before you react. There is always a silver lining when you are ready to see it. Don’t worry, Scorpio, there are some magical days coming up right after this full moon. Mark September 13, 15, and 18 on your calendar, all of which are key days for your career. Friends and money don’t mix well on the September 14, so please don’t give to your friends with any expectations of getting something in return. The month winds down with a new moon highlighting your network and social circle. Be sure to get out there on the twentieth, you never know what awesome folks you could meet.
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Sagittarius September Horoscope
How would you feel about a foreign lover, Sagittarius? It isn’t out of the question this month! On September 2, Mars and Uranus are blowing each other kisses, activating your true love, creativity and baby making house and your foreigners, travel, education, and legal affairs house. There are many possibilities with an aspect like this, but Uranus loves to give us surprises, so be ready for the unexpected. A few days later, on the fifth, Mercury goes direct! This little guy has been throwing career miscommunications and complications at you for the last three weeks. Now you can relax. On the sixth, there will be a full moon in your home sector. Are you planning to move or make changes to your space? This full moon will likely bring you news that will give you some direction. Be sure to approach whatever comes to you with a calm and steady approach. The month winds down with a new moon in your career house on September 20. An opportunity could be coming straight at you! Be sure to network, have that resume updated, and send it out. Sometimes, you have to create your own magic, but this is absolutely the right energy to do just that. If you are feeling confused in your career, know that this is the perfect time to make a career vision board, or just a list of your dream careers. The universe is 100 percent behind you! Ask and you shall receive, dear.
Capricorn September Horoscope
If you were hoping to hear some good news about your home, it might come sooner than you think, Capricorn! On September 2, Mars will be sending happy vibes to Uranus in your home sector! You could hear about an exciting change to your current living situation. Just a few days later, Mercury will go direct in your travel, education and beliefs zone! If you travelled during this mercury retrograde, you’ve probably had your share of travel delays, cancellations and roadblocks. Kiss those goodbye for now! On September 6, expect a busy day filled with a ton of errands, paperwork and frenzy! Be sure to hydrate, take little breaks, and eat properly this day to avoid depleting your energy too much. September 13, 15, and 18 are going to be the highlights of the month! Don’t be afraid to secure some sexy time with your lover, as Venus will be in your house of lovemaking. Also, it’s highly possible you might find money coming your way from an unexpected source. The month comes to a close with a new moon that will have you itching to explore, grow and expand! Use the energy of this new moon on the twentieth to make travel plans (or a travel dream list), take a class, or start a new book. If you’re an entrepreneur, be sure to brainstorm with your team on new ideas for your business. New moons are for seed-planting, all it takes is just a little seed of intention to manifest the life of your dreams!
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Aquarius September Horoscope
It looks like a business or long term relationship partner has a surprise for you on September 2, Aquarius! The month begins with Mars blowing kisses to Uranus, which could be ideal for a quick getaway with your love or a productive off-site with your partner. Mercury finally goes direct a few days later on the fifth. You can now breathe a sigh of relief, and expect to get a break from exposed secrets; loan, inheritance and tax issues; and intimacy problems. Hopefully, Mercury in retrograde gave you a shot to refinance some loans or work out something with the IRS that’s in your favor. If not, make sure you do so before Mercury goes direct on the fifth. Just one day later, there is a full moon in your house of earned income. You might have to shell out some cash for an unexpected expense around September 6. Annoying as it is, it’s not worth the stress because September 13, 15 and 18 will be such magical days that you will forget about anything that came up before. September comes to a close with a new moon in Virgo encouraging you to update your budget, take out a loan, or merge assets with a significant other. Be sure to take some time out to really think about your long term financial goals. The universe won’t know what to give you, unless you tell it.
Pisces September Horoscope
It looks like that hard work is finally about to pay off, Pisces! On September 2, Mars will be sending some lovely energy over to Uranus in your earned income sector! Cha-ching! Then, a few days later, Mercury will be going direct in your house of longterm relationships and business partnerships. If you and your partner have been butting heads a lot over the last three weeks, blame Mercury. You can finally relax now, though, as Mercury is finished helping you renegotiate the terms of your relationship. The full moon on the sixth might have you wondering what’s in it for you. But that’s the wrong question to ask! This Virgo full moon should remind you to consider everyone around you. It’s all about balance, Pisces. People want leaders who aren’t afraid to listen and follow, too. September stands to wind down with a new moon in your marriage and business partnership sector. If you’re in a longterm relationship and are looking to take it to the next level, September 20, is a good day to have a little chat. If you’re not, this is the optimum time to try some love magic. New moons are fantastic for helping you plant seeds that you want to manifest. If you want love, you gotta ask for it, dear!
Feature illustration by Debra Cartwright.
Shereen Campbell is a 30-something New Yorker striving to create the life of her dreams. She’s an astrologer, ecommerce manager, and the founder of My Little Magic Shop. She loves sailing, southern Italian food, and all things magical.
Read last month’s horoscope here!
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