Weekly Horoscope: Things Get Intense

By Horoscope.com

On February 23, 2020

In Astrology, Horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: Things Get Intense

February 24 – March 1, 2020

There’s a big focus on both the dreamy sign of Pisces and the go-getter, ambitious sign of Capricorn. Thus, this week we’ll tie up loose ends and find closure—with an emphasis on goals, ambitions, and those in authority.

On Monday, the sun (planet of ego) aspects feisty Mars (planet of aggression) in Capricorn, which can encourage combining imagination and practical wisdom to create something unique. And insights into a situation can make responding easier.

On Tuesday, the sun ties in with Mercury (planet of communication)—which in turn also combines with Mars—encouraging further reflection and constructive planning. Remember to be careful with contracts though: Mercury is still in retrograde!

Feelings could intensify on Friday as Venus (planet of love) forges an awkward angle with Pluto (planet of transformation). If you want something, you could go out of your way to get it.

On the same day, thoughtful Mercury aligns with electric Uranus (planet of change), which could bring brilliant ideas into the mix. If you need a solution, it could arise out of the blue. Just be ready to act on it.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week

weekly horoscope

Courtesy of @ameyasrealm


You may be eager to get going on your goals, Aries—particularly as the planetary aspects are bringing an extra element of productivity your way this week. Your intuition is important right now. It may be possible to get exactly what you want, without waiting a long time. Lastly, Venus and Pluto are making volcanic ties on Friday. Watch out for trouble.

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


Mercury retrograde is making an angle to Mars, encouraging you to leap toward a new opportunity. Venus connects to Pluto on Friday, which could spur some intense feelings for someone else (and not always good feelings). In general, you may be feeling a bit self-conscious over the weekend, Taurus—take things slowly.

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope.


The sun and Mercury are linking to Mars early in the week, which connects you with the right people to make yourself a success. Mercury retrograde is in a heightened area in your chart, though—don’t commit to things too quickly. Over the weekend, there may be some jealousy cropping up here, Gemini. So, remember to cool down your expectations before heading in.

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


The planets are making this week an easy one for you to voice your travel plans to someone special. You know what’s best for you two, Cancer; it’s time to go out there and make it happen! Venus and Pluto are linking on Friday, which may make for a jealous-laden weekend. Try not to be too critical of others.

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


This week is about giving more in order to receive more back, Leo. Where work is concerned, this could bring a whole bunch of positive benefits in the workspace. The Venus and Pluto connection on Friday is putting you in a power dynamic where you’re on the more submissive end. Seduce by acquiescing—trying to establish dominance will only push your partner away.

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


Being a Virgo, you’re super pragmatic about how you approach projects. This week, your talents are needed at work; take charge! There’s some romance in the air as well. This could be someone from the past seeing as Mercury retrograde tends to crop up those past loves. Over the weekend, a conversation with someone could help you see a new idea through.

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscope.


Mercury touches Mars in your home zone, Libra—which may inspire you to redecorate or reorganize! Venus, your ruling planet, and Pluto are mixing together in your home zone as well, which may bring issues into play with family or your significant other.

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


You’re seeing a quite abundant week ahead here, Scorpio! With creative and romantic opportunities funneling your way, it may be impossible not to have a good time. Over the weekend, Mercury (still in retrograde) in your romance zone makes a link to Uranus… you could meet someone extra special.

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


Time to splurge on a home project? With an abundance of energy happening around your home zone, it might be time to DIY, remodel, or redecorate. With Mercury retrograde gliding through your family sector though, be sure not to do anything without the permission of others in the house. There may be some miscommunications possible here that could throw off everything, Sagittarius.

Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


Experience and naivety meet this week to create a project with a fresh perspective. Someone new comes into the picture to help you on your endeavors. Just be careful with Mercury retrograde happening, so that both of you are on the same page about things. Lastly, tension may happen around money this weekend.

Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


Intuition is heightened this week. Be sure to listen to those dreams and tap into your gut feelings! On another note Aquarius, Mercury retrograde is traveling through your money zone—so even though you want to spend a ton… hold off on those bigger purchases until after it goes direct. Lastly, over the weekend, Venus connects with Pluto and it may see you going a little overboard on the love.

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


The sun in Pisces is still fueling your dreamy vibes. But this week, it makes links to Mercury and Mars—bringing your creative ideas to a visionary experience that is even more powerful. Finally, Mercury and Uranus connect this weekend which further pushes you to explore that opportunity. If you do, it could re-invigorate your life.

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

Lead photo courtesy of @ameyasrealm

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