Weekly Horoscope: August 1–7, 2022

It’s a hot, new month, and we’re all about to experience its serious sizzle! If you’re getting anxious about summer ending soon, Monday’s explosive conjunction between Mars (the planet of authority) and Uranus (the planet ruling unconventional actions) in stubborn Taurus might catch you off guard. However, it gives you the swift kick you need to break free from convention and do your own thing before it’s too late.
Sexy Venus (our cosmic love goddess) is partnered with emotional Cancer all week. As it forms two supportive sextiles on Tuesday—one to spontaneous Uranus and the other to intense Mars, both under a sensual Taurean influence—there’s an urgency in the air that also advises you not to waste your time. Love and lust take many forms now, and no matter your relationship status, chances are good that you’ve got a little extra sumthin’-sumthin’ going on in your love life.
Everything isn’t always what it seems, and getting caught up in power plays and destructive behavior can really extinguish the flames that have been burning all week. A dramatic shift happens when communicative Mercury (the quick thinker of the universe) partners up with detail-focused Virgo, a sign it rules, on Wednesday, and the complicated appearance of a Grand Cross on Friday cranks the heat up even more. This fixed sign entanglement between some heavy-duty planetary all-stars (including the mysterious Scorpio moon, the dramatic Leo sun, wise Saturn, powerful Mars and experimental Uranus) reminds you to choose sides wisely.
Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope
There’s zero shame in admitting that you need to take a break sometimes, Aries. As a fire sign, you certainly don’t shy away from the heat, but there are moments this week that might be a little too heated even for you. Venus now lights up your “home is where the heart is” zone, putting you in the mood to stick close to comforting and relaxing spots where your trusted squad can surround you. So even though you usually love to be out and about, you can see why you might want to stick closer to home when this week’s crazy cosmic sh*t hits the fan.
Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.
Everyone else around you might be panicking and crumbling under the pressure of this week’s cosmic chaos, but you’re able to stay calm thanks to your reliable sign’s steadying influence on this week’s planetary storms. You benefit from stepping outside your comfort zone and adding a little creativity to your life when Mercury pairs with dramatic Leo in your house of joy on Wednesday, so don’t hesitate to lighten up a bit. Just because you’re the solid rock everyone relies on doesn’t mean you can’t remove your “hat of common-sense” and take a break every once in a while.
Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope.
You’ve got a lot of ideas and plans you want to carry out before the summer is over, but don’t let your scattered brain activity stop you from making them happen. This week is an excellent time to make some specific goals for the near future, Gemini, and then put them into action. When your ruler Mercury moves into your fourth house of home and loved ones, your mind turns to family matters. Maintaining open lines of communication will be critical, especially among members of different generations. Don’t leave anything left unsaid.
Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.
You’d love to leave your responsibilities behind just this once, but there are too many people depending on you to break free from the confines of your daily life. However, with lovely Venus lighting up your first house of personal empowerment, your “heart over head” approach to love provides a much-needed distraction. Now is a great time to declare a cease-fire between you and anyone you’ve been battling with lately, especially a partner or lover. Life is indeed too short to waste on silly little arguments. Let your softer side help you gently conquer any obstacles standing in the way of your happiness.
Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.
You love to soak up the warm rays of summer, but will the intense heat send you running for shade this week? Unlikely. There are lots of clues from the universe telling you that this can be an ideal week for you to shine, Leo, so don’t waste your time in the spotlight. The sun radiates good vibes in your attention-loving sign all week, but your ruling celestial body’s involvement in the Grand Cross reminds you not to get too caught up in other people’s drama. Involving yourself in things that aren’t really any of your business takes the attention away from you anyway.
Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.
You don’t easily get caught up in life’s drama, and your level head is a big part of what saves you from breaking down under various pressures this week. You’re most likely thinking about the end of summer in terms of tasks you need to take on this fall, so you won’t be particularly sentimental about what never happened or will soon be ending. However, with lovely Venus in your house of networking and friendships, you don’t have to go it alone. If you struggle with anything emotionally or physically this week, help is just a call or text away.
Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes.
Your life is all about balance, but some of that coveted equilibrium is upset this week. You might be kicking yourself with regret over something you did (or didn’t do), but any pangs of remorse won’t last long. You have a full week ahead of you, and you can make new memories to replace the ones that are fading. Venus is in your career zone later this week, Libra, so you feel free to blow off some steam with coworkers. Just remember that mixing business with pleasure won’t necessarily end up the way you hope it will. But never fear, lovely Libra, because everything seems to balance out for you in the end.
Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.
If a hot summer romance (or exciting new friendship) has been keeping you occupied, things could come to a screeching halt without you knowing why this week. You’re the one who usually pulls the mysterious vanishing act, though, Scorpio, so you could be left a little butt hurt when things fizzle. Luckily, Venus starts traveling through your house of expansion and adventure, so you won’t have much trouble finding the next exciting thing. The moon is in your sign during the Grand Cross late in the week, putting off some intense lunar energy. Do your best to control your emotions even when people are trying to get in your head.
Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.
You have a deeper understanding of most things this week, especially because Venus is sailing through your zone of investigation into the unknown all week. While most people are partying and having a good time, you’ll be doing a deep dive and looking for answers. Travel-focused Mercury moves into your career zone, so you might be going somewhere to take care of job responsibilities or interviewing for a potential job relocation. Is it wrong to piggyback a little leisure time on top of your business trip? You wouldn’t be a true Archer if you didn’t try!
Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.
If you have FOMO this week, there are lots of planetary combinations to help you get over it! When you’re feeling left out, the Mars-Uranus conjunction helps you regroup and formulate a plan that will increase your popularity. You aren’t asking to be the center of attention, but you wouldn’t mind lowkey catching someone’s eye and going from there. And with romantic Venus traveling in your house of partnerships all week, you’re finally ready to put your love life ahead of your other responsibilities. Adventure awaits the Goat who is brave enough to accept a spontaneous invitation from a hot stranger or say “yes” to your current partner!
Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.
This week can be extremely transformative if you play your cards right, Aquarius. A couple of upbeat sextiles early in the week involving Venus in your sixth house of logic help you remain cool, calm and collected on the outside while you squeal with delight on the inside. You aren’t one to showcase your emotions, but there will be other times – like when Mercury powers through your zone of complete obsession – when you won’t be able to hide your enthusiasm. Let it all out. You’ll feel so much better when you just admit how you truly feel.
Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.
The upbeat energy from the Venus-Cancer pairing this week puts you in a flirtatious, nonjudgmental mood. Your creativity and artistic abilities are on display, and even though you’re not feeling critical, what people think of you still really matters. It is an understatement to say your ego can’t take it when someone doesn’t like you or what you have to offer. However, the fixed sign Grand Cross on Friday turns up the heat and reminds you to stick to your beliefs. Someone might try to persuade you to do something that doesn’t align with your personal beliefs, but you know better than to do something you’ll really regret, Pisces.