5 Things Every Aries Needs For Self-Care This Season

Get ready for change! From March 20 to April 20 this year, the sun will travel through fiery Aries, which many don’t realize is a very important astrological period. Although we tend to think of January as the kick-off for setting resolutions and beginning new projects, the Spring Equinox likely has even more power in this way, given that it corresponds with the sun’s trip through the first sign of the zodiac—a sign, no less, that’s ruled by Mars, the planet of action, energy, strength, and sexual style.
What Characterizes Aries Season?
Influenced by the go-getter planet and dynamic fire sign, the energy of Aries season is excitable, impulsive, competitive, and even hot-headed. If you find yourself feeling beyond eager to throw off the layers of stress or fatigue that have piled up over the course of the winter and dive head first into new professional projects, relationships, or especially healthy eating and fitness routines, you’re definitely not alone. It’s Aries’ lively influence!
What Aries People Should Expect This Season
For those born under Aries, your 2019 season will be marked by not one but two Libra full moons, which activate your seventh house of partnership. Emphasizing themes of balance and peace, these full moons are sure to offer an apparent contrast to the month’s self-focused, ardent fire energy. The first, on March 20, is a Supermoon that urges you to wrap up any ongoing conflicts or disagreements in their partnerships, both personal and business-related. The second full moon, on April 19, offers a second opportunity to achieve harmony in collaborations with a significant other or colleague.
Read This Now: Your Full Aries 2019 Horoscope: Love, Career, Money, and More
Mercury, which has been retrograde since March 5 will turn direct in Pisces—your twelfth house of spirituality—on the 28th, clearing the way for you to start sharing and applying those insights you’ve reflected and meditated on during the prior three weeks. Adding even more fuel to this effort will be Mars’ move into Gemini and your third house of communication on the 31st. (It remains there until May 15.) You’ll feel even more empowered than usual to brainstorm, discuss, and act on goals—especially while Mercury is in your sign from April 17 to May 6.
As if Mercury retrograde isn’t enough to throw you off, an especially stimulating, passionate new moon in Aries falls on April 5, inspiring fired-up intention-setting, especially for those born under the driven, fearless, spirited sign. If your daydream feels as electrifying to your soul as it does challenging, it’s one you should work to make a reality—by taking even a small step now.
It’s a lot, but no need to worry, Aries. Here, we’ve gathered a couple items to help you get through this passionate season of relationship-building and intention-setting. (To be honest, even if you weren’t born with your sun in this cardinal fire sign, you may still benefit from these items during this year’s Aries season.)
The Bullet Journal Method by Ryder Carroll
Courtesy of Amazon
The Bullet Journal Method: Track the Past, Order the Present, Design the Future, $17.10
Let’s be honest: As a cardinal sign, you’re more likely to get excited about the big picture idea than the day-to-day follow through. But with this last Mercury retrograde in your twelfth house of spirituality, you may have formed some goals that you’re hell-bent on achieving, especially as we shift into gung-ho Aries season. The Bullet Journal Method is a perfect addition to your goal-hitting toolbox, offering concrete ways to implement what the author calls “intentional living.” Using step-by-step tactics, the book aims to help you “track the past, order the present, and design the future”—all of which are fitting steps to take as we come out of a retrograde and head toward an Aries new moon.
Read This Now: The Best Self-Care Routine for Aries
Moon Juice Brain Dust
Courtesy of Amazon
You’re bound to be a little more passionate during your season, Aries. So you might struggle to stay focused as you start investing yourself in multiple thrilling projects, especially once your key planet go-getter Mars, lights up your communication zone during its trip through Gemini. So now is a great time for mindfulness (think using an app like Headspace or attending vinyasa classes). But who has time to slow down? You certainly don’t. With Moon Juice’s Brain Dust, you can throw some into your morning smoothie or coffee on-the-go. Packed with herbs and mushrooms (specifically lion’s mane, maca, astralagus root, rhodiola root, ashwagandha, and ginkgo), Brain Dust aims to enhance focus and mental stamina, promote mental clarity and concentration, boost mood, and help alleviate stress and tension. You’ll become a multi-task master!
What’s your sign’s biggest weakness? Find out from a session with a real astrologer.
White Sage Smudge Gift Box
Courtesy of Shaman’s Market
White Sage Smudge Gift Box, $23.50
The new moon in Aries offers perhaps the most fertile ground of the entire year for the Ram’s intention-setting. While you may be content to design your own ritual with a special meditation or candle-lighting, you could also try a smudge kit. This particular kit comes with an abalone shell, a sage bundle, a wooden stand for your sage-burning session, and a feather to help spread the ~calm~. To manifest more direct intentions, add prosperity-attracting candles or crystals to your ritual.
Vitruvi Balance Roll-On
Courtesy of Vitruvi
With not one but two full moons falling in Libra and your seventh house of partnership, your focus will be on finding harmony and balance within your closest bonds. That means some tough conversations may be on the horizon, where you’ll be asked to assert your needs while simultaneously hearing your partner or colleague. So before your convo, roll on this blend of calming essential oils—lavender, sweet fennel, peppermint, and Roman chamomile—that are meant to help you get aligned and balanced.
Read This Now: Your Sign’s Biggest Beauty Weakness and How to Fix It
Corkcicle Classic Canteen
Courtesy of Amazon
Corkcicle Gloss Turquoise Classic Canteen, $32
With so much fiery energy in the skies stimulating your own hot impulses, you may find that being super active in your workouts feels vitalizing and stress-reducing. Although you love to get your heart rate thumping and feel as though you’ve won a gold medal after workout, cooling off is integral to your self-care regimen, especially during hot Aries season. Treating yourself to a pretty, cooling, insulated water bottle like this water bottle, will support your exercise plan and hydration goals.
Photos courtesy of Twenty20; Design by Horoscope.com