This Is How You Should Celebrate the Spring Equinox

By Shereen Campbell

On March 20, 2019

In Spirit, Spring equinox

This Is How You Should Celebrate the Spring Equinox

On March 20, 2019 at 2:58 PM PT, the Spring Equinox will mark the start of new astrological cycle (unlike the Winter Equinox that marks the end of the cycle) and is a time ripe with new beginnings! In astrology, the seasons, equinoxes and solstices represent this psychological and spiritual evolution process. An equinox occurs when day and night are equal length, while a solstice occurs when the sun is at its most northerly or southerly point in the sky.

Each year, the astrological cycle kicks off with the Spring Equinox in the sign of Aries encouraging us to initiate changes we’ve been working up to throughout the last cycle. Aries represents birth, the beginning of a new cycle. In the spring, we can witness this by watching animals come out of hibernation, the ground softening, getting ready to receive seeds for crops and gardens. When you see Aries in your chart, use that time to begin something, to create and take bold new leaps towards a goal. It is the perfect time to plant seeds of intention for those major goals or desires you want to manifest in your life.

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What Are Equinox Cycles and Why Are They Important?

Similar to how mother nature goes through her cycles of death and rebirth throughout the year, we go through psychological versions of these cycles and as the cycle continues through Taurus. It’s during this cycle when we start to see the signs of the seeds we planted. Intentions are manifesting and starting to grow. Next follows Gemini, where we adjust our needs so those seeds come to fruition, pushing ourselves to think outside of the box, sidestepping anything that gets in our way.

When the Summer Solstice arrives in the sign of Cancer, we feel a deep need to protect the blessing received thus far. The seeds of focused intention are manifesting into things more magical than anticipated. It is our duty to tend and nurture them, to water them with our affection. Of course, soon after we will want to proudly display the fruits of our labor when the sun moves into Leo. For Leo encourages us to be proud of all we have accomplished.

Following this, Virgo pushes us to meticulously organize and prepare for the future, to become efficient in the upcoming darkness. Soon enough, the sun will enter Libra, and with it, the Fall Equinox and the beginning of our journey through the darkness. Daylight becomes shorter and it’s only natural that we begin to retreat more deeply into ourselves. Similar to how plants begin to die, their bodies gracefully returning to the earth, our egos begin to recede, attempting to make room for others. Transformation is only necessary during this process.

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While the sun is in Libra, we first create relationships with others, attracting mirrors of ourselves. The goal is to explore the murky water of our shadows while the sun is in Scorpio, since viewing another is really the only way to discover our shadows in the first place. We must not fear our shadows as it is only this fear that prohibits us to commit fully to our relationships. When the sun transitions into Sagittarius, we finally get to explore the beliefs that drive us.

A short time later, when we arrive at Capricorn and the Winter Solstice, we are encouraged to celebrate our journey thus far, as well as focus on the journey left to go. This marks the shortest day of the year and from this point forward, daylight will grow in length, and we will finally march towards warmth. This is a time of letting go of all that holds us back, integrating all that we learned in the dark while we explored our shadows with the hope of knowing where to go in the future.

We can now look at our fears with determination and maneuver around them, push our boundaries with the intention of revolutionizing our world. The sun in Aquarius, triggers the rebel in us, which is necessary to help benefit the greater good. When we arrive at the final sign of Pisces, we understand that this rebellion was to commune with the universe, to help us realize that we are all one.

And then the cycle begins anew, building on the many cycles before, taking us a little deeper, a little farther, and a little closer to our goals and desires. But if you want to enhance the possibility that these desires will come true, you can do a couple rituals to help you get there.

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Rituals to Optimize Spring Equinox Energy

Photo courtesy of @becca_reitz

Create a Vision Board

If you don’t have a dream, how can you have a dream come true? The universe is waiting to hear and help fulfill your dreams. The clearer and more precise you are with this dream, the easier it will be for the universe to deliver.

Making a vision board is a fun and easy way for your to communicate this dream with the universe, but also a great way for you to clarify your dream for yourself. Plus, looking at your vision board every day will further embed that dream in your mind. It can serve as a constant reminder, consciously and unconsciously influencing all the many small decisions throughout your day. Remember, it’s all those small decisions that really create the lives that we want to live. Grab a glass of wine, a few friends, and get your vision on!

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Try to Center Yourself With Meditation

A quick visualization activity, like meditation, can help provide you with some guidance if you’re feeling stuck on what to focus on next. Imagine spending the day with your current self and future self five years from now. Allow your future self to follow you around for a day, showing you steps you can take in the right direction. Ask your future self as many questions as you need to. Don’t forget to ask how your future self moved through roadblocks that might be in your way now and what seeds were planted to make the big changes for the future. Write down all the insight you learn in this mediation for future reference.

Light a Candle (No, Really)

Candles are fantastic for adding a little boost to any new seeds of intentions you want to plant, especially around the Spring Equinox. Pick something that you want to change or bring into your life this astrological cycle (it can be as little or large as you want). Write it down. Then, visualize achieving your goal, allowing the joy, happiness and sense of accomplishment fill your body.

If you are having trouble connecting with or summoning this feeling, remember that when working to manifest changes in your life, the key really is the feeling and emotion attached to your desire. The universe brings you what you attach strong feelings to. Once your body is filled with this happiness, hold your candle, and push all of that emotion into it. At this point, say your intention out loud, and light your candle. Allow it to burn and let your goals manifest.

Read This Now: 5 Candle Rituals That’ll Help Change Your Life For the Better

Soak Up With a Self-Love Healing Bath

The Spring Equinox is a magical time to do a ritual bath. Soaking our bodies in salt water, herbs and crystals not only cleanse our bodies but also infuses our soul with a boost of energy. Fill an organza bag with sea salt, dried rose buds (for love), chamomile (for peace), rosemary (for prosperity) and a piece of rainbow moonstone (for your intuition). Shower as usual, and then once you are clean, fill your bathtub with warm water. Recite your intention and then place the organza bath mixture you just made, into the bath, to soak. Once you are ready, get into the bath and enjoy. Meditate, visualize and daydream while you relax.

Let Your Dreams Guide You

High energy astrological events tend to bring us opportunities for more vivid and clearer dreams. And often, our higher self has an easier time sharing important insights or learnings more easily with us.

Before going to bed on the eve of the Spring Equinox, if there is something you would like to gain clarity on, especially if it pertains to creating some major change in your life, write down a question or two you would like the answer. Mediate with a piece of amethyst by holding it or placing it on your third eye, keeping your question close. Amethyst is a super crystal for connecting with your higher self and gaining answers through your intuition. Once you’ve finished your mediation, ask the universe for support on your questions through your dreams. Feel free to sleep with your amethyst under your pillow or close by your bed along with a notepad and pen. As soon as you wake up, be sure to write down as much of your dreams as you can remember. You may discover some unexpected answers!

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Lead photo courtesy of @sophiemoates

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