Your Weekly Horoscope: Brace Yourself, Mercury's in Retrograde Again


On March 3, 2019

In Astrology, Mercury retrograde

Your Weekly Horoscope: Brace Yourself, Mercury's in Retrograde Again

March 4 – March 10, 2019

Astrologically, this is a busy week. It begins as lively Mercury turns retrograde in the sign of Pisces on Tuesday. This marks the first of three times Mercury turns retrograde in 2019 and could coincide with delays and mixed messages until it goes direct again on March 28.

On Wednesday, electric Uranus leaves Aries and moves into Taurus for the long term, until 2026. It could bring dynamic change to those areas of life where you might be just a little too comfortable. This only happens every seven years, so this is a big deal! During this grounding period, you might want to start making a plan for more material goals surrounding finances, career, and the like.

On that same day, there’s a new moon in Pisces which can be excellent for kick-starting projects or new habits as well as taking key relationships to a new level. As this lunar phase also connects with hazy Neptune, it would be a good idea to be very clear about what you want to accomplish. There’s no room for vagueness here!

Read This Now: Everything You Need to Know About Mercury Retrograde in Pisces

The sun makes a positive and focused angle with sobering Saturn on Friday. However, the link between fiery Mars to nebulous Neptune over the weekend may inspire relaxation rather than hard work.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Time to detox. With the sun journeying through your spiritual sector, it’s a fabulous time to release negative situations or relationships that are causing more harm than good. This also perfectly coincides with Wednesday’s new moon, as embracing change is iconic for this moon phase. You may hate plans, but with Uranus’s move toward grounding Taurus, it’s a good idea to organize your finances.

Read your entire Aries weekly horoscope.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Things might not go as hoped this week. Expect possible delays which may have you feeling a little out of control. Don’t fret, though! Staying calm during this Mercury retrograde will allow you to think up fresh ideas. That new moon on Wednesday might have you feeling particularly artsy and creative. Check out a new art gallery, start a team project that involves crafts or music, hang out with some musicians for inspiration.

Read your entire Taurus weekly horoscope.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

As an excitable Gemini, you’re easily inspired by anything new: plans, deals, contracts, people, and so on. But expressive Mercury turns retrograde in your sector of goals and ambitions, so do your best to resist this urge. It also doesn’t help that dreamy Neptune gets involved on Wednesday, which can cloud your judgment. Make sure you’re keeping your head out of clouds!

Read your entire Gemini weekly horoscope.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

If you’ve been yearning for a break, this week might be the time to listen. But if you’re planning to travel, make sure to plan carefully as Mercury enters its retrograde phase. Just remember: you can plan only so much, sometimes things just happen! Additionally, Uranus’s movement may bring you more opportunities to socialize.

Read your entire Cancer weekly horoscope.

Looking for love? Let the powers that be help you finally find your match.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Change is upon you, Leo. Prepare for an interesting week! Not only will hidden things start to rise to the surface, but the new moon will bring a motivation to take action based on what you hear. With a focus on ambitions, try not to be too impulsive during this retrograde.

Read your entire Leo weekly horoscope.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

This week’s planet interactions could highlight the intentions of those who are perplexing you. What’s more Virgo, is that Mercury’s retrograde falls in your sector of relationships, so be prepared for uprooting or important conversations. It’s possible you’ll get in touch with someone from your past, which opens an opportunity for closure.

Read your entire Virgo weekly horoscope.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Uranus is making a big change this week, but so are you! Be prepared for a lot of introspection which may, perhaps, reveal deeper truths about yourself that you may have shoved under the rug. The new moon brings an opportunity to engage in some self-care. You need it, Libra!

Read your entire Libra weekly horoscope.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

This week you’re feeling particularly romantic and sentimental. As thoughtful Mercury turns retrograde, you may find that you’re thinking back to your younger years or considering reconnecting with an old flame. But beware Scorpio, as Uranus moves into Taurus and your partnership sector for the next seven years… this could change everything.

Read your entire Scorpio weekly horoscope.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

You’ll find that this week will be a pragmatic one for you, Sagittarius. If there’s something that needs resolution, that may have been lingering for a long time, you’re prepared to finally put that to rest. And with the help of hazy Neptune crossing paths with the new moon on Wednesday, truths might be revealed.

Read your entire Sagittarius weekly horoscope.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

With the new moon appearing in your sector of communication, you’ll be eased into conversations of all kinds. So if you’ve been having issues with a particular relationship, this week could be the perfect time to clear them up. Just be cautious (as Capricorns always are) since the retrograde may make for some misunderstandings. Uranus moves into your sector of leisure and romance-go with it: you might have more fun than you think.

Read your entire Capricorn weekly horoscope.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Okay, real talk: your bank account does not have infinite depths. As Mercury goes into reverse in your financial zone this week, it’s time to be more cautious with making purchases. As an Aquarius, you tend to be overly benevolent. But the new moon asks you to think about yourself a little more. It’s okay to say “no” every once in a while.

Read your entire Aquarius weekly horoscope.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

We’re moving into your season, Pisces! Not only should this give you a natural boost of self-assurance, but the new moon on Wednesday will give you the best opportunity to start any new ventures you may not have been confident enough to start. Do remember though that with Mercury turning retrograde this week, you may experience delays or unexpected changes in your plans.

Read your entire Pisces weekly horoscope.

Photo courtesy of @eugenia_loli

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