Your Weekly Horoscope for August 7-13: How to Survive Mercury in Retrograde


On August 7, 2017

In Future, Romance, Spirit

Your Weekly Horoscope for August 7-13: How to Survive Mercury in Retrograde

A lively lunar eclipse in electric Aquarius starts the week off with a bang, and you’ll likely feel ripple effects in all areas of your life throughout the week. Eclipses bring change, and this one is no exception. You may feel moved to let go of a situation that makes you uncomfortable, even if that move causes major anxiety and starts a battle between your head and your heart. As always, tune in to your intuition and listen to how and where it leads you. Toward the end of the week, you may try to create stability by making plans, creating to-do lists, and otherwise attempting to create order. But as communicative Mercury turns retrograde over the weekend, even the best laid plans may fall apart. Bottom line: Be flexible, creative, and go with the flow.

Aries Weekly Horoscope 
Changes could be in the cards early this week, especially in your social circle. Certain friends may leave the circle, and you may develop a close relationship with someone you formerly thought of as an acquaintance. This week is a great time to set aside some solo time to recharge, relax, and figure out what you want in the upcoming months. And while it may not sound exciting, putting aside a few hours to attend to basic work and life admin is essential: As Mercury enters its retrograde phase, it may wreak havoc on your electronics, so make sure you have everything backed up, Rams!

Taurus Weekly Horoscope  
Feeling the pressure, Bulls? This week, tensions relating to the relationship between your work life and your “real” life come to the forefront. Now’s the time to sort through priorities and have conversations with others about your intentions, your time, and your responsibilities. It also may be time to make a tough decision regarding your career or personal ambition. Listen to others—getting feedback from friends, loved ones, and trusted mentors will sooth your frazzled nerves and help you suss out the best path forward.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope    
It’s been an emotional rollercoaster of a summer, and this week, you’re at the top of the hill, Twins. An intense discussion with someone you love is likely to occur, with the possibility of a falling out. Listen, breathe, and put yourself in the other person’s shoes for a bit—approaching the topic as sensitively as possible can ensure a more positive solution to the conflict. As your guiding planet, communicative Mercury, goes retrograde toward the end of the week; keep your cool no matter what craziness arises, and the rewards will flood in. 

Is love in your stars?

Cancer Weekly Horoscope
This week, a financial matter may need attention, especially if it’s something you’ve been putting off for a few weeks (or months!). As the lunar eclipse sweeps across your money axis, you may need to make a quick decision or take swift action to finally settle a matter. The good news: This can be a turning point for you, providing the motivation you need to reorganize your affairs and come up with a system that works for the future. As Mercury turns retrograde, make sure to read all the fine print before signing anything, and ask questions if anything seems unclear. 

Leo June Weekly Horoscope
Feeling alone, Lions? You’re not! The lunar eclipse is creating some instability and confusion around your relationship. Instead of retreating, talk through how you’re feeling, with absolute honesty as the goal. It may not be easy, but the conversation you have will be key and will determine next steps. Even though you should be honest, avoid being abrupt. Sleeping on major decisions can help guide you to the best outcome. And keep in touch with your compassionate side—people around you need you, and giving your time and wisdom to others will help you, too, this week.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope 
Feeling stuck? The stars say this is the week to finally break through, and the powerful lunar phase can help. As the stars move to a more secluded and spiritual section of your chart, you’re encouraged to step back and think big picture: What do you want? A recent event may have disrupted your routine, but it’s time to stop using it as an excuse to stop persuing your dreams. Take control, take charge, and figure out a way to make things happen, so you can get what you want. But one step at a time. Trying to do too much, too soon, will be counterproductive.

Get a map to your future, with a free psychic reading.

Libra Weekly Horoscope 
Your creative potential is cranked to the max this week, and you may find yourself wondering how your creative pursuits can fit into the rest of your life. The answer may lie in your social circle. Surrounding yourself with people who inspire you, challenge you, and expose you to new ideas and new ways of thinking is key this week. But in order to grow, you must set yourself free from situations that no longer serve you. Don’t feel guilty, and don’t look back. The cosmos is encouraging you to say goodbye to one chapter of your life in order to say hello to another.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope 
You’ve been avoiding a decision for weeks, knowing it will cause ripples with loved ones. But now, the cosmos says it’s game time. Expect some complex conversations, for starters. In order to handle them effectively, stop worrying so much about other people’s feelings, and trust your gut. That said, with interactive Mercury going retrograde at the end of the week, sensitivity and empathy is key. Don’t overexplain, don’t get caught up in justifications, and apply apologies liberally, if necessary. You’ve got this, Scorpios!

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope 
Feel like you’ve had the same argument all summer long? The bad news: It’s not going away this week. The good news: Try a different perspective, and you may find a breakthrough that can help you put this matter to rest once and for all. Heightened emotions aren’t all negative—use these feelings to help propel a cause, relationship, or passion project to the next level. Archers usually play their emotions close to the chest, now’s the week to let them out for maximum impact.

Tired of being alone? See what’s in the cards with a free tarot Love Reading.  

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope 
You’ve been feeling restless all summer, and now’s the time to make a move. As the lunar eclipse gives you the energy and motivation, take steps toward what you want. This may be uncomfortable, and you may have some naysayers causing you to second guess your plans. Surround yourself with positive people, and make that pro/con list. Capricorns love logic, and seeing on paper exactly what and why you’re doing what you’re doing can help you go through with it, even if it doesn’t feel easy.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope 
The lunar eclipse in your sign (and sector of relating) means that feelings and emotions may erupt. Refrain from making an impulsive decision. Know that your emotions will settle and give you the perspective and distance you need to decide the best course of action. In all communicative matters, tread carefully this week, and make sure you put nothing on email or text that you wouldn’t say to someone’s face. By being honest and upfront, you’ll avoid chaos.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope 
You’re getting a lot of input from outsiders this week, Fish, making it ultra-important that you decide who you do (and don’t) trust. The lunar eclipse encourages a fresh start, especially in your sector of health and well-being. Don’t get caught up in indecision. (Can’t decide what workout your body needs? Choose one related to your sign!) Doing something to move forward positively, whether by exercising or finally scheduling a doctor’s appointment, will open the door to your next-level evolution. 

Feature illustration by the amazing Dorian Legret

Read last week’s horoscope here! 

For more spirituality, mysticism, and advice for bringing your spirit to the next level, Follow us on Instagram.

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