How Monday's Lunar Eclipse Will Rock Your Relationship Goals


On August 3, 2017

In Aquarius, Moon, Sex

How Monday's Lunar Eclipse Will Rock Your Relationship Goals

This month, two major eclipses—the full moon lunar eclipse in Aquarius on Monday, August 7, and the solar eclipse on Monday August 21—will be felt across zodiac signs. Eclipses, which temporarily blot out the sun and the moon, represent a resetting of emotions and can bring both confusion and clarity to your life. You may find yourself questioning some longheld beliefs, or find your inner voice speaking up in a way you can’t ignore (even if you want to!) In order to best prepare for the eclipse, you have to open your heart, open your mind, and open your intentions to its power. Trying to ward off the effects of an eclipse won’t work, and embracing them is essential to moving forward. Not only that, but the full moon always amplifies the energies swirling around a relationship—for better or worse. 

In particular, the lunar eclipse in Aquarius on Monday will have a profound impact on your romantic life. Why? The moon in Aquarius represents the universal, collective whole rather than the self. During this eclipse, whether single or attached, you may find yourself questioning how your partnership (or potential partner) fits into your overall life, including the goals, beliefs, and dreams you hold. You may find yourself questioning your identity as a “we” versus as an “I,” and second guessing a bond you thought was rock solid. Alternatively, you may realize that it’s time to take the next step as you realize that committing to a partnership doesn’t diminish your commitment to yourself.

How to Harness the Powerful Energies of the Lunar Eclipse in Love, Whether You’re Single or Attached:

What The Lunar Eclipse Means if You’re in a Relationship …
It’s the Best Time to Commit to a Cause. With the help of altruistic Aquarius, volunteering together can help make you closer than ever. Even just talking about your values, including what you hope for the world’s future, is key to anchoring your bond.

Want a Sexual Breakthrough? Try Tantra. The full moon enhances both of your spiritual energies, and now is an amazing time to meld your physical selves even deeper than ever. Tantric massage, or tantric breathing, can be key to connecting on a spiritual level. One easy way to start: Try staring into each other’s eyes without speaking as you have sex. Another option: Try switching off during foreplay, so your partner lavishes attention on you for ten minutes and vice versa. Getting to know your partner’s body intimately without reciprocity can help you feel even more carnally connected.

You Might Need to Make a Move. Eclipses bring change. This isn’t a bad thing, but it does mean you need to have your eyes wide open and not ignore the way your relationship is shifting. A full moon enhances the energy already swirling around your relationship. If you’re feeling happy, settled, and in love, now’s a great time to start talking next steps and future commitments. But if you’re feeling cagey, restless, or confused, it’s a good time to listen to those feelings and ask yourself: Where is your intuition leading you?

How do you rate with your mate? Find out…

What The Lunar Eclipse Means If You’re Single … 

It’s Time to Figure Out What You Want. Your heart is saying one thing, your head is saying another, and you may be tempted to sort things out by just swiping on your dating app of choice as much as possible. But don’t! Instead, now is a great time to go inward, perform a full moon ritual or spell (find out how here), or make a happiness board, depicting exactly what you want in a relationship. The full moon is a great time for manifesting your dreams, so take advantage.

Your Friends May Guide You to Love. Sometimes, it’s all too easy to separate your romantic life from your social life, but this eclipse can remind you that it’s all one and the same. Ask friends for setups, hang out with friends of friends, and strike up a conversation (or flirt!) with someone just for the sake of a friendly back and forth. The more you put yourself out in the world, the more opportunities will reflect back to you.

Self Love Becomes Ultra Important. In order to know how you want someone else to touch you, you’ve gotta know exactly how you want to be touched. Spending time getting in tune with your bod, either via self-massage or something a little more risque (like a crystal bedroom toy!) is key for tuning into your deepest erotic desires. The more familiar you are with your most delicious fantasies, the more you’ll be able to manifest them in real life.

Bottom line: Embrace the eclipse and allow the eclipse to embrace you. The intensity of the lunar eclipse will give you the extra energy, power, and motivation to manifest your deepest desires—if you let it.

Need love advice? Get immediate answers and fascinating insight!

Got more questions for the Universe? These amazing astrologers are here for you. 

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Sail through the month with help from your sign and these tips:  
Your August Love Horoscope: Are You Ready to Get Real?
Your August 2017 Horoscope: How Will the Solar Eclipse Affect You? 
The Sexiest Jewelry for Every Zodiac Sign
How the Moon Can Make or Break Your Sex Life 


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