Weekly Horoscope: November 28 to December 4, 2022

By Mary Bergner

On November 27, 2022

In Astrology, Horoscope, Weekly horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: November 28 to December 4, 2022

Now that we’ve officially entered the holiday season, there’s an electric excitement in the air that we don’t feel at other times of the year. We’re busier than usual as we scramble to get things done while also looking forward to upcoming parties, travel, work events, and spending extra time with family and friends.

Luckily, you get off to a pretty productive start to your end-of-year push as Monday’s energetic trine between go-getter Mars (the planet of action) and ambitious Saturn (the cosmic hard worker) boosts your endurance and makes you determined to go after what you want. Finding ways to become more efficient helps you work smarter, not harder going forward.

However, a stressful opposition between opinionated Mercury (the thought-generating planet) and powerful Mars on Tuesday can cause resentment and anger that’s been building to come pouring out at some very unfortunate times. Arguing with your boss during an important meeting or yelling at your BFF in front of your crush is awkward AF, not to mention damaging to your reputation.

Luckily, a hopeful sextile between upbeat Venus (our relationship-focused cosmic queen) and Saturn shows up on Thursday, putting you in a better mood and reminding you of all the good things you have to be hopeful about.

And Friday’s harmonious trine between the sun (the cosmic confidence booster) and the moon (our emotional compass) lifts your energy level just in time for the weekend and underscores how important balance is. Work hard, play hard, and most importantly, enjoy life. That should be your goal for the rest of the year!

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope


You’re right at home amidst chaos so you won’t need to make a whole lot of adjustments this week, Aries. You tend to put things off until the last minute. So if you could change one thing this season, it might be to think ahead a little more. Use the extra energy you get at the start of the week to get the stuff that you keep pushing further down to the bottom of your to-do list finally crossed off. 

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


You enjoy spending money on the people you love, and this week you get permission from the Universe to go all out. If we know you, you’ve been putting some extra cash aside for the holiday season, so you probably have more than enough to spoil everyone on your list. The fact that you’re going to be able to dazzle everyone with your gifts puts a smile on your face and shouldn’t make you feel materialistic, Taurus. Be proud of your generosity.

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope. 


Your thoughts are racing this week and not being able to focus on any one thing at a time could really get in your way. Usually, you’re an excellent multi-tasker. However, when too many things on your regular to-do list clash with extra chores and tasks, you get overwhelmed. It will be especially important for you not to lose your cool during Tuesday’s opposition, Gemini. Your reputation is extremely important to you. 

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


You love this time of year, Cancer, but there are a lot of things that are going to try to interfere with your happiness this week. You don’t have to let them, of course, but when you get overwhelmed by emotions, it’s hard for you to function normally. Luckily the majority of the ups and downs should level out by the weekend, allowing you to relax, regroup and enjoy time at home with friends and family, which is your happy place.

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


The boost of enthusiasm you get on Monday is exactly what you need to get the ball rolling. And once you feel that momentum shift in your favor, you can easily ride it through the rest of the week. You’re much better at getting on top early and staying there rather than falling behind early and trying to catch up, Leo. Your success this week depends on your ability to believe that you deserve that first-place finish!

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


You love to be productive and proficient, so you’re looking forward to applying the early week’s efficiency-promoting planetary energy. You have important lessons to learn from being willing to adapt to new procedures and routines, especially if they make your life easier, Virgo. Showing that you’re open to different ideas and suggestions will help you get along better with others and add some handy new items to your toolkit that you can put to good use.

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes. 


This week’s major lesson is all about balance, which is something you do your best to reach every day. You vibe with the planetary energy that’s around you now, Libra, which really helps you accomplish your major goals. So, while everyone else is out there panicking about this or that, you can stay calm with the knowledge that in the end, everything evens out. Have a smooth week just doing what you do, feeling safe in your belief that it all works out as it should in the end.  

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


Can you feel yourself getting into the holidays, Scorpio? Even if you try to remain in control and stoic on the outside, we know there’s a part of you that’s all sparkly and glittery on the inside! So, why do you try so hard to maintain that cool outward composure? Maybe you’re afraid of getting your hopes up and being disappointed in the end, but that kind of negative attitude makes you such a Grinch. Go ahead — the universe is giving you permission to show your excitement. 

 Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


If the universe has one bit of advice for you, it’s to get all of your anger and hostility out early in the week, Sagittarius, so you can spend the rest of the time enjoying the positive things. It’s hard to totally ignore someone or something that seems intent on getting in the way of your happiness, so address it in whatever way makes you feel better and then move on. Like honestly, why get so obsessed with one little thing wrong when there’s so much going right?!

 Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


You pride yourself on staying on task and keeping your goals at the top of your priority list, but even you can admit that the feeling this time of year is a little different, Capricorn. Yes, you might have a to-do list a mile long, but you also have extra energy to get everything done and still have some fun. Let the people closest to you see a “different you” over the weekend. Get your work done early or totally put it aside so you can spend time with friends and family.

Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


There are some little bumps in the road you’ll have to find a way to get over this week. Overall, there’s a general feeling of joy that you just can’t ignore. Socializing remains one of your top priorities now, with an emphasis on making more of an effort to truly get along with everyone. You still enjoy having witty debates and pranking/teasing people, but none of it is done with the intention of being smug or hurting anyone’s feelings. You’re a true pleasure to be around, Aquarius

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


This is the time of year when you really let yourself dream big, Pisces! Aside from a couple of little negative thoughts you let creep in on Tuesday, most of your week is spent looking at the big picture and all the wonderful possibilities that the holidays hold. Thinking of everything you want to do with and for the people you care about can be overwhelming, so try not to get too far ahead of yourself. Let your intuition set the pace.

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

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