Weekly Horoscope: May 8–14, 2023

Weekly Horoscope: May 8–14, 2023

Had a challenging time lately and feel like slacking a little bit? Here’s a ‘lil message from the universe: Don’t let your guard down just yet! There’s still enough sus energy in the air on Monday to stay focused and alert until you feel things start to turn around.

These shifts should actually begin with Tuesday’s conjunction in steady Taurus between the empowering sun (our cosmic confidence booster) and logical Uranus (the progressive planet), allowing you to finally breathe a sigh of relief. Once that brain fog starts to lift, you should see things more clearly. And when that happens your confidence level rises, putting you back in a positive frame of mind.

Your mood should remain fairly upbeat heading into the weekend, as Friday brings two positive aspects – a sextile between quick-thinker Mercury (the great communicator, still currently retrograde –  don’t forget) and go-getter Saturn (the planet of discipline) plus a Venus (the planet giving love vibes) and Saturn trine – that bring an interesting combo of business smarts and romantic intrigue. Hmmm…anyone up for mixing a little business and pleasure? One thing’s for sure: With last week’s erratic energy finally gone, it’s nice to have your life back on track.

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope


You finally get the chance to overcome the chaotic feelings you’ve been having and finally focus on what’s important. You’re still going to want to stay busy – that will never change –  but your actions have more purpose behind them this week, Aries. And the more you accomplish, the more fired up you get. That’s so you.

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


Your patient, persevering sign is instrumental in bringing back some of the positive energy to your life this week, Taurus. You should really be feeling it in your love and financial zones. Your lovestruck leader Venus also makes a power play late in the week, setting you up for a beautiful romantic encounter. Enjoy!

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope. 


It’s nice to be able to organize some of your scattered thoughts and move toward a singular goal for a change. You can still have as many balls up in the air as you want, Gemini, as long as you only try to catch one at a time. Don’t worry, the universe will help hold the others up there long enough for you to formulate a plan for bringing them down safely, one by one.

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


Your introverted side has been dominant lately, but this week you poke your head out of your shell and see what’s been happening while you’ve been withdrawn from the world. And guess what – it’s not so bad out here after all! This week’s energy renews your faith in love and might even help you bring in some extra cash. Welcome back, Cancer. We’ve missed you.

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


Your career zone gets lots of extra love as Taurus focuses its steady, productive attention on your tenth house of ambition and professional aspirations. Nothing will happen fast, but it’s definitely happening. You can feel that the right people are starting to notice all your hard work and that should result in financial gains. Fantastic job, Leo!

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


This week’s energy is all about learning from others and educating yourself to expand your horizons, Virgo. If you’ve been stuck in the same thinking pattern for a while now, it’s time to get out of it and experience life from a different perspective. You’ll be a bit shocked when you finally realize how limited you’ve truly been lately, but the good news is that it’s not too late to make up for it. 

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes. 


You’re an excellent confidante this week, Libra, and people can sense that you’re trustworthy enough to share their deepest, darkest secrets with, especially when it comes to love and money. Who knew the people closest to you had all this baggage, right? If you feel the need to unburden yourself, write in your journal or tell it all to your cat rather than betraying anyone’s confidence.  

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


You can be a very selfless sign, Scorpio, and this week is no exception. A lot of energy is focused on your seventh house, the house of “others,” which means you’ll be looking for ways you can be helpful to the people in your life. Does a coworker need help finishing an assignment, your bestie need comforting after a breakup, or your mom need her lawn mowed? No matter what it is, you’re there for them.

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


You get a very clear view of how your life is going this week, and the question is – do you like what you see? If you do, great! If not, it’s the perfect time to put some plans in place for a better future outcome. Your health is an excellent place to start and although improving your mental, physical and emotional wellbeing isn’t an easy process, it’s so worth it. Invest in yourself, Sag.

Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


You’ve been so busy with other things that you haven’t taken a lot of time for yourself. But this week your fifth house of feeling special is targeted by luxury-loving Taurus, so we think a little retail therapy is just what you need to pamper yourself. You’re worth it, Capricorn. Now grab your credit card and hit your fave stores! Looking at price tags is optional.

Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


Where does your family fit into your list of priorities, Aquarius? This is the main question the universe is asking when stability-seeking Taurus focuses its steady, grounded energy in your fourth house this week. You’re seeing things from a very clear perspective now, so the answer won’t be up for debate. You’re either fulfilling your responsibilities or you’re not, it’s as simple as that. 

 Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


As one of the most romantic signs, Pisces, you can appreciate this week’s amorous vibe more than most. You do see things for what they are – you’re not as naïve as usual – but you have a positive outlook despite any negativity that’s lingering out there. If you’re in love, this week is enchanting. If you’re still looking for your soul mate, be patient as you wait to make that special connection. Trust the universe to do its thang.
Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

Photo Courtesy of Alex Dolle on Pexels.

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