Weekly Horoscope: July 27 – August 02, 2020

By Horoscope.com

On July 26, 2020

In Astrology, Horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: July 27 – August 02, 2020

On Monday, Jupiter (planet of luck) aligns with Neptune (planet of illusion), which can highlight a dream and the desire to make things real. However, with both planets in reverse, this could be a time of visualizing the outcome rather than being more proactively involved.

On that same day, Venus (planet of love) angles toward beguiling Neptune, which might stir a yearning for someone or something that may be out of reach. Plus, the quarter moon in Scorpio could coincide with the need to make a key decision.

Mercury (planet of communication) makes three powerful aspects this week. On Thursday, it opposes Jupiter and aligns with Neptune, so there could be an eagerness to make a bold move. Just make expectations realistic.

On Saturday, lively Mercury opposes radical Pluto (planet of change), and there’s a chance of obsession when it comes to wanting a certain outcome. If a situation needs to be manipulated to get it, then we might just do it.

How the Planets Will Affect You This Week

weekly horoscope July 27

Courtesy of @ameyasrealm


This week, the moon in Scorpio is asking you some deep questions. What is going well and what needs to go, Aries? Neptune and Jupiter are putting more emphasis on your dreams than normal, so watch out for the tendency to go overboard. Mercury and Jupiter forge an angle with Neptune, making you talk, talk, talk… Save some room for others to share!

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


You’ll be enticed to share your ideas this week, Taurus. And that’s not just with people you know… You might even be able to connect with someone you’ve lost touch with over the years. With Neptune involved, just make sure you stay grounded through the whole thing.

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope.


Jupiter and Neptune align today, making you even more dreamy than normal. On Monday, Venus in Geminialso angles to Neptune, so this is a day where you’re more likely to get carried away with things. Later in the week, Mercury comes into play—making you more communicative about what you need in terms of finances.

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


The sun moves through your money zone this week, linking up with the moon in your leisure zone. You may be more inclined to gamble, risk, or dive further into debt. Just make sure you’re staying grounded, Cancer. Someone who has been on your mind for a while is coming back into the picture this week. Neptune and Jupiter’s influence makes you more likely to spend time with them.

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


It’s finally Leoseason and you’re here for it. But the start of the week could be much less engaging and exciting—thanks to the Scorpio moon in your family zone. Finances will get a boost this week, with Neptune and Jupiter aligning. Just don’t get too excited and lose your footing.

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


This is the best time to focus on you and remind yourself what you need to let go of. This is all thanks to the moon in a private and self-reflective part of your chart. Later in the week, Jupiter and Neptune tie up, bringing you some serious creative energy. Time to start a project, Virgo!

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscope.


Jupiter and Neptune conjoin on Monday in a part of your chart that seeks balance in routine. It might be time to do something different with your exercise or diet regimen. Whatever it is, make sure you’re taking care of you. Lastly, Mercury opposes Jupiter and Pluto in your home section. You might have to tell someone how you’re feeling, Libra (*gasp*).

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


With the sun in look-at-me Leo in a prominent zone of your chart, you’re ready for the spotlight this week. If you have some talents or ideas to share, now is the time. What’s more, that Jupiter and Neptune connection at the beginning of the week could bring an opportunity to work with someone on a new project.

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


Travel is always on a Sagittarian’s mind. But now, it’s prominently at the front of your mind—thanks to the Scorpio moon in your travel zone. You might want to watch your wallet though. Neptune has some heavy influence this week, and it’s targeting your finance zone.

Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


Business and money are going to be some major themes over the next couple weeks, Capricorn. The Scorpio moon in your social sector could help you make some great business connections to help propel your career goals forward.

Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


Your social zone is getting a lift, with the sun in super-fun Leo in your fifth house. These next few weeks will be about getting out there, making new friends, and finding your place in those new friendships. Plus, Mercury in your lifestyle zone links up with Jupiter and Pluto, Aquarius. This could bring a painful memory from the past back to the surface.

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


You may have been off in the distance of your dreams lately, Pisces. But this week, you’re feeling ready to get organized, make plans, and get your life back on track. Jupiter and Neptune are in your sign—making you even more prone to whisking away on a daydream. Try to tap into the more creative prospects that these planets bring, instead of the illusive ones.

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

Lead photo courtesy of @becca_reitz

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