April 2021 New Moon Horoscopes

April’s new moon in Aries on Sunday, April 11 at 7:31pm PT will get us pumped about our goals and ensure our heads, hearts, and spirits are working as a team. And as the first new moon of the astrological year, this powerful lunation is bursting with the excitement of a new beginning. You’ll want to put on your cosmic game face and get in it to win it.
Having the new moon in trailblazing Aries challenges us to level-up our game and go after what we want—so, make a plan of action and press the gas. You’ll want to strike while the new moon iron is hot, as this fiery Aries energy can get us quick results if we’re fearless about taking charge. Patience is a virtue but impulsiveness can be effective sometimes, too.
At the time of this lunation, the sun and moon in Aries will be joined by sensual Venus (planet of love) and quick-thinking Mercury (planet of communication), which allow us to look at our goals through the lenses of both logic and love. Venus will be squaring off with powerful Pluto (planet of transformation), though, which could intensify relationships and shake up our sense of self-worth. But the influx of Aries’ individualistic energy helps us to embrace our independence and stay focused on our own grind.
Meanwhile, motivated Mars (planet of action) and good-luck-charm Jupiter (planet of growth) will be cheering us on from the sidelines, as both planets harmoniously sextile the new moon—infusing our lunar intentions with fortune and firepower. Being a leader isn’t easy, but this lunation asks us to step up to the plate and hold our own.
New Moon in Aries Horoscopes
Courtesy of @becca_reitz
Start your engine, Aries, because this new moon is in your house of self and it’s firing off the cosmic pistol for your personal goals. What do you want to do next? Where do you want to go? And most importantly, who do you want to be? Now’s your chance to start building your identity by taking dedicated actions toward your desires. Be brave and the things that you want to be defined by.
This new moon is revealing exciting new paths for us—but in order to know which one to follow, Taurus, you need to get in touch with your soul. Try to let the hustle and bustle of life’s distractions fall to the wayside and lean into your dreams, fantasies, and spiritual connection instead. Without all the background noise, you’ll have a much better chance of hearing what your inner voice has to say.
Stop waiting for someone else to swoop in and create the future you want, Gemini—because you’re just as capable of making waves as anyone else. This new moon in your house of groups and friendships asks you to step into your role as a leader for others. Your social circle, colleagues, and community at large will benefit from your willingness to step up and share your ideas.
Time to channel your inner boss, Cancer, because this passionate new moon in your house of public image will put a fire under your career goals. Think big and brave when it comes to your professional life and make a list of everything you want to achieve, no holds barred. Then check your insecurities at the door and start planning your bold moves—because your talents deserve to get noticed.
Step back and take in all that life has to offer right now, Leo. With the new moon in your ninth house of knowledge, you have a chance to embark on new adventures that are in alignment with your dreams, desires, and visions for the future. This is the start of an epic mental and spiritual growth spurt, so throw caution to the wind and say “yes” to whatever exciting opportunities fall into your lap.
Our deepest and most subconscious fears often wield more power over us than we think. But under this new moon, Virgo, you’re learning to take charge of your shadow side and find strength in your secrets. Being vulnerable is actually a courageously powerful act, so commit to speaking your truth and setting the boundaries necessary to protect yourself throughout this deep transformation.
Love requires compromise, but you already know that, Libra—and you shouldn’t be the only one bending over backwards to meet someone’s needs. The new moon in your house of partnerships will help you to focus on and speak up for your own needs in relationships. Because being clear about what youwant will guide you in creating healthier dynamics that support the growth of both parties.
Get ready for an energizing boost, Scorpio. This powerful lunation is hitting your house of day-to-day routines, Scorpio, so it’s an ideal time to take charge of your wellness and get things done. An influx of physical energy could set you off on an organization spree or inspire you to move your body through exercise. Either way, channel your firepower into productive projects that’ll boost your health and reduce your stress in the long run.
What lights your fire and gets you excited, Sagittarius? Don’t waste a second of this new moon energy on anything but the things that spark true joy. If you have a passion project that’s been left on the backburner, now’s the time to revisit it. You’ll be feeling creatively inspired and ready to pour your heart into something you really enjoy. Keep your eyes peeled for potential romantic sparks with someone new, too.
Forget about work right now, Capricorn. The new moon in your house of home and family asks you to focus on new beginnings in your private life. If you’ve been looking for a new place or are trying to upgrade your living space in some way, you’ll have loads of motivation now to make it happen. But it’s also a great time to get introspective and turn over a new emotional leaf, so listen to your heart.
Get down to business now, Aquarius, because this lunation offers you a chance to speed through your to-do list and maybe start a brand new one. With the new moon in your house of communication, staying busy will be easy—but make sure you don’t get lost in a flurry of thoughts, texts, and chit-chat! You’re generating loads of exciting new ideas, so write everything down so you can reference your brilliance later.
With the new moon in your sensual second house, this lunation asks you to take charge of your own pleasure. How can you bring more value, security, and beauty into your life, Pisces? Whether that means splurging on something luxurious, saving up for something special, or simply prioritizing more moments of indulgence in your life, now’s the time to put yourself first.
Lead photo courtesy of @becca_reitz