Capricorn Friendship

Capricorn Zodiac Sign

Capricorn Friend Compatibility

Capricorn Friendship Style

Loyal, loving, and all about tradition, inside jokes, and the shared stories that make up friendship, Capricorn takes friendships incredibly seriously. They love taking care of their friends, and may make dinner, clean their closet, or use whatever their Capricorn strengths are to help make their friends lives better. Capricorn pushes their friends to the max, and isn’t afraid to let their friends know if they are disappointed in their actions and behaviors. Capricorn will not let bad behavior go unnoticed, and will gently call out a friend who may have forgotten a birthday, complete with a reminder—like a gift of a calendar—to ensure it won’t happen again. A Capricorn knows that they may not always be the "fun" friend—if they go on a friend trip or bachelor or bachelorette party, they want to be in bed by ten—but they also know that they bring some pretty great gifts to the table. A Capricorn inspires and challenges their friends, and expects the same in return.

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Best Friend Match for Capricorn: Taurus

Both Earth signs, Capricorn and Taurus are a natural match, and like getting into a routine together. These friends are great at going after goals—they may meet and become fast friends in a marathon training group, for example. Taurus and Capricorn can both be stubborn and unforgiving, and a disagreement might end up in a frosty silent treatment situation. However, Capricorn and Taurus also have big hearts and are willing to forgive and forget, and also laugh a bit about their mutual stubborn streak. These friends may have instinctively found themselves as toddlers, and become almost sibling-like in their relationship. They both like frequent check-ins and gifts, and like to text and speak on the phone frequently. Constant connection keeps them close.

How to Make Friends with a Capricorn

Be persistent. A Capricorn may seem distant, but they really just don’t want to invest until they know it’s worth it. A Capricorn is always observing you, and is always sussing out whether or not you might be a good fit for their inner circle. Character matters a lot to Capricorn; being honest, rolling up your sleeves, and working hard are all impressive skills. Invite a Capricorn to do something with you. They sometimes don’t see the "point" to a coffee or wine date, but would love going for a walk, run, or hike, or accompanying you to a class or lecture.

How to Stay Friends with a Capricorn

Stay in touch. Remember their birthday, check in, ask how they’re doing, and send presents every so often—only beautiful, sustainable things, please. A Capricorn doesn’t like when friends disappear, and even if you and your Capricorn pal are separated by long distances, it’s important to show you care by frequently texting and having a continuous conversation over text. A Capricorn loves ritual and shared stories, and can play the "remember when" game for hours. And even if they don’t seem sentimental, they are—printing out photos and getting one framed will go a long way in showing a Capricorn just how much you care about them.

3 Reasons Why Capricorns Make Great Friends

  1. They are loyal. They will always have your back, even if they don’t agree with what you are doing. They may get a bit parental in giving you lectures, but it’s only because they care and want what is best for you.
  2. They remember everything. When you come to their house, your favorite wine is chilling, and they never have to guess your shoe or shirt size for birthdays. They remember the names of every family member and every ex—for better or worse—and you sometimes feel like they know your history even better than you know your own.
  3. They recognize your gifts and strengths. Sometimes, it feels like the Capricorn in your life is a therapist/guidance counselor, but they can push you to where you want to be, even providing action plans and checklists for how to get there.