Weekly Horoscopes: September 28 – October 4

By Horoscope.com

On September 27, 2020

In Astrology, Horoscope

Weekly Horoscopes: September 28 – October 4

It’s a busy week for the planets as we shift from September to October, with two planets moving in the right direction again.

The first planet to finallyleave retrograde is Saturn (planet of foundation) early in the week, cruising through Capricorn for the last time. While this is usually a positive thing, the strength and patience of Saturn in Capricorn will be dampened when Mars (planet of passion) squares Saturn around the same time. Expect delays and frustrations.

On Wednesday, we start the spooky season off right with a full moon. This full moon in fiery Aries allows us to finally call a truce in the battles we’ve been fighting lately.

The next day, Venus (planet of love) leaves playful Leo for practical Virgo. Don’t be surprised if you read texts from friends and lovers a little more carefully.

The week will end when Pluto (planet of transformation) goes direct in Capricorn on Sunday, giving us an opportunity to take action and come into our personal power.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Courtesy of @ameyasrealm


This week (and much of the next couple weeks) will see delays for you. That’s because Mars and Saturn make a square, deepening your inability to act as you normally would. Venus moves into Virgo on Friday, which turns off the spice and turns on the details. Try not to be overly critical.

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


Patience, Taurus. Saturn will square Mars this week, causing some turbulence in your day-to-day. It’s not your favorite thing when plans are messed up, but they will pass. Over the weekend, Venus enters Virgo, which may entice you to tap into your reliable earthy self in relationships.

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope.


You’re usually able to handle multiple things at once. But this week, when Saturn squares Mars, that multi-tasking specialty that Geminis do so well isn’t going to work. With the full moon on Thursday, it’s best to take some time for yourself. Self-care will do you good!

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


Saturn squares Mars in a section of your chart that targets romance and business partnerships. Things said could come off harshly today—especially from your coworkers or significant other! Thankfully, Cancer, Venus enters Virgo this weekend, encouraging you to make sure you’re not taking things too personally.

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


Leo, you could be feeling a touch overwhelmed. That’s all thanks to Saturn square Mars. But even the full moon continues to bruise your pride. This week, it’s best to give yourself some love and be patient. Over the weekend, try not to be too self-critical.

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


Feeling overwhelmed? Saturn and Mars are forming a square that is just making it difficult to get anything done right. Don’t worry though, things will get better once Venus enters your sign on Friday. Over the next couple weeks, prepare to feel irresistible and totally self-confident!

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscope.


Balance is your thing, Libra. Well, guess what? Not this week it isn’t! Saturn square Mars is making it impossible for your home life to stay smooth. Arguments and disagreements can occur, and trying to bring the peace is making you feel totally drained.

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


You may think that everything is in its place, Scorpio. Well, with Saturn square Mars, it may be that nothing is truly in its place. The “plan” is just an illusion this week. Stay on your toes! Lastly, the full moon on Thursday will bring you a beautiful opportunity.

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


Lots of things are happening this week, Sagittarius. It’s best to remember not to get too overwhelmed. All the issues will pass after the Mars-Saturn square is over. Thursday, the day of the full moon, is a good time for self-care. Treat yourself to a great meal!

Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


This week is about getting things in order, Capricorn. Early in the week, it’s best to ask for advice from trusted friends. Later in the week, as Venus moves into earthy Virgo, your focus is on how to improve your relationships in a practical way.

Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


Being an Aquarius makes you already immune to understanding how you feel. But with the Saturn-Mars square, you’re completely aloof this week. If you’re confused about something, diving into your psyche is the way to go. Plus, once Venus enters Virgo, you’ll be extra sensitive to criticism. Be kind to yourself.

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


With Mars and Saturn’s square this week, plans will not go accordingly. Just take that to heart (which you normally do anyway), Pisces, and you’ll be fine. On Thursday, the full moon may bring some surprise money issues. And finally, this weekend, you’ll want to stay calm and listen before you speak—thanks to Pluto turning direct.

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

Lead photo courtesy of @ameyasrealm

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