Weekly Horoscope: September 6-12, 2021

Those sweet summer days are in the rearview, and school is in session once more for some of us. Coming to a sky near you on Sunday, the new moon (planet of emotions) in Virgo is here to kick the collective back into gear. Been leaving the house a little less tidy than it should be? Dodging the gym? No worries! The new moon will remind you why life’s little (and big) tasks are so important. However, the lessons taught by this week’s very Virgo energy may be a little intense.
Mars (planet of action) shares the moon’s sign and goes into a trine with Pluto (planet of transformation) in Capricorn on the first day of the week. The theme is motivation (an even a dash of obsession if we’re being honest), so rev up your to-do lists! This is the time to pick up the slack and forge firmly ahead. Success is at the finish line if you really want it.
On Friday, he intensity is dialed up as Venus (planet of love) slinks from lovely Libra into steamy Scorpio. Because Venus prefers to keep love light and airy, jealous Scorpio isn’t its coziest place. But for those of us trying to stack our cash and fine-tune our focus, Venus in Scorpio could be a holy grail.

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope
With both the moon and Mars in your sector of order and self-improvement on Monday, you’re ready to get it together, Aries. Maybe you’re becoming a gym rat ready to get those gains. Or perhaps you’re diving into that meticulous project at work. However, your critiques and expectations may be a bit harsher than usual, especially with Mars’ connection to Pluto. While you may be getting it together, keep in mind that not everyone shares your stick-to-itiveness and will to succeed.
Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.
Your ruling planet, Venus, slips out of your zone of toil to your affection one on Friday, Taurus. Love may be in the air, but it’s far from a fairytale. Venus in Scorpio opposes your sign in addition to being a little on the darker side. While you may find a new boo during Venus’ month-long sojourn in Scorpio, your head may be a little (or a lot) lower than the cotton candy clouds you expected.
Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope.
This week, you’re being made to contemplate what sparks joy in your home, Gemini. You’re no Marie Kondo, but the new moon in Virgo has you wondering whether your personal space is up to par. With Mars’ trine to Pluto on Monday, these thoughts definitely won’t remain theoretical. However, Venus’ slide into Scorpio in your creative sector on Friday may change your focus. By the end of the week, you’ll have switched out your broom in favor of a paintbrush.
Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.
With the new moon and Mars in Virgo—a Mercury-ruled sign—in your area of communication and thought processes, thoughts and new information are racing through your mind at breakneck speeds, Cancer. Got a problem? You’re sure to solve it in record time this week but take care not to get stuck in your head. Fortunately, Mercury in Libra is lounging in your sector of home and family, acting as a speed bump to the planet’s otherwise harried energy.
Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.
This is the time to manifest abundance, Leo. The new moon in Virgo falls into your area of possessions and earnings, so your eyes are on the prize in more ways than one. Think Ariana Grande: “I want it. I got it.” Though Virgo’s energy is generally pretty tempered, it’s always good to remind yourself not to overdo it when multiple planets fall in one zone. Afterpay is a modern wonder, but it will soon have you wondering where all your money went.
Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.
Who are you, Virgo? Are you satisfied with who you are or who you present yourself as? With Mars and the new moon in Virgo on Monday, these questions may be swirling around in your mind. Whether or not you’re satisfied with your current self, remember that the concept of “you” is entirely within your power to mold as you see fit. Unsure how to approach the problem? Venus is moving into your zone of communication on Friday. Journal about it!
Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes.
It’s a little out of character, but you might be feeling like keeping to yourself this week, Libra. The new moon in Virgo is joining Mars in your sector of secrets and the unseen. Though Virgo’s aren’t known for their hysterics, all that energy in such a delicate place may have you reaching for the tissues, but don’t fret! The moon returns to your sign on Wednesday, drying up some of the waterworks and bringing some major emotional realizations.
Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.
Venus slides into your sign on Friday, Scorpio. Are you ready for the deluge of self-confidence? If not, the love planet’s last few days in airy Libra will give you some calm before the storm. Use this time to take stock of your emotional landscape, but there’s no need to go it alone! The new moon in Virgo falls in your friend and network zone, so reach out if you need someone to talk it out or even simply hang out with.
Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.
Things may be feeling a little less lighthearted than usual this week, Sagittarius. The new moon and Mars in Virgo are posted up in your career sector. While contemplating your career path and legacy (“What is a legacy?”) is rarely a bad idea, these two planets may have your attitude at work a little on the testier side. Take a few breaths before you respond to any question. Losing your cool could have unpleasant consequences.
Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.
Travel may be on your mind, Capricorn. This new moon in Virgo flies into your zone of long-distance travel and education. While an international flight may not be possible at the moment, a good book may satisfy your desire to travel to new worlds (of thought). Further, as Venus drifts into Scorpio and your zone of comradery on Friday, you will have a greater opportunity and energy to philosophize with friends.
Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.
The new moon in Virgo sets the scene for your week, Aquarius, and it’s looking a little intense. With this emotional planet in your zone of intimacy and transformation, something’s gotta give. Are you hiding something from yourself or others? Suppressing? If so, know that these things may come to a head this week, but don’t worry! Everything that happens is meant to be. Like a phoenix, you’re bound to rise from the ashes better than before.
Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.
Got love on the brain, Pisces? It would come as little surprise if you do, especially with the new moon in Virgo floating in your romance sector. What do you love about your lover? If you’re single, what do you want in a partner? This is the time to put yourself out there! This new moon puts the “new” in new love. In conjunction with the emotional planet’s trine to Uranus on Tuesday, you may be surprised at some of the connections you make this week.
Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.
Lead photo courtesy of Fallon Michael on Pexels. Icon photo by Elijah O’Donnell.