Weekly Horoscope: May 9–15, 2022

Alas, we the collective now find ourselves in the thick of things. Retrograde season is nigh — or rather, now. Almost two weeks ago, Pluto (planet of transformation) in Capricorn went retrograde. On Tuesday, Mercury (planet of communication) follows the lead of the planet of transformation and begins its own retrograde motion. Fortunately, Mercury ‘s Rx period is not nearly as long as Pluto’s. However, being in the sign of Gemini, Mercury’s sign of its rulership, this retrograde season will be especially heavy on the miscommunication, confusion, and general mishaps.
On the same day, Jupiter (planet of expansion) ends its sojourn in watery Pisces. While the sign of the Fish had us dreaming of a better life, Jupiter in Aries encourages us to get out and fight for what we desire. Each of us is the master of our reality, and this transit is here to remind us of that!
This week ends on a powerful note with the full moon in Scorpio. As was the case for the new moon in Taurus, this lunation falls on an eclipse. Though, this one is lunar rather than solar, as was the case a few weeks ago. All I can say is: prepare for intensity!

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope
You’re more of a Martian type, but Jupiter’s benevolence will begin to shine on you this week, Aries. With the planet of abundance in your appearance and self zone, so don’t be surprised if you’re feeling more optimistic than usual. The sky may feel like the limit during this transit, but don’t let it give you a big head!
Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.
With the full moon-lunar eclipse combo perched in your romance zone, there may a feeling that you need to hide your love away — that maybe it’s too much for other people. Have you ever stopped to consider that others’ sentiments are simply not enough, Taurus? The right person will find your specific brand of affection just to their taste. Don’t settle for anything less.
Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope.
Prepare yourself for an ersatz three weeks, Gemini. With your ruling planet, Mercury, retrograding in your sign, you’ll be particularly affected by the current state of astrological affairs. So, consider slowing down that motormouth of yours, lest you misspeak and land in a less-than-comfortable situation. “Careful” is a concept that’s a little unfamiliar to your sign, but you might want to consider adding it to your vocabulary — you’ll need it!
Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.
While your friends and family need you, there’s still time for a little joy, Cancer. With the potent astrological energy swirling about in the sky this week, you’re sure to learn precisely why you should be focusing more on yourself, especially with the full moon landing in your pleasure zone. Who are you outside of what you do for others? Contemplate this question as the full moon approaches.
Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.
Spring cleaning isn’t only physical. With this Sunday’s full moon in Scorpio, your roots are your focus, Leo. While you’re hardly an unexpressive person, it’s possible that you’ve repressed things related to any less-than-stellar aspects of your family and early years. With Scorpio’s transformational energy, you may find a the will to finally face these uncomfortable feelings and clear them away.
Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.
This week shines a light on your words, Virgo. Wednesday’s full moon in Scorpio falls into your communication zone, opening your eyes to the realities of your communication style and community. Have you been expressing yourself authentically? Either way, this lunation is reminding you to speak your truth at all costs. You won’t regret it.
Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes.
Sweet Libra, you’re in for a financially-focused week. On Sunday, the full moon reaches its peak in Scorpio and your finance sector. What’s in your wallet? Or more specifically, how have you been using your money? Scoprio is a more sober sign, so this lunation may be asking you to consider how to optimize your bottom line.
Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.
I hate to scare you, but get ready to feel the feels, Scorpio. This week find the full moon in your sign, so emotionally, you’re right at home. Now, emotionality isn’t exactly your favorite thing, but we all need a good purge every so often. And what better time to let it all out than all-powerful eclipse season? Given your fixed natures, hysterics are unlikely, but still, be sure to keep a few tissues on hand this week.
Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.
Much like your zodiac neighbor, Scorpio, you’re up for an emotional purge this week, Sagittarius. Though, unlike Scorpio, it may feel a little less natural. Sunday’s full moon arrives in your unconscious and hidden zone, so any emotions that may come to the surface are definitely doing so begrudgingly. They may even be painful (and powerful, with the lunar eclipse). But brave them and you’ll be entering Gemini season with an emotional clean slate.
Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.
Contrary to popular belief, you are quite the steadfast friend, Capricorn. This week, with the Scorpio lunar eclipse dipping into your network and friendship sector, themes surrounding your connections will be prominent. You may find that your friendships require a little more tending while the full moon is in Scorpio. As you do so, take time to take a good look at these relationships and decide which — if any — need a little more watering or pruning.
Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.
This Sunday’s lunar eclipse-full moon in Scorpio may be brewing big things for you on the career front, Aquarius. Will this be the week that you get that promotion? Or perhaps that raise you’ve been angling for? With such potent energy in the air, it’s bound to be something big! But as you wait out Sunday’s blessings, take care not to fall victim to Mercury retrograde, as it sits in your network zone. Situations on the friendship fronts are prone to miscommunication, so tread lightly.
Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.
I hope you’ve enjoyed Jupiter’s stay in your sign, Pisces, as it dips into Aries this week. Though a retrograde a little later in the year will bring it back to your sign for a time, this transit gives you a taste of 2023’s vibe. Additionally, Sunday’s full moon in Scorpio finds itself in your adventure and education zone. So, what can you learn this week, dear Fish?
Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.
Main photo courtesy of Nubia Navarro on Pexels.