Weekly Horoscope: January 24-30, 2022

By Horoscope.com

On January 24, 2022

In Astrology, Weekly horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: January 24-30, 2022

Despite the sun’s shift into Aquarius last week, a second wave of Sea-Goat energy is upon us, friends. The week opens with Mars’ entrance into somber Capricorn, sobering the collective energy. For the next six weeks, there’ll be no funny business. To quote the songstress-turned-entrepreneur Rihanna, “work, work, work” is the focus. If you’ve been slacking, it’s time to dive into your projects.

Similarly, Mercury retrograde pushes the planet back into Capricorn on Tuesday. Rather than feeling pushed to achieve in the office, you may feel a tad stunted. Fortunately, Mercury retrograde lasts only another week, so don’t worry yourself too much.

A bit of good news: Venus leaves her retrograde position on Saturday, unraveling the romantic quandaries that we may have found ourselves in over the last few weeks.  

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Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope


Aries darling, your ruling planet, Mars, makes a big move this week, marching out of wandering Sagittarius into Capricorn and your career sector. During the planet’s six-week stay in the sign, your work-life balance will shift a little more toward the “work” aspect. You’re an ambitious bunch, and this tendency is sure to shine through during this transit. However, try not to get caught up! Tricky Mercury is still in retrograde, so beware of an office faux pas!

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


Feel free to dance a little jig, as your ruling planet, Venus, leaves her retrograde position later this week! But before that, Mars moves into Capricorn and your adventure sector. You’re a bit of a creature of habit, Taurus, but it’s time that you live a little! (And with Capricorn emphasis on a little. No overdoing it! Taking up a new subject or class might be to your benefit. However, mind Mercury’s continue retrograde motion. It’s bound to trip you up in the education department if you’re not careful!

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope. 


Mars falls in a powerful place for you this week, Gemini. As the planet of action slips out of Sagittarius into Capricorn and your transformation zone, deep feelings will begin to surface. You’re friendly, but are you truly open? This is something to consider over the next six weeks, as Mars in Capricorn calls for you to take your healing seriously. Vulnerability is the key to healthy, long-term relationships, and now is a great time to cultivate it.

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


On Monday, Mars joins the planetary party going on in your sector of romance. Have you been feeling the love, Cancer? If not, Venus’ pesky retrograde is probably to blame, but back to Mars. The planet of action’s presence in this romantic sector is sure to shake things up — for better or worse. So, stay on your toes, and avoid unnecessary disagreements. Your moods are legendary, but try to temper your attitude for the time being.

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


It may be time to clean house, Leo — literally. This Monday marks Mars’ shift from Sagittarius to Capricorn. What’s more is that this is occurring in your routine sector. Have your day-to-day tasks been getting away from you? Or perhaps you’ve been neglecting your wellbeing a bit? Either way, Mars’ six-week stay in Capricorn will bring your attention back to your habits and health. However, do mind the retrogrades as you embark upon this self-improvement journey!

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


How’s your work-life balance, Virgo dear? As Mars makes its way out of Sagittarius and into Capricorn, it’s also strolling into your fun zone. So, you’re being asked to focus more on your pleasure principle. You have definite workaholic tendencies, and the planet of action wants you to loosen up a bit. All work and no play and all of that.

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes. 


Much like dear Taurus, your ruling planet, Venus, is released from the clutches of retrograde motion on Saturday. So, that distinct sense of discomfort or wrongness that you may have been feeling during the last few weeks will soon dissipate, Libra. Beyond Venus’ goings-on, Mars makes a move into Capricorn and your domestic zone, so it’s time to get your home in order. Redesign, redecorate, and rebuild those familial relationships! However, I wouldn’t recommend doing any serious shopping until Venus retrograde is officially over.

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


You’re not a chatty bunch, Scorpio, but your thoughts will certainly be on the move during this Mars transit. Monday sees the planet of action moving into Capricorn and your communication zone. What’s going on in that mysterious mind of yours? Normally, sharing would be caring, but Mercury is still retrograde for another week. So, save your big ideas for when there isn’t a massive risk of a verbal faux pas.

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


You’ve been concentrated on your cash lately, Sagittarius. But your bottom line may not have met the goals you set for it this month. But don’t beat yourself up too much. An inner planet, Venus, has been in retrograde and your finance zone for quite some time, and Mercury retrograde joins it this Tuesday. Fortunately, Venus goes direct on Saturday, and Mars will be sure to speed up the money-making process as well!

Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


With Venus retrograde in your sign and appearance zone, you likely having been feeling (or even looking) your best, but worry not! Starting Saturday, bad hair days will be a thing of the past (or at least, less frequent). Have you been contemplating a new cut or color? If so, feel free to indulge that urge when the planet of love and beauty ceases to play games this week. There’s nothing wrong with a little change.

Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


With the wealth of Capricorn planets in your sector of hidden things and the unconscious, you may be coming off as a bit of a closed book, Aquarius, but don’t feel the need to force anything. Even with the sun now in your sign and appearance zone, this is a time for self-reflection and perhaps a bit of seclusion if you’re so inclined. 

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


Much like your zodiac neighbor, Aquarius, don’t be afraid to take a dip into deeper emotions, Pisces. Now in Aquarius, the sun is shedding light on your sector of hidden things and the unconscious and pushing you to pay attention to your more uncomfortable feelings and urges. However, with Venus and now Mercury in Capricorn and your network zone, don’t be afraid to reach out to friends to help you navigate these murky emotional waters. As they say, we get by with a little help from our friends.

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

Photo courtesy of Flo Maderebner on Pexels.

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