Weekly Horoscope: December 27, 2021 – January 2, 2022

By Horoscope.com

On December 26, 2021

In Astrology, Weekly horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: December 27, 2021 – January 2, 2022

Give yourselves a pat on the back! We’ve survived most of the holiday anguish, and a bright and shining 2022 approaches. So, what have we learned this year, boys and girls? There’s no need to answer immediately. We have about a week to get those resolutions in place. Regarding the week ahead, there are quite a few astrological goings-on going on.

On the twenty-eighth, Jupiter (planet of expansion) returns to the fishy sign of Pisces for good (or, at least the next few months). Earlier this year, we got a glimpse into Jupiter in Pisces before it retrograded back into Aquarius in late July. Think back to those summer days, and you’ll catch the vibe for 2022. 

The twenty-ninth finds Mercury (planet of communication) and Venus (planet of love) in a tight celestial tango — otherwise known as a conjunction, before the planet of communication enters Aquarius on New Year’s Day. It may be time to talk over those issues you’ve been contemplating over Venus’ retrograde. 

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope


When Mercury meets Venus on December 29, your powers of persuasion meet your frankly irresistible nature to create an (almost) unstoppable force, Aries. With both the planets of communication and love in your career zone, ‘tis the season to seal that last year-end deal. However, if you instead find yourself on vacation, now may be the time to contemplate some serious resolutions where your career is concerned. Where do you want to be 365 days from now?

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


Have you been looking to expand your network, Taurus? Fortunately for you, Jupiter’s shift into Pisces brings the planet of expansion into your connection sector. Limited opportunities for socializing over the last two years may have shrunk your circle a little, but Jupiter in Pisces is here to shower you with platonic prospects. However, you still have to put yourself out there, so join a group or two and see what happens!

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope.


For the last few weeks, a slew of planets has been rumbling in your intimacy and transformation sector, Gemini. Now, two — Mercury and Venus — are meeting up for the final time this year in a strong conjunction. It may be time to talk out everything that you’ve been ruminating over. You more than anyone know the value of a good chat, so allow yourself to open up!

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


Mercury and Venus have their last tango in your sister sign on the twenty-ninth, Cancer, so once again, love is on the brain. If you’re coupled up, expect long talks with your lover about the status of your relationship. Are everyone’s needs being met? Do you feel seen? These are questions to consider on Wednesday. Fortunately, some of this romantic focus eases up on the first when Mercury shifts into Aquarius.

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


The time to tread into deeper emotional waters has come, Leo. This week, Jupiter ends its shift in Aquarius, your sister sign, for Pisces, now placing it in your intimacy and transformation zone. The next few months may present multiple opportunities for some serious purging. On a more positive note, you may even experience a sudden financial windfall. Perhaps those stocks will pop off, or crypto may rise from the dead. Either weeks, the next few months are sure to bring change.

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


Jupiter in your sister sign, Pisces, saunters into your partnerships zone, Virgo. If the last few months (or years, no judgement here) have brought a drought in the romance department, prepare yourself for thunderstorms. In other words, it’s raining men (or women)! However, please note that Venus is still in retrograde, so it may be best to contemplate relationships at this point rather than jumping in.

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes. 


Of all the signs, you’re probably the one who’s the most appearance-conscious, and that’s okay, Libra. However, Jupiter in Pisces is here to remind you that beauty begins from within — literally. That is, your health must be right if you want to look your absolute best. With Jupiter shifting in your habit zone, you’re being called to focus on your day-to-day: your gym routine, diet, etc. Are you looking after yourself properly? Your body is a temple. Treat it as such.

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


“Party animal” isn’t a title typically associated with your sign, Scorpio. However, as Jupiter shifts into Pisces and your pleasure zone this week, you may be inclined to reconsider. The planet of expansion is calling for you to expand your fun. You tend to be a little on the intense side, but Jupiter’s stay in Pisces is the time to let your hair down. But, if partying isn’t your thing, at least try to let your creativity flow.  

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


On Tuesday, your ruling planet, Jupiter, shifts into Pisces and your domestic zone, Sagittarius. Now, you’re not one for staying home, and that’s understandable. However, it may be time to cast an eye to your family and home — perhaps in ways that you hadn’t considered previously. Maybe a major renovation is in the horizon.  Either way, major changes are afoot on the home front, so buckle up, buttercup!

Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


It’s a surprisingly chatty Capricorn season for you, Capricorn. On Wednesday, Mercury in your sign conjoins Venus for the last time before it heads into Aquarius on the first. Still, there’s good news. Jupiter bops into Pisces and your communication zone on Tuesday. If you’re a writer, you’ll be gliding through that daily word count goal for the next few months. 

Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


This year prepare to be where the money resides, Aquarius. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, strolls into your finance zone on the twenty-eighth. Perhaps a raise is in the cards for you over the next few months. Or maybe that side hustle finally takes off, increasing your bottom line. Conversely, if you’ve been spending excessively, it may worsen during Jupiter’s stay in Pisces. Either way, it’s time to buckle down and up for the new year! 

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


Jupiter, your traditional ruler, returns to your sign on December 28, Pisces. Are you prepared for the windfall of fortune over the next few months? With Jupiter popping into your sector of self, Lady Luck is truly on your side, blessing your efforts with an extra cushion against failure. However, try not to get too comfortable, and remember to put in work! The planet of expansion can expand both good and bad habits.

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

Photos are courtesy of Kaique Rocha and Jonas Von Werne.

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