Give Your Sex Life a Boost With This September New Moon Ritual

By Laura Bolt

On September 26, 2019

In Astrology, New moon, Rituals

Give Your Sex Life a Boost With This September New Moon Ritual

Let’s face it: Virgo season can be a little exhausting. All that time spent making plans and checking details is great for getting things done, but it can wear you down. Luckily, Libra season is coming in strong to encourage a healthy sense of balance.

If you’ve felt worn down lately, the new moon in Libra—happening on September 28, 2019 at 11:26 am PT—is a great opportunity to give some love those areas you’ve neglected lately. (Makes sense as Saturn’s retrograde finally ended last week; it’s the best time for new routines.)

As we enter this new moon with a clean slate, the sign of Libra, ruled by Venus (planet of love and beauty), will ask us to consider a brand new look for our home, our wardrobe, or our hairstyles. This might seem like a superficial change, but it’s important to connect with yourself and consider how you express who you are.

Using color magic in your daily life to both reflect and draw in what you want is a great thing to experiment with during Libra season (the season of fashion), when the stars are encouraging us to break up that Virgo focus with a sense of play.

Lastly, there is also a focus on love and romance during this new moon, so if you’ve been looking to bring in a new relationship (or solidify a current one), now is a great opportunity. During this moon, Venus is also in Libra, so all things surrounding love, beauty, and money take on a particularly rosy hue. And with a sextile to Jupiter in Sagittarius, we’re asked to think big! How can you expand your horizons when it comes to love?

Love Altar Ritual for New Moon in Libra 2019

Libra is associated with Aphrodite, goddess of love, money, and beauty. To create and manifest abundance in those areas, use this new moon to create an Aphrodite altar. Honoring a goddess is a wonderful way of paying your respect to the universe as you cast your intention out to the world.

Because Aphrodite is associated with pleasure and sexuality, it’s usually suggested that an Aphrodite altar is placed in the bedroom.



Cleanse a special area of your home with sage or palo santo.

Start with a cloth, scarf, or piece of fabric that feels luxurious to you. Remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so this is about creating an altar that is pleasing to you most of all!

What you place on your altar should be reflective of you, but some common items are perfume, crystals (rose quartz, amethyst, and citrine are all good options), jewelry, rose petals, and a hand mirror. You can also place photos that inspire you on your altar, perhaps of female relatives, inspirational women, or more abstract photos you simply feel drawn to.

Candles, especially of the pink and red variety (all hail color magic!) are also nice additions.

If you’re trying to manifest something besides love, passion, or intimacy, add other candles to match your intentions (green for prosperity, orange for luck, purple for creativity).

As you light your candles, close your eyes and imagine shifting your energy into those areas of your life, like filling up a cup of water from a pitcher.

Then, adorn yourself with essential oils like rose or lavender, taking time to really sense the experience of applying them to your skin. Meditate on these sensations to connect with the present moment as you invite in blessings for the future.

Affirmation for the new moon in Libra: 

The beauty of the universe shines through me. I radiate the love that I have to give, as I prepare to receive the love I desire. 

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