Your Halloween 2019 Horrorscope Is Here


On October 30, 2019

In Astrology, Halloween

Your Halloween 2019 Horrorscope Is Here

Get ready for more tricks than treats! This year, Halloween gets even spookier with Mercury (planet of communication) starting a retrograde in secretive Scorpio, adding an allure of mystique to this year’s celebrations. But before its dreaded U-turn, the cosmic messenger will be getting hot and heavy with Venus (planet of love) as they meet in this sensual sign, possibly driving some of us to boldly express feelings that have been wanting to come out.

Read Me: Everything You Need to Know About Mercury Retrograde

If and when things get heavy, we can always call on the moon in sobering Capricorn to cool things off and ground us as we strive to keep our emotions in check so we can enjoy the night ahead and have a good time.

Overall, this year’s Halloween could feel mysterious and mystical for some signs and more introspective and probing for others.


This Halloween will be hot, and intense. With Mercury and Venus activating your eighth house of sex and death, you’re probably feeling all the feels, which might be exhilarating and scary at the same time. The secret lays in surrendering, Aries (not your favorite, we know). Once Venus enters fire pal Sagittarius tomorrow, the intensity will be turned down a notch—at least for you.


With Mercury opposing your sun and turning retrograde on Halloween, you might feel wired and in need to deliver an important message. Wait to do that Taurus, as this is not a good time to do so. If you have a partner or are dating someone, you might want to consider spending the night just the two of you while Venus in your seventh house is still sending all those glorious beams your way!


With Mercury (Gemini’s ruling planet) starting a three-week retrograde in focused Scorpio, something is definitely on your mind, and the Capricorn moon will only exacerbate it. When invitations and texts arrive, it might be best to be non-committal since you might not even feel like going out. Playing it by ear might be the best game plan for tonight.


For you Cancer, Halloween might be quite magical with your fifth house of creativity jam-packed. Even if you’re not into dressing up, this year you might want to go for it and step up your costume game! The Capricorn moon opposing your sun points to you feeling very energetic and a night that would be best spent with people from your same-sex friends. Girls’ or boys’ night anyone?


All right, so this might not be the most fun Halloween of all time with three celestial bodies—Mercury, Venus, and the Scorpio sun—in a stressful angle to your sun in Leo. And while it might not end up being the most Instagramable night ever (perhaps due to a costume crisis), it might teach you how sometimes losing control can be a good thing.

Read Me: The Best Halloween Costume for Your Zodiac Sign


Lucky Virgo is one of the signs poised to have a good time, however, there’s a catch. Since your ruler Mercury will be going haywire in your third house of communication, you might experience the typical errors with technology and transportation more than other signs. With that in mind, a house party or neighborhood stroll might be your best bet tonight as you make the best of it amid these disruptions.


For you, Libra, Halloween night could be a blast, but it could come with a price. As Venus and the sun illuminate your second house of money and possessions, you could find yourself in the mood to spend, yes even more than usual. An expensive Halloween costume? Sure, you’re worth it! Buying rounds of drinks for everyone. Only if you want to wake up with an expensive hangover the next day! Have fun, just be mindful of Mercury’s erratic energy causing confusion in this part of your chart and you will be fine.


With such a nice lineup in Scorpio, this could be a night to remember for you—if only Mercury stationing retrograde in your sign wasn’t playing mind games with you. The antidote? Don’t obsess over your costume, your date, or anything that might be bothering you at the moment. Instead, try focusing on the positive and on what brings you pleasure. This is the last night you host goddess Venus in your sign, so take advantage of her harmonious influence.


As the moon separates from a meetup with Sagittarius’s ruler, magnanimous Jupiter, you might be prone to overdoing things tonight, like your costume or how much you end up partying. The heavy focus on your twelve house (the house of hidden secrets) points to a spooky energy lurking behind the scenes. So have fun but stay on your toes. You want to be prepared for anything!


Hopefully you are feeling social, Capricorn! Your outlook for tonight is optimistic with Mercury, Venus, and the sun in Scorpio lighting up your eleventh house of friendships and acquaintances. If there was a time to let loose and have fun, it is now! As the moon heads to meet with your Capricorn sun, you will most like feel energized and ready to have a stellar night with your VIPs.


Since your tenth house of career has been so illuminated in the past weeks, it has been a busy—and possibly stressful—time at work. Aquarius is a social sign but don’t feel bad to change your plans if what you really need is a scary movie marathon or a chill night in. Going with the flow is sometimes hard for a stubborn sign like yours, but with so many planets—Mercury, Venus, and the sun—squaring your sun, that might be your only option.


A magical night is on the menu Pisces, just how you like it. You might feel a call to explore new horizons—listen to it. RSVP to all those parties you usually say not to and wear your most exotic choice of costume. For you, the current astral focus in watery sign pal Scorpio is positive, yes even with Mercury retrograde. Delight in diving into the unknown!

Lead photo courtesy of @brandi.van.nevel

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