Your Weekly Horoscope for November 19 to November 26: Neptune Turns Direct, and All Signs Are Ready To Go, Go, Go!


On November 19, 2017

In Aspect, Dream, Spirit

Your Weekly Horoscope for November 19 to November 26: Neptune Turns Direct, and All Signs Are Ready To Go, Go, Go!

Want a sneak peek into 2018? Find out what to expect right now with your 2018 premium horoscope! 

Saturday’s new moon in Scorpio has wiped the slate clean, but may also have left signs feeling a little raw, a little exposed, and a little unsure of what’s next. While this weekend was all about contemplation, the week ahead is about action, as the sun shifts into adventurous Sagittarius. A tie between flirty Venus and excitable Pluto suggests that things may heat up around the holidays—you may be reunited with an old friend or fling you haven’t thought about in ages, or may find yourself making overtures to becoming more than friends with someone. Throw caution to the wind! Be bold, be brave, and be open—it can be a magical week if you allow it to be. 

Aries Weekly Horoscope 
You’ve stayed close to home, dealing with fires on both the personal and professional front, but as the sun moves into Sagittarius, adventure awaits! You may have some travels for the holidays on the calendar—stop dreading them, they will go a lot better than you think they will. Neptune turns direct midweek, and you’ll finally find answers to some nebulous questions and annoying ongoing projects. Bottom line: This week is about tying up loose ends and reveling in who’s in your life. Enjoy, step away from drama, and find the fun in whatever you’re doing. 

Taurus Weekly Horoscope  
You’ve been changing, Taurus, and this week, what you’ve been working for is going to begin to come to fruition, especially as the sun moves into Sagittarius. Be patient. You may feel like you haven’t seen big results, but that’s only your perspective. Trust change is happening. It’s a week to truly let go of resentments and expectations. And keep an open mind at the end of the week, when an unexpected guest or invite may turn up. Stop overanalyzing and go with the flow. 

Gemini Weekly Horoscope    
Relationships are on your mind, but it’s all about checks and balances this week, Gemini. You don’t want to step on other people’s feet (even your partner’s) and this week is all about compromise and realizing (begrudgingly!) that it’s not all about you. Toward the end of the week, an aspect between interactive Mercury and innovative Uranus points to a major shift. Your traditions may not be same-old after all. Shake things up, and look for adventure over the weekend!

Cancer Weekly Horoscope
Romance is sizzling this week, as the Sagittarius sun urges you to get out of your comfort zone and mingle. It’s a week that’s all about overindulgence, but the stars warn you not to slip too far. Have fun, but going back to routines will help keep your body and mind on track. This is actually a great week to commit to a workout routine—turkey trot anyone?—and to shore up your self-discipline. But that doesn’t mean you should forego all invites. Having a plan is key, and remember, kisses are calorie-free. 

Leo Weekly Horoscope
Your family has been on your mind all week, and you may be dreading gatherings for Thanksgiving. Don’t sweat it. A dynamic celestial picture suggests the week is what you’ve made it, and you’ve made more inroads than you’re even aware of when it comes to family and making sure peace is kept. This is a great time to ask yourself how you want the holidays to play out. Doing something different, like buying a plane ticket to somewhere, may be exactly what you need. 

Virgo Weekly Horoscope 
With Jupiter in your sector of travel, expect a good experience if going on a far-flung adventure. Staying close to home? It’s a great time to open your home to friends and family. Jupiter is asking you to shift and expand your worldview, opening your home and heart. If you’re single, it’s a great time to meet someone—especially someone you may never have pictured or considered. Attached? If you don’t have any trips on the horizon, consider planning one or try to find 24 hours to fully connect with your partner. Connect is the keyword of the week. 

Libra Weekly Horoscope 
Feisty Mars cranks up your courage. You’re not afraid of sharing your feelings, but be aware that some discretion is good, especially when family is involved. If you know you’re going to engage in an argument with family over the holidays, stop it in it’s tracks by disengaging or changing the subject. Disagreement is good, but arguments are not. A tie between luscious Venus and portent Pluto on Thursday suggests at romance—open your mind and heart up to the prospect. 

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope 
The all-seeing sun lands in your financial zone, asking you to do an honest assessment of your budget prior to holiday spending. Leave emotion out of it and just take a hard look at the numbers. A deep transit between Venus and Pluto suggests that you may meet someone this week who will have a profound impact on your life and future. Be open to the possibility, keeping your eyes, ears, and heart wide open. This person could portend romance, but they could also be a soul mate in the truest sense of the term—someone who truly can partner with you. Finally, make sure to keep money on your mind all week. Don’t offer to pay the tab on holiday festivities in a fit of generosity! 

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope 
This is your month, Sagittarius! With the sun in your sign, you’re emerging from what’s been a quiet month of introspection as you’re ready to get things done. This week is all about setting goals for your year ahead. And while you still may feel serious, there is some levity in play as well. Absolutely enjoy any birthday bashes, and celebrate the considerable things you’ve been able to accomplish in the past year. You’ve earned it. 

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope 
As the sun prepares to move to your sign next month, you may feel a shifting and quieting, as you naturally begin to assess what you accomplished last year and look ahead to your goals for the future. The sun in Sagittarius urges you to go outside your comfort zone, but you’re also feeling deeply pulled toward home. This conflict can be tough; follow your heart and don’t feel compelled to do what you feel “should” be done. Single? An intense link between Venus and Pluto hints at romance, with the catch that if you want anything to happen, it’s up to you to take the lead. 

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope 
The sun is in your social sector this week, and expect plenty of last minute hangouts, invites, and fun. Your intuition is especially on point this week, so pay attention to signs and coincidences, especially as they pertain to any decision you’re struggling with. This is a great week to stop overthinking and go with the flow—the more you try to analyze, the more tripped up and confused you’ll be. Just trust your gut, and the rest will follow.  

Pisces Weekly Horoscope 
With Sagittarius in your sector of goals and ambitions, you can do no wrong, Pisces! Adding to the fact is ethereal Neptune moving direct midweek, meaning projects and goals finally feel like they’re moving forward, after being stalled for weeks. Lean in and work hard. It may be the holidays, but every day counts, and the more you can hunker down and get things done, the better you’ll feel. This is a great week for getting what you want, which includes love. Single? What are you waiting for? Be direct and ask someone out. 

Make 2018 your year! Here’s how!

Read last week’s horoscope here!

Read your November horoscope here! 

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