Your November Love Horoscope: Get Emotionally Naked (Physical Is Good, Too!)

The stars bring huge changes in the month ahead. Get the full scoop ordering your premium November horoscope!
This season is all about change. Scorpio energy dominates. You’re feeling every feeling possible. This intensity wakes you up and shows you what matters most. On November 6, Venus joins Jupiter and the sun in Scorpio, and romance becomes passionate and sexy. Conversation becomes increasingly intimate, and we all become super freaking loyal to the ones we love. Scorpio doesn’t care for casual. It wants to dive deep into another person’s soul and feel everything about them. A Scorpio new moon on November 18 increases this urge and your ability to satisfy it. This is an incredible time for sexual and emotional bonding and for planting the seeds for deeper partnership. On November 21, the sun transitions to Sagittarius. Fire burns above Scorpio’s water, and things get even steamier. Think more sex and fewer emotional conversations. Yum.
Find out how the planets’ positions at your precise birth day, time, and place influence your personality and life circumstances.
Aries November Love Horoscope
On November 1, an Aries moon opposes Venus and Mars. Romantic tension is intense! This is pursuit energy at its fullest. You may be crushing on someone new or feeling the desire to mix things up in your partnership. You want something from someone, and over the first two weeks of the month, you are very likely to get it. But beware of being fooled by your sexual desires. Mars inconjuncts Neptune all month, and lust is likely to lead you astray, especially on November 14 and 15. You may think someone is partnership material, but in reality, you may just really enjoy having sex with them. Listen to your heart. It knows the truth, and that truth will become abundantly clear by the Scorpio new moon on November 18. Processing this truth could easily mess with you the rest of the month, so give yourself time to recover from the blow.
Love Lesson: Lust can be a liar. Listen to your heart.
Passion Prediction:
Taurus November Love Horoscope
A Taurus full moon on November 4 anchors you to your comfort zone. This helps you feel safe and secure as it shines its light on your self worth. Take time on this full moon to release any judgments you have about yourself and remember that you are loveable. The period from November 4 through November 18 is all about releasing your self hatred. The Scorpio sun is facilitating this by forcing you to see all the ways that you repress your feelings and inhibit your self expression. You will get to know yourself better. You will see clearly how you hold yourself back in love. As this unfolds, you will experience greater love – whether single or partnered. We pick the partners we think we deserve. Only when you realize you worth will you choose the lover that sees you as worthy.
Love Lesson: Love yourself. Love yourself. Love yourself.
Passion Prediction:
Gemini November Love Horoscope
The Taurus full moon on November 4 is immediately followed by a Gemini moon. This fosters incredible sex, but don’t be surprised if you feel cloudy in the head. Insecurities are brought to light by the full moon. Mercury in Sagittarius means that you’re exploring new ways of understanding yourself. This won’t always feel good, but you’ll be rewarded along the way for doing the work. Great sex is likely to continue to come your way on November 14 or 15. This will help you fully accept yourself on the new moon November 18. You’ll be riding this high with a lot of joy until Mercury conjuncts Saturn at the end of the month. This will influence you heavily from November 23 onward. Expect discomfort, but also expect to finally learn what this month has to teach you.
Love Lesson: Foster personal awareness to be your most loving self.
Passion Prediction:
Cancer November Love Horoscope
You’re like a lake. On the surface, everything’s still, but just beneath, fish are swimming, water is rippling, and emotions are brewing. You’re moving toward the deepest, darkest places of yourself. You’re following the water through the soil and beyond the lake’s walls. It’s terrifying and sensual and pleasurable, and this month, this is where love is found. You don’t like to acknowledge your shadow side – the parts of you that are anything other than the loving, nurturing figure. But you can be fierce. You have a bite. You have passion, and Scorpio wants you to embrace this. These feelings are part of what it means to be human, and to experience the utmost compassion and love, you must understand all feelings, especially the messy ones. You best days for love are November 7, 11, 12, 17, 18, 22, 27, and 28, and you can expect things to get extra steamy on November 20 and 25.
Love Lesson: Embrace your shadow side for sexier romance.
Passion Prediction:
Leo November Love Horoscope
Take a step back and reflect before you say or do anything you don’t mean. The full moon on November 4 is a particularly challenging time for you. You’ve been investing in something that isn’t true to your long term path, and as the moon moves through Leo on November 9 and 10, this identity crisis is exacerbated. Love suffers, but sex does not. In fact, you’re feeling increasingly sexual. The Scorpio sun sends your libido into overdrive, but it’s this very thing that could be leading you astray. Expect some reassurance and clarity on November 18 when the new moon rolls in. Your attention is moving away from sexual and spiritual intensity and onward to new adventures. But you’re still prone to illusions right now. Keep yourself grounded, and don’t get too carried away with anything.
Love Lesson: Stick to what you know deep down inside.
Passion Prediction:
Virgo November Love Horoscope
You tend to let your senses run wild toward what-ifs, but the Taurus full moon brings you back to your center. This connection manifests through great sex, but this isn’t a time for casual connection. Taurus grounds you in your body. Scorpio elevates you to the spiritual plane. Sex is simply a way to bridge the two worlds. It becomes intensely emotional, connected, and beautiful. Through sex, your mind expands. The moon moves through Virgo on November 11 and 12. This is a great time for romance. Expect a major epiphany on or around November 20 when the moon conjuncts Mercury and Saturn. You will receive a major lesson now that keeps you on your path and brings you immense sexual excitement.
Love Lesson: Keep both feet on the ground as love lifts you high.
Passion Prediction:
Libra November Love Horoscope
Venus stays in Libra until November 6. Make the most of these last few days by spending time with any lover. Know that some big issues might come out right now, but you are meant to work through them. Venus then moves into Scorpio, spicing things up and strengthening bonds. Between this and Mars’ placement in Libra, November is shaping up to be an intensely passionate and sex-filled month! The period between November 14 and 18 is especially good for romance. But of course, all of this love luck doesn’t come without a lesson. The sex you’re having right now is changing you. There’s something you aren’t seeing clearly, and your romantic connection is designed to help wake you up. Look deep into yourself—not just your lover—to see what’s being revealed to you now.
Love Lesson: The love you have for another cannot replace the love you need to have for yourself.
Passion Prediction:
Scorpio November Love Horoscope
The sun’s in Scorpio through November 20, and with Jupiter and Venus also in Scorpio, this month is especially ideal for love! Venus in Scorpio makes love intense, profound, and loyal – just like you. Having someone who’s just okay isn’t going to satisfy you. You want a soul-deep connection, and sex becomes a gateway for feeling it. And with Mars in Libra, sex is particularly oriented toward partner bonds. This suits you fine since your jealousy is especially pronounced right now. This is because you are keenly aware of the fleeting nature of love. It’s constantly shifting and transforming and eventually always comes to an end. This makes you feel inherently insecure in relationships because you are. We all are. You need someone who gives you constant reassurance, so don’t be afraid to ask for this.
Love Lesson: Love bonds our bodies and our souls.
Passion Prediction:
Sagittarius November Love Horoscope
Mercury moves into Sagittarius following the full moon on November 4. Your self expression becomes increasingly empowered. This makes you sexier and more attractive to everyone. Your wild, adventurous ways appeal to the masses. People want to pursue what they don’t know, and you’re the one to guide them there. You may quickly enter a passionate partnership, but your lover is depending on you for excitement. This makes you feel desired and powerful, but it also leaves you feeling frustrated and used. You want people to love you for you, not just what you bring into their life. And you want someone who excites you! Not just the other way around. You’ll be wanting space as the sun moves into Sagittarius on November 21. You try to keep things lighter, but don’t be surprised if this is just a weaning off before an eventual break up.
Love Lesson: All engulfing passion quickly burns out. It’s the smoldering love that lasts.
Passion Prediction:
Capricorn November Love Horoscope
Your ruler Saturn sextiles Venus and then Mars. You’re learning about love piece by piece. The Taurus full moon on November 4 is triggering an internal transformation, and your initial instinct is to resist. You don’t want to change your ways, but the universe is pulling this change out of you. The less you resist, the easier it will be. While this change emphasizes love, it’s mainly about sex within loving relationships. Pluto squares Mars, and Mercury moves close to Saturn. The way you’ve been thinking about sex isn’t serving you, but as you allow the transformation to unfold, you’re filled with joy. You will feel this particularly on November 15, 16, and 20. Your thoughts become foggy toward the end of the month as Mercury conjuncts Saturn, but this is simply because they’re changing. They’ll become clear again once you relax into your new perspective.
Love Lesson: Have patience while getting where you want to go.
Passion Prediction:
Aquarius November Love Horoscope
You’re still sorting through how to balance your rebellious nature with committed partnership. Venus is in Libra—the sign of marriage—and then in Scorpio—a sign that is fiercely loyal and committed – while Mars stays in Libra all month. Right now, romance is all about the real deal, long haul. Meanwhile, Uranus, the planet that rules your rebellious tendencies, is in Aries—a sign that is all about looking out for yourself above others. There’s inherently tension in any relationship. You may not be able to see it on the surface, but you can feel it inside. You waver back and forth about whether you want a relationship. Rebellion and marriage can go together. You just have to figure out what that looks like for you. The Aquarius moon on November 24 and 25 is a particularly good time for this.
Love Lesson: Figure out what your ideal partnership would feel like.
Passion Prediction:
Pisces November Love Horoscope
Venus and Jupiter in Scorpio are sending Neptune—and you—lots of love this month. All the world is made of souls breaking and embracing, and you’re okay with this. You’re high on life and love. You ditch your ego and feel connected to everything and everyone. You become one with any partner because they are – after all – a part of everyone. But they don’t get lost in the crowd. Scorpio makes sure of this. You feel loyal and committed. You feel ready to stick by your partner no matter what. You have the strength of a million lifetimes running through you, and while the rest of the world may not always understand this, you do. And during Scorpio season, many other people will as well. Life’s felt hella hard lately, but this month, the weight is lifted. You become united. You remember you are free.???????
Love Lesson: Love frees us all.
Passion Prediction:
Virginia is a Brooklyn-based Reiki Master and psychic healer dedicated to expanding people’s understanding of what’s possible. She offers private readings, coaching, healing, and more through her company,
Read last month’s love horoscope here!
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