Your Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, December 13: Connect to Those You Love

The moon transits from Libra to Scorpio, which asks all signs to think a little deeper and connect a little bit more intensely. The moon and Mars align toward the afternoon, an aspect that helps lift cooperation and may find all signs working together. Barriers break down and anything is possible. Here, what else to expect in your daily horoscope for Wednesday, December 13.
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Aries Daily Horoscope
Emotions run deep, thanks to the Scorpio moon. You sometimes push them aside, Rams, but today is a good day to listen to them and follow through. This is especially true in relationships. If you feel something, say something.
Taurus Daily Horoscope
The moon aligned with Mars casts a light on your relationships, and things that you may have swept under the rug need to be addressed. These may be holiday-specific problems (ie, who’s house you’re visiting) or could be much larger. Either way, talk it out.
Gemini Daily Horoscope
You’ve been procrastinating these past few weeks. No pressure, life got in the way! But you’re feeling extra-motivated today, and it’s the best time to get things done. You want a clean slate for 2018, so work toward it!
Cancer Daily Horoscope
Today is a great day to get out and go out. Who cares if it’s Wednesday? You’ve been working so hard and have been committed to a schedule, now’s the time to let loose a bit—you’ll get back on track tomorrow.
Leo Daily Horoscope
The moon is in your home and family sector, and problems crop up (again!) You need to make your point of view known. Use tact, but remember, that just because things have always been done one way, they don’t need to be done the same way this year.
Virgo Daily Horoscope
The moon in your communications sector makes it tough to focus on priorities—everyone wants a piece of you. To triage, ask yourself: In a week/month/year, what matters most? Then winnow down your to-do list from there!
Libra Daily Horoscope
The connection between the moon and Mars lends you an almost hyper energy. You want things done and you want them done now. Going for a run and letting go of excess energy is everything today, Libra. You may be tempted to bring out your credit card and swipe the tension away—bad move. Stick to positive ways to release all you’re feeling.
Scorpio Daily Horoscope
The moon in your sign, coupled with Mars, gives you a jolt of energy. You’re being driven by passion, which is a good thing. Sometimes! You know how it goes, Scorpio! You act in the heat of the moment, then spend all week or month trying to do damage control. Learn lessons from last time, think before you act, and remember, keeping a relationship intact sometimes is betterr than being “right.”
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
The moon in your privacy sector has you feeling conflicted: On one hand, you love relaxing without any pressing to-do lists, but on the other, you have major ideas and want to share them with the world. Remember: Energy begets energy. It may be time to step out of your comfort zone and join the world.
Capricorn Daily Horoscope
Confidence is at its peak, and it’s a great day to shed obligations that no longer serve you. The things you don’t want in your life are blocking the way for those things you do want in your life. Time to make some tough decisions.
Aquarius Daily Horoscope
The moon in your sector of career and reputation may bring up some work issues—a problem or crisis may come up. The good news is you have the tools to solve it, and being calm and cool in the face of problems can actually raise your reputation. Deep breaths.
Pisces Daily Horoscope
Your confidence is cranked up, and Mars in your adventure sector is having you think beyond the box when it comes to 2018. Where do you want to go and who do you want to meet? Have a dream, then make a plan!
Art by Maria the Witch. Find her work on Society6.
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