Your Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, December 12: Things Are Not What They Appear


On December 12, 2017

In Aspect, Astrology, Date

Your Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, December 12: Things Are Not What They Appear

Mercury retrograde passes the sun today, giving all signs an opportunity to see “big picture.” This is the type of day where things may all seem to come together, and projects and goals come to fruition. Added to that is a moon in Libra, giving all signs an opportunity to recalibrate their lives and find their own version of balance. It’s an important day, and, if you play your cards right, what you do now has important ramifications for the day ahead. Your daily horoscope for Tuesday, December 12. 

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Aries Daily Horoscope
The moon encourages you to pay attention to balance in your own life. You’ve been going full speed ahead in some areas, but neglecting others. You may need to give your relationships some TLC. Single? Ask yourself where a relationship would fit into your life—you may be sending out subconscious “I’m too busy” messages. 

Taurus Daily Horoscope 
Conversations get serious today, and you may find the convos you have going deeper than you’re usually comfortable with. Go with the flow. It’s not oversharing, and the more you can communicate your inner truth to others, the better. 

Gemini Daily Horoscope      
A sun-moon alignment makes you play therapist on yourself, and suddenly, you’re looking at hidden motives for almost every action you’ve taken in the past year. Some insight is good, but don’t beat yourself up or get bogged down in the details. Imagine a clear path forward. 

Cancer Daily Horoscope
The moon is now in your home sector, casting harmony on issues that have been plaguing you. Even when family drives you nuts, they’re the center of your world. Honor that today. Call a far-flung family member. They appreciate and need you more than you know. 

Leo Daily Horoscope
The sun in retrograde Mercury pulls up and catalyzes feelings and ideas. You’re ready to go full speed ahead but also may feel stuck—too dependent on other people’s opinions and approvals to get anything done. As Mercury retrograde continues it’s transit toward an alignment with Venus, a path forward will become more clear. Patience for now. 

Virgo Daily Horoscope
Your intuition reigns today, and you’re getting some powerful signals from the universe over your next steps. Fear is your enemy today. Action over analysis is the way forward. 

Libra Daily Horoscope
Mental energy is at a peak today, and things that may have seemed like a chore can now be approached with fresh curiosity and interest. Enjoy this new energy and inspiration, as it can lead you down important new paths for 2018. 

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
Fresh energy swirls around you and helps push you past the stale, stagnant exhaustion you’ve been working with for the past few days. There’s finally a solution to the financial issues you’ve been worried about, as Mercury retrograde brings you fresh ideas for how to solve problems. 

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
Let’s talk about work, Sags. Today is a day to dig in and ask for what you want. You may find the perception colleagues have of you is very different than what you want colleagues to have. It may be time to have a bit of an image makeover at the office. 

Capricorn Daily Horoscope
Mercury has been dragging you down, but you’ll soon get ahead. In the meantime, you’re doing important internal work. Today you may be focused on the past, and reaching out to someone you’re thinking about—even if you haven’t talked in ages—could be a good move. 

Aquarius Daily Horoscope 
You may hear criticism today, but don’t get defensive—even if the points hurt your feelings, there are some valuable insights that can be gleaned from other’s observations. Listen up and consider making some changes based on the feedback you receive. 

Pisces Daily Horoscope
The moon in your intimacy sector lends a quiet energy to your relationships. It’s a day to cuddle under the covers; a night to share a bottle of wine and secrets. You’ve been all about the big gestures (and #relationshipgoals IG pictures) but now it’s time to settle and tune into the private part of your bond you don’t share with others. 

Read yesterday’s horoscope.

Read your weekly horoscope.

Read your December horoscope. 

Art by Maria the Witch. Find her work on Society6.

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Want more info to tap into the power of your Zodiac sign today? Try these articles!
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