Weekly Horoscope: October 3–9, 2022

By Mary Bergner

On October 2, 2022

In Astrology, Horoscope, Weekly horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: October 3–9, 2022

Having the right people in your corner when you start to struggle is a must. This week’s planetary energy not only helps you cultivate new members of your trusted tribe but also equips you with tools that can better enable you to ask for help from those who show up for you consistently, day in and day out.

Now that direct Mercury (the transcendent communicator) has come out of its retro cycle, the misunderstandings you’ve been having should go down significantly, and having a static-free line between the people you need the most is truly invaluable when things in your life start to go sideways.

On Monday and Tuesday, you get a nice boost from the earthy Grand Trine involving the moon (repping our inner vision), Pluto (planet of identity), Venus (our cosmic connector), and Uranus (promoter of change). Your ability to brainstorm and bounce ideas off of other savvy thinkers puts you in the top tier when it comes to making business moves and personal power plays.

Thursday’s intense Mercury-Pluto — which is just about to go direct on Saturday — trine in very serious Capricorn hints at big career moves. At times like this, it isn’t what you know as much as who you know that will open doors and lead you to the success you crave.

A full moon in fiery Aries on Sunday puts you back at the beginning emotionally and might have you feeling like you haven’t made as much progress in the last month as you would have liked. Ask the people around you for examples of your growth; they can see your impressive accomplishments much better from where they’re standing!

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope


Although you might be annoyed initially at the suggestion that you can’t make it on your own this week, Aries, that isn’t exactly what the stars are saying. Can you do it all by yourself? Of course, you’re an incredibly fierce, independent Ram with a competitive spirit. But should you cop an “it’s me against the world, baby” attitude right now? No. Why make things harder than they have to be?

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


Your circle of friends or, should we say, the people you trust, is typically small, Taurus, which is why you’re among the small group of closed-off signs that can use this week’s energy to cultivate some new connections, both professionally and socially. This is where your patience pays off. Unless you’re in an emergency situation where you need help ASAP, you can take your sweet time vetting the right people. Your discerning nature pays off in the long term. 

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope. 


You’re one happy camper now that your smart leader Mercury is out of its most recent retrograde cycle, and you can get back on your regularly scheduled social media grind without missing a beat. If you’re launching a new product, rebranding, or just want to let your thousands (millions?) of followers know what you’ve been up to lately, consider using new apps/tools and maybe even getting an expert’s advice. The more input you get now regarding your image, the better, Gemini!

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


Cancer, you’re one of the signs that might struggle with this week’s “put yourself out there” energy but wading in slowly will help you avoid the shock that comes with diving in headfirst. No one says you have to be a social butterfly or even love mixing and mingling at business events. Just the fact that you’re willing to keep an open mind and come out of your shell at all is a huge W. Parties and other gatherings are easier to navigate with your bestie by your side, just FYI.

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


Your life always seems to be filled with drama, and this week is no exception! But the next seven days are different because the planets are aligning just right for you to be supported in exactly the way you need/want to be, Leo! Your thoughts are clear, and you’re ready to tell the world about your great ideas – and you have all the right people by your side, ready to hype you up. Start the show; you’re sure to collect more admirers who are mesmerized by your amazing performance the longer it goes on!

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


You can breathe a big sigh of relief now that your planetary leader Mercury has stationed direct. You’re always super uncomfortable with the mess of being misunderstood and having things break down and go wrong, Virgo, so you’re more than happy to have that over and done with. And now you can focus on putting some of your relationships back together! If you said or did the wrong thing over the past few months, apologize. It’s better to repair things with existing partnerships right now than make new ones, although that’s also possible in the right circumstances.

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes. 


As one of the most socially gifted signs, you love this week’s pro-teamwork vibe. You’re fairly sure you wouldn’t be where you are if you didn’t have such a solid friend group behind you, and they feel the same way about you. With the unique planetary energy swirling around you now, you’re especially capable of forming new personal relationships and making business connections. Just try not to be overaccommodating, Libra; your ideas and opinions hold just as much weight as everyone else’s. 

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


Ah, fixed sign Scorpio — you are slow to trust and only keep a small but tight group of friends and confidantes, so you might wince just a little at the thought of widening your social circle this week. But hold up — we aren’t suggesting you do anything that will make you uncomfortable. Ease into business networking by putting out a few email feelers. Then, if that goes well, move on to text a new acquaintance to get to know them a little better. Baby steps, Scorp!

 Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


You’re one of the signs who never met a stranger, and your “the more, the merrier” attitude truly does extend to everyone you encounter. So, Sagittarius, during a week like this, it might actually benefit you to be a little more discerning than usual. Yes, the time is ripe for making a lot of connections and new partnerships, but quality is a lot more important than quantity. You already have enough people around you who are just looking for a good time. This week you need people you can rely on.

 Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


A lot of straightforward earth energy helps you focus on the things that really matter this week, Capricorn. And the fact that you have people around you who are willing to pitch in to help you get all of the items on your to-do list checked off means you’re doing something right. As usual, you’ll be zeroed in on the contacts who can help you advance the fastest, but it’s important not to burn any bridges. Using people to get what you want and then dropping them is never OK.

Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


As an open-minded air sign, you’re an excellent conversationalist. Needless to say, you’re able to flawlessly mix and mingle among a diverse group of people. You love a good party, and if it turns into a huge bash/rager, all the better! You can talk to anyone about anything and aren’t intimidated by new people or situations. So, Aquarius, be sure to use all this social energy to your advantage. Opening the right door this week leads directly to your next romantic adventure or successful job move.

 Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


You come out of your shell when you’re surrounded by close friends and family, but you’re a lot shyer around strangers. So, what’s the universe’s solution to that this week? Throw you out into the world and see how you do! Of course, you have your choice of where you go and who you talk to, but certain situations will definitely take you out of your comfort zone. Grab hold of the chances to grow despite your racing pulse, Pisces. You won’t be sorry!

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

Lead Photo Courtesy of Tim Samuel on Pexels.

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