Weekly Horoscope: November 22-28, 2021

By Horoscope.com

On November 21, 2021

In Astrology, Weekly horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: November 22-28, 2021

2021’s finish line is within sight, folks. As we bid adieu to the season of the Scorpion and greet the Archer, we can expect to shed heavier emotions and situations as we delve deeper. Being ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion, Sagittarius season encourages joy and a little bit of excess. So, beware of overstuffing yourself this Thanksgiving! Beyond the sun‘s shift, Mercury also makes a move this week.

On Wednesday, the planet of communication sprints into Sagittarius, relieving the pressure from its stay in Scorpio. While paranoia and skepticism may have characterized the last few weeks, the collective may be feeling more adventurous and readier to take the world by its horns. 

However, Mercury in Sagittarius isn’t a placement known for its sensitivity or forethought. So, in addition to the adventures that await you this season, be on the lookout for careless communication and preachiness. Curiosity and knowledge are great, but no one wants to be lectured.

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope


The sun and Mercury will trine your sign starting this week, Aries, indicating an ease of energy flow and more than a small boost. With the planets of the self and communication diving into your philosophical zone, you may find yourself feeling more intellectually curious than usual. Perhaps this Sagittarius season will see you starting a new language or academic discipline. Either way, this week definitely marks the start of something new!

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


The last month may have seen you focused on romance, Taurus, especially with the hoard of planets in Scorpio wandering through your relationships sector. Perhaps you went on a few dates or decided to get serious with that person you’ve been seeing. Either way, you’ve probably been quite the social butterfly! From this week on, you’ll want to start digging a little deeper where all your relationships are concerned. Intimacy is the theme for Sagittarius season, so embrace it!

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope.


You’re not normally one to chase partnership, Gemini. I get that, but with the sun and Mercury rolling into your romance zone this week, your head may be in the clouds a little more than usual. Cuffing season is now, so no one would begrudge you for finding someone to cuddle up with for the winter. But if you’d prefer to continue living single, use this energy to manifest something major! You’re magnetic right now, and the right conversation could lead to an opportunity this spring.

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


It’s not your season, but we all know that you’re a sucker for the holidays, Cancer. The presence of family and friends all being together is very much up your alley. But before you get to cooking for Thanksgiving this Thursday, this week would be the perfect time to start tidying up and creating some new habits. With the sun and Mercury in Sagittarius sitting in your wellness and routine zone, you’re being called to take care of yourself for a change. 

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


Fire signs generally shine in the seasons of their siblings, and Sagittarius’ is no exception for you, Leo. With the sun and Mercury hopping into your pleasure zone, you’re sure to have a blast for the next month! While Scorpio season may have seen you preoccupied with your home and family, this one is calling for you to let your hair down (within reason) and do something that you love! Winter may be coming (for the Northern Hemisphere, at least), but there’s always fun to be had in the snow!

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


What better time to focus on family than the holidays, Virgo? This week, the sun and Mercury in Sagittarius will park themselves in your domestic zone for the next few weeks, pulling your focus away from communication and your community to the goings on of your nearest and dearest. Now is the time to call up your loved ones and check in. Or, if you celebrate Thanksgiving, invite some folks over for a meal. A little love can go a long way!

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes. 


You finally emerge from your financial grind this week, Libra. With the sun and Mercury in your communication zone, you’re feeling more social than usual and are uber charming to boot! You might consider spending a little bit of that Scorpio season cash on an outing or two. Additionally, it’d be a good idea to use some of those honeyed words to your advantage this Sagittarius season. If you do, who knows what you might find under your tree come Capricorn season?

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


All good things must come to an end, Scorpio, and your season is no exception. However, Sagittarius season does offer quite a few opportunities for success, especially with the sun and Mercury in your finance sector. If you splurged a little more than recommended during your season, this one is calling you to buckle down, particularly with the holidays approaching. Fortunately, Sagittarius is a lucky sign, so you’re sure to gain more than you lose for the next few weeks.

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


Happy birthday to a real one, Sag! As the most exciting fire sign — no shade to Aries and Leo, of course — this season is sure to be a blast for you. It is yours, after all. You usually turn heads, but with the sun and Mercury in your sign and appearance zone, all eyes will be on you. Feeling like coloring your hair or switching your wardrobe up? This is the best time to do so! Whatever you end up doing, relish in the fact that you’ll probably end up successful.

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


Sagittarius season may find you a little contemplative, Capricorn. The sun and Mercury in Sagittarius creep into your unconscious and secrets sector this week, bringing a some deeply buried sentiments to the surface. If you’ve been repressing your emotions — and I’m sure that you have, Cap — now is the time to pay to the piper. Fortunately, Venus remains in your sign and appearance zone, so while you may feel a little down, you most definitely don’t look it.

Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


People don’t necessarily consider winter to be the most social season of the year, but you’ve never been one for doing things the “normal” way. Have you, Aquarius? Monday and Wednesday see the sun and Mercury, respectively, shifting into Sagittarius and your network sector. It isn’t what you know but who you know. So, now would be a great time to start expanding your circle. That job or opportunity that you’ve been angling for could be yours with the right word from the right person.

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


Pisces isn’t a sign known for having a solid footing in the real world. However, with the sun and Mercury slipping into Sagittarius and your career zone this week, you’re being called to get it together professionally, Pisces. Where are you trying to go in your life? If you haven’t already done so, now is the time to make a plan. Your imagination is huge. Know that you can achieve your wildest dreams if only you buckle up and down.

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

Photos Courtesy of Mălina Sîrbu and Maksim Goncharenok on Pexels.

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