Weekly Horoscope: May 2–8, 2022

By Horoscope.com

On May 1, 2022

In Astrology, Weekly horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: May 2–8, 2022

This week, we shake off some of the last vestiges of Piscean energy as Venus leaves the sign of the Fish for that of the Ram on Monday. The last few weeks may have seen the collective dreaming of our true love’s kiss and fairytale endings. Now, Venus (the planet of love) in Aries demands that we chase after the love for which we’ve been yearning — no more daydreams! Make way for action and passion, but don’t expect longevity, as Venus in Aries brings with it a “here for a good time not a long time” sort of energy.

Beyond Venus’ hijinks, we can expect quite a few astrological goings-on. Wednesday finds Mars (the planet of action) in Pisces in a sextile with Uranus (the planet of sudden change) in Taurus. But there’s no need to sweat the usually disorienting effects of Uranus. Expect the unexpected, but don’t fear it.

Finally, Thursday brings a transit that comes around only once a year: the sun-Uranus conjunction. The collective is being given the astrological go-ahead to take a walk on the wild side and break free from the status quo — but with style, given the Taurean influence.

Courtesy of Ron Lach on Pexels

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope


You may feel like your in bloom this week, Aries. Venus makes her debut in your go-getter sign, shining a light on your self and appearance zone. So, go on with your bad self! Do a little pampering if you have the time. Red’s definitely your color, so dig your nicest rouge digs out of your closet and hit the town. You never know who you’ll happen upon during your adventures!

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


It’s your world, and we’re just living in it, Taurus. However, even the most stubborn Bulls can be made to move, and that’s your reality this week with the Mars-Uranus and sun-Uranus transits. As a fixed sign, you have a certain way of doing things, but have you ever stopped to wonder whether it’s the best way? A questioning energy will linger about you this week. Take advantage of it, and try something new!

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope. 


What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours, Gemini? I imagine that’s a bit of a loaded question considering your Mercurial nature, but there’s a metric ton of Taurean energy bobbling around in the murky waters of your subconscious zone. I imagine that things are a little emotionally confusing at the moment. However, don’t fret. Uranus’ waltz with the sun and Mars this week may gift you with a moment of insight that’ll illuminate your troubles.

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


You are who you surround yourself with, Cancer. The planet of radical change continues its sojourn in your networking zone and makes a few contacts with inner planets. So, expect a shake up regarding your friend groups or how you approach friendships on the whole. Your heart is huge, but are you giving your love and affection to the right people? With the eclipse in the rearview, this will remain a subject for contemplation in the coming weeks.

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


Break on through to the other (professional) side, Leo! Where are you currently in your career? Are you where you’d like to be? If the answer is “no,” this week’s Uranian energy is giving you a rare opportunity to make a radical change. Now, no one is telling you to quite — especially not right before next week’s Mercury retrograde — but you can definitely switch things up. Cast another eye to that freelance position or professsional certification because it’s time for elevation!

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


The times they are a-changin’, Virgo, and your eyes are opening. Much like other earth sign brethren, you favor a good routine, and your thought patterns are no expection. With the electric energy in the air and in your philosophical zone, you’re being encouraged to rethink your approach to life and living. Sometimes, instead of upending our lives completely, we need only change our mindset.

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes. 


Harmony and, dare I say, more casual interactions are your preferred states of being, Libra. But every once in a while, we need to dig a little deeper. This is that week, especially with the Uranian energy bumbling around in your intimate zone. How are you feeling? Really feeling? Explore your less peaceful sentiments this week. An important insight may find its way to you.

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


At the risk of coming across as melodramatic, prepare for a shake-up in the romance department, Scorpio. Uranus, the planet of radical change, and the sun meet in a close dance this week in your partnership zone, assuring the unexpected. For those of you who are more professionally inclined, a surprise may come to light regarding your business partner. In any case, something is afoot in your relationships. Try not to be caught unaware.

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


Are you eating right? Looking after your health, Sagittarius? You see, a wealth of planets in Taurus — particularly Uranus — is sitting in your habit zone, encouraging you to transform your health and day-to-day. Your body is a temple, and it’s high time that you begin treating it as such. Uranian energy implies change and shedding skin, so take advantage of it!

Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


Throughout Venus’ stay in Pisces, things on the home front were probably a little dreamy and fastastical, Capricorn. Well, feel free to breathe a sigh of relief because the planet of love is rolling into your pleasure zone. You’re being given the astrological greenlight to go ahead and let your creative freak flag fly. Summer approaches in the northern hemisphere, and there’s many opportunities to get out, create, and have a ball! Have you considered surfboarding?

Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


Think back to your roots, Aquarius. What ideas and experiences have created the person you are today? Your emotional foundation will be on your mind this week, particularly your childhood. As an innovator, you’re hardly one to dwell on the past, but reflections on your past and home may lead you to a revelation that could bring you some serious inner peace.

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


Alas, sweet Venus leaves your sign on Monday for fierce Aries, Pisces. It’s been a groovy time, but all things must come to an end. However, the energy bubbling in your commucation zone may more than make up for it, especially given Uranus’ connection to the sun in Taurus. Ideas will be flowing. If you’re a creative, that stroke of genius might find you this week.

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

Main photo courtesy of Guilherme Bellisario on Pexels.

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