Weekly Horoscope: March 21–27, 2022

Welcome to the first full week of Aries season! If that wasn’t enough to celebrate, we’ve escaped winter’s icy clutches for spring’s warm embrace — at least in the northern hemisphere. However, Piscean energy hasn’t given up just yet. On Wednesday, Mercury in Pisces conjuncts Neptune in Pisces, so meaning and true intent may become confused. Don’t get played by saccharine words, especially if their actions don’t line up. Still, that’s not the end of the planet’s hijinks.
At the very end of the week, the planet of communication ends its sojourn in Pisces and joins the sun in Aries. While Mercury in Aries can help with assertiveness, beware of “fighting words,” as Aries energy can sometimes approach aggression. Otherwise, indulge in the fiery vibes and (hopefully) sunny weather!

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope
Happy birthday, Aries dear! After the murky waters of Pisces season, your fiery energy is a breath of fresh air! You’re probably feeling ready to take on the world, and with the sun in your appearance zone, you’re positively glowing at the same time. By the week’s end, both the sun and Mercury will be in your sign, super-powering your energy. I’d say “seize the day,” but perhaps “seize the month” would be more appropriate!
Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.
Much to think about before your season comes, Taurus. Sure, it’s a little premature, but with the sun and later Mercury in your unconscious zone, rumination (within reason) is the vibe right now. Perhaps you’re finally working through some long-repressed emotion or situation. Whatever it may be, something’s weighing heavily on your mind this week. Try to face it.
Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope.
‘Tis the season, Gemini. No — not Christmas — but for a bit of springtime fun with friends! The Aries energy that’s just dawned has landed in your networking and friend zone. While the Piscean energy had you in your bag, Aries asks that you not forget your friends. Call them up, and go for a night on the town. You won’t regret it!
Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.
Pisces season saw you exploring your options and maybe embarking on an adventure or two, Cancer. But now that Aries season is here, it’s time to kick it into gear. The sun has shifted into your career zone, so any money moves of this variety are being fueled by the sun’s vitality. This urge will be even more pressing when Mercury joins the sun in Aries later in the way.
Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.
The shift into a sign that shares your element is always a pleasure, Leo, and you’re beginning to feel that heavily this week. What’s more, the sun — and later this week, Mercury — has found its way into your adventure zone. Even if a vacation is out of the question, now’s the time to consider exploring all the nooks and crannies of your area and region. And if you prefer to keep your explorations in the mental realm, open a good book and expand your mind!
Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.
Aries season gives you a much-needed reprieve from the romantic side of life, Virgo. With the Aries sun in your transformation zone rather than your romance one, you’re focusing on more pressing matter. Perhaps you’ll even be moved to discuss them when Mercury shifts into Aries later this week. While Mercury leaves Pisces and this zone, Neptune will remain for some time, but don’t fret! Its influence peaks and wanes depending on aspects due to it being an outer planet.
Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes.
While your zodiac predecessor may not be one for the lovey-dovey, you certainly are, Libra. Fortunately for you, the sun has shifted into Aries and your romance zone, shifting your focus onto your love life. Single or attached, you’ll likely be spending this month with your head a little higher in the clouds than usual. But that’s quite alright. Charge it to spring fever!
Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.
You’re generally far from an untidy sign, Scorpio, but cleaning is generally associated with Virgo. However, the sun’s and Mercury’s transition into Aries and your routine sector has your mind on the day-to-day, which naturally includes cleaning duties. So, put on those gloves, and break out the cardboard boxes because it’s time for some spring cleaning!
Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.
You can be quite the party animal when you want to, Sagittarius. With the sun’s shift into your pleasure zone, it may be time to release the beast! You’ve spent the last few seasons worrying about your home, wealth, and community, leaving very little time for plat. So, let your hair down this season — that is, Aries and spring — and let a little joy in!
Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.
It’s time to bring it on home, Capricorn. Community and communication were the themes for Pisces season, but now, you’re going to have to apply any communication skills you’ve picked up to dealing with familial issues — if there are any. If not, at the very least, take more time this month to call your loved ones. You won’t regret it!
Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.
Spring has sprung, dear Aquarius, and you may be feeling a little more social. You see, the sun has slid into your communication sector, so if you find your mouth going a mile a minute, don’t trip (or get tongue tied). It’s natural for you during Aries season. But if you’re the literary type, get to writing that book! Inspiration abounds; grab it while you can!
Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.
Although the best things in life are free, Pisces, folks need money. This astrological season puts the spotlight on your spending. I know you’re generally fueled by vibes, and that’s cool. But with the sun and soon Mercury in your finance zone, you’re going to need to put more than hope in your checking account. Spend this month budgeting, and getting your fiscal life together. Your wallet will thank you.
Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.
Photo courtesy of Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.