Weekly Horoscope: January 29 to February 4, 2024

By Mary Bergner

On January 28, 2024

In Astrology, Horoscope, Weekly horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: January 29 to February 4, 2024

If you have a lot of things on your to-do list, try to get ‘em done early this week before some lackadaisical planetary shifts come along and zap you of your motivation. Luckily, Monday’s practical trine between Mars (the cosmic instigator) and Uranus (the revolutionary planet) in steady earth signs gets you off to a constructive start by encouraging you to find innovative solutions to your biggest problems. In the end, working smarter not harder saves you a lot of valuable time.

On Friday, a dreamy sextile between Mercury (the universal messenger) and Neptune (supplier of creative thinking) has you lost in the clouds of your imagination, so following through with your responsibilities is about the last thing on your mind. You’d much rather write poetry, make nostalgic playlists, paint abstract art, or work on your memoir than have to come down to earth and address any real life BS.

Dynamic Mercury enters airy Aquarius over the weekend, filling your mind with more “what if” scenarios. You might be more connected with reality now, but you’re still in your head and not very motivated to get out there and get stuff done. Sunday is a great day to play online video games, go live on social media, catch up on emails or research the latest tech trends.

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope


Tackle outstanding tasks quick and early this week, Aries. The more you leave unfinished, the harder it will be to relax. You might not be the most responsible sign, but you don’t like loose ends any more than anyone else does. If you have to ask for help, do it. Accomplishing goals on your own isn’t as important as getting them done. Period.

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


You experience a lot of frustration when things don’t work out the way you planned, but that’s life, Taurus. We don’t mean to sound harsh but certainly you’ve experienced this kind of disappointment (in yourself or others) before. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and try again.

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope. 


Your ability to do some quick thinking is your greatest tool this week. You might not be the most organized person, but you can come up with innovative solutions to problems fast, which makes you a valuable member of the team, Gemini. This is a good time to delegate the stuff you know you won’t have time to (or, let’s face it, just don’t want to) finish.

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


You can’t do it all, so why try? If thoughts like this have been running though your mind lately, Cancer, it’s time to give yourself a break. You aren’t the only one who can get the job done, so why are you expecting so much from yourself? Leaning on others isn’t a weakness. As soon as you admit that you need help you’ll be shocked at how many people show up to assist you.

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


Well, Leo, you have two choices: You can make as big of a deal out of this week’s challenges as possible, or you can go about tackling them quietly and consistently. If anyone thinks you’re going to choose that second option, they don’t know you at all! You might not be able to accomplish all of your goals but you’re definitely not going to go down without a fight. If they want you to give up, they’re going to have to drag you away kicking and screaming!

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


Organization is key if you’re going to finish everything you need to do this week, and luckily that’s a skill you’ve got down, Virgo. While everyone else is running around trying to figure out what they need to do, you’re quietly and methodically going about your business, following your careful routine and getting sh*t done. What a legend! 

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes. 


Your ability to stay calm in the middle of a storm is what’s going to keep you afloat this week, Libra. Things come at you fast over the first few days, and panicking now could really ruin things for later. When other people look to you as an example (and they will), they see your calm exterior and positive attitude and are able to remain calm, too. #Icon.

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


When reality gets to be a little too overwhelming, you can always escape into your fantasies. You don’t usually get caught up in dreamy scenarios that lead you away from your real life, Scorpio, but when the stress gets to be too much this week, dreaming about a parallel universe where everything goes right seems like a valid option. It’s a nice place to visit but don’t plan on staying there for long.

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


You have a naturally high energy level, so you don’t like to stay still for long. This week, you will probably be busier than you expected early on but then plans and obligations start to fall off toward the weekend. Can you find something constructive to do with your time, or are you destined to cause trouble? Just because you have a restless spirit doesn’t mean you have to let it wander 24/7, Sag.

Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


As a new week starts, it’s time to prioritize. Normally you couldn’t imagine not crossing everything off of your important to do list, but you can tell right away that this week there are too many tasks and not nearly enough time or motivation to get them all done. As long as you tackle at least the top five most important chores, assignments and/or obligations, Capricorn, you should be good to go.

Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


Prepare to switch to autopilot as your brain checks out for part of the week, Aquarius. Most of the time you’re able to remain logical when things get too overwhelming, but the vibe around you is a little different now. Give yourself permission to binge on reality TV or eat a little too much of your favorite junk food. You can worry about the other stuff next week. 

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


You’re so close to being able to switch to dream mode, Pisces. You just have a couple little things to accomplish early in the week and then you can coast. Probably. And even if some last-minute work assignments, personal responsibilties or emergencies come up, your mellow mood helps you deal with them without any drama or chaos. Sometimes it really does help to be blissfully unaware of how close to the edge you really are!

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

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