Weekly Horoscope for January 14 to January 21: Expand Your Horizons

By Horoscope.com

On January 14, 2018

In Aspect, Astrology, Date

Weekly Horoscope for January 14 to January 21: Expand Your Horizons

Monday’s dynamic aspect between jovial Jupiter and passionate Pluto can be an opportunity to take a bold step. This influence lasts for about five days this week. It coincides with a new moon in Capricorn, making this an excellent time to act on any dreams and plans. There is a shift in focus as lovely Venus enters Aquarius on January seventeenth, followed by the sun on January nineteenth, ushering in a very sociable and idealistic few weeks. This period could be excellent for networking and other gatherings.

Want a sneak peek into 2018? Find out what to expect right now with your 2018 premium horoscope! 

Aries Weekly Horoscope 
Things seem to be progressing well for you, and this trend continues over this week with a sterling set of influences aiding your journey to success. Now can be an opportunity to make that big push you’ve been dreaming of, especially as the new moon is perfectly placed to aid you in your quest and help your plans blossom. There is a shift to a lighter and more easygoing zone that encourages you to socialize and enjoy mingling with others, which can be beneficial.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope  
You seem to be able to accomplish so much when you join forces with others. This week, a very dynamic aspect involving upbeat Jupiter and intense Pluto could see you taking a step forward that has positive consequences for the future. And with a sizzling new moon encouraging you to leave your comfort zone, things are certainly looking good. A shift in focus to your sector of goals and ambitions on January seventeenth could mean that you’re ready to take on new responsibilities.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope    
Something you’ve desired for a long time could come to fruition this week. Or you might have an opportunity to get moving on a plan or business idea that could be very lucrative. Still, it would help to keep your feet on the ground and not have too many expectations. With lovely Venus entering your sector of far horizons on January seventeenth, followed by the sun on January nineteenth, you could feel moved to research travel options or anything else that lets you unwind.

Cancer Weekly Horoscope
Connecting with or working alongside others can be a very positive and lucrative experience. With a sparkling aspect between lively Jupiter and intense Pluto, much can be accomplished when you team up with others on your wavelength. And the new moon in your sector of relating can help any endeavor get off to the best possible start. As the week progresses, your attention could shift to business affairs and financial matters, and you might be ready to sort out any key issues.

Leo Weekly Horoscope
This week, you might be ready to take a step forward toward a health or work goal that you have been researching for some time. The willingness to do so will certainly be there, and combined with a new moon, you can get things off to the best possible start. This could be an especially busy time, but there is a shift in focus from January seventeenth, when luscious Venus enters your sector of relating, followed by the sun on January nineteenth. This could see you enjoying more social activities.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope 
Romance, creativity, and leisure activities seem to be a major focus. This week, though, a very special aspect could see you acting on an idea whose time has come. This might be a creative opportunity that takes your business or work to a new level, and so it could be very important to you. With a new moon urging you on, this could be one of the best times to make your move. From January seventeenth, health and fitness could also be a priority.

Libra Weekly Horoscope 
The coming week could see you forging ahead with a major plan on the home front. The new moon in Capricorn can be a great asset in this regard, so it would certainly be worth taking that first step. At the same time, it would be helpful to keep your feet on the ground and be mindful of costs. As the focus shifts to your sector of leisure and pleasure on January seventeenth, you can get great enjoyment from creative hobbies and romantic opportunities.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope 
Your mind may be working overtime, but this could be the reason that so many opportunities are now showing up for you. One could become a priority when benevolent Jupiter aligns with potent Pluto in your sector of communication this week. The new moon in this same zone encourages you to share your plans with others to get the support you need. However, the focus shifts to home and family affairs on January seventeenth. It’s time to indulge in some self-care and pampering.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope
An idea that may have come to you in a dream or as an intuitive nudge seems to take on greater importance this week. With expansive Jupiter, your guide planet, aligning with powerful Pluto, this can be an opportunity to take things to the next level by thinking about how you can make it a reality. The new moon in your personal financial zone can help you kick-start this process. Communication and interaction become important from January seventeenth, with some sterling encounters opening new doors for you.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope 
The week ahead could be a turning point for you, with a wonderful aspect between adventurous Jupiter and intensive Pluto paving the way for positive developments. There is also a new moon in your sign encouraging you to step out and act. As it’s the best of the year for you, using it to help you fulfill a dream can bring the rewards you’re hoping for, especially at this auspicious time. From January seventeenth, money and finances could become more of a priority.  

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope 
Listening to your gut feelings can be the way ahead this week, particularly if you’re about to launch a major project. As positive Jupiter aligns with fervent Pluto, your instincts could play a big part in how matters unfold. Also, there is a very positive focus as luscious Venus and the sun move into your sign on January seventeenth and January nineteenth, respectively. This can feel like a rebirth and a chance to get going on other projects that have been on the back burner.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope 
Your social life continues to be busy, and you seem to be deriving so much enjoyment from it. This week brings a golden opportunity to bring a dream to life, especially if you collaborate with friends or others on your wavelength. A new moon in your sector of friendship means this could be the perfect time to kick-start such a project. The focus shifts to a more secluded sector of your chart on January seventeenth. The coming four weeks are a time to relax and reflect.

Make 2018 your year! Here’s how!

Read last week’s horoscope here! 

Image from Dorian Legret. Find the artist’s work on Society6.

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